Previous Prestige Award Recipients

2022 Award Recipients

Arslan A.

University of Calgary International Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Janela A.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Stephan B.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Steven B.

Chancellor’s Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Vivian B.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Maliha C. A.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Ana D.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Lucy D.

Ena Lee Leaders in Business Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Daniela F.

Chancellor’s Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Rowan F.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

César G.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Iliana H.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Nabihah H.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Stephanie H.

Chancellor’s Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Tanjim H.

University of Calgary International Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Aman J.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Azmath K.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Maya K.

Ena Lee Leaders in Business Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Raiyan K.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Raneet K.

Chancellor’s Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Savanah L.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Taro L.

Richard and Lois Haskayne Legacy Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Aidan M.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Aili M.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Caleb M.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Larissa M.

Chancellor’s Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Saoirse M.

Chancellor’s Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Nikko P.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Svara P.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Aroush Q.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Abdul R.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Alison S.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Annika S.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Caleb S.

Dr. Grant Gall Leader in Health Sciences (BHSc) Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Emily S.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Riya S.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Saachi S.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Cassidy T.

Chancellor’s Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Kaia T.

Dr. Grant Gall Leader in Health Sciences (BHSc) Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Natalie T.

Chancellor’s Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Reese T.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Shannon W.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Jason X.

Chancellor’s Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

2021 Award Recipients

Freeha A.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Ali B.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Rita B.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Skye B.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Khadiza B. A.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Cassidy C.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Lucca C.

University of Calgary International Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Samuel C.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Tavish C.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Adrianna D.

Ena Lee Leaders in Business Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Lujaina E.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Artemy G.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Marcus G.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Aon H.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Chantae H.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Ella J.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Evelyn K.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Malana L.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Dylan M.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Lara M.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Mardia M.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Mia M.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Nadeem M.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Niharika M.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Pavan M.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Zachary M.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Anastasha N.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Asha N. N.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

YiTing O.

University of Calgary International Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Gabriel R.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Matthew R.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Scott R.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Aarsh S.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Declan S.

Richard and Lois Haskayne Legacy Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Madison S.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Saba S. Y.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Michael T.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Zain T.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Finn V.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Salma Z.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

2020 Award Recipients

Ajay A.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Gillian B.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Paige B.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Catherine B. L.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Michelle C.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Amneet D.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Sayuni E.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Quinn F.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Amisha G.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Seth G.

Ena Lee Leaders in Business Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Jenna H.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Sigmund H.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Dimitar J.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Bryan K.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Jillian K.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Karthikeyan K.

University of Calgary International Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Michael K.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Alexandra L.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Benjamin L.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships


Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Thomas L.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Hannah M.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Jenna M.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Kai M.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Philippa M.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Raleigh N.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Amy P.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Michael P.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Mitchel P.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Myles P.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Shubh P.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Cole R.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Duncan R.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Ishmam R.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Seniru R.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Jayden S.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Maxwell S.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Raunak S.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Amrit T.

Leader in Health Sciences Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Matias T.

Richard and Lois Haskayne Legacy Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Tausif T.

University of Calgary International Entrance Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Sean U.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Alexandria V.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

Chelsea W.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Liam Y.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneurial Entrance Award
Awards and Scholarships

2019 Award Recipients

Agam A.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Ahmad A.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Emine A.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Liam A.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Yahia A.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Ent. Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Mackenzie B.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Maxwell B.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Emily C.

Richard and Lois Haskayne Legacy Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Jackson C.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Linnaea C.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Tiana C.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Elian D.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Macdonagh D.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Ent. Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Duaa F.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Allison G.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Cynthia G.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Dorit G.

Ena Lee Leaders in Business Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Gabriella G.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Rajpreet G.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Wajahat H.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Aliza J.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Alec L.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Avinash M.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Shannon M.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Ent. Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Alia N.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Amanda N.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Atharva N.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Eric R.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Ent. Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

John R.

Chancellor's Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Katelyn S.

Leader in Health Sciences Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Rani S.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Sarthak S.

Leader in Health Sciences Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Maggie T.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

Isabella U.

Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Ent. Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Amy W.

Seymour Schulich Community Service/Entrepreneur Award
Awards and Scholarships

2018 Award Recipients

Maria B.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Shagufta F.

Chancellor’s Club Scholarship Award Winner
Awards and Scholarships

Joel H.

Chancellor’s Club Scholarship Award Winner
Awards and Scholarships

Arzina J.

Chancellor’s Club Scholarship Award Winner
Awards and Scholarships

Rylan M.

Schulich Leader Scholarship
Awards and Scholarships

Emma S.

Chancellor’s Club Scholarship Award Winner
Awards and Scholarships

Emma S.

Chancellor’s Club Scholarship Award Winner
Awards and Scholarships

Paul S.

Chancellor’s Club Scholarship Award Winner
Awards and Scholarships

Jacquelyn T.

Chancellor’s Club Scholarship Award Winner
Awards and Scholarships

Emily W.

Chancellor’s Club Scholarship Award Winner
Awards and Scholarships

Jaime W.

Chancellor’s Club Scholarship Award Winner
Awards and Scholarships