Myles P.
Seymour Schulich Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Myles Pribeg attended Western Canada High School. Earning a glider pilot's license through an Air Cadet scholarship and being selected for another course through which he will be able to earn a private pilot's license, for powered planes. Since the beginning of high school and continuing to this day he has fostered over 15 dogs for the Calgary Humane Society, keeping them at his house for several weeks to allow them to be prepared for adoption.
In addition to all his extracurricular activities Myles was able to keep a high academic average over 95.Myles chose to attend UCalgary because of its variety of clubs, its co-op programs, and the opportunities it provides to be active. The wide variety of clubs at UCalgary definitely helped attract Myles to the university. Myles has already joined clubs such as SUAV which allows him to combine his interests both in aviation and software development and apply his knowledge in those fields while also providing an opportunity to hone his skills. Another factor in his decision was the university's tight connections with businesses which can provide valuable co-op opportunities at large, well known organizations. Lastly, Calgary's proximity to the mountains combined with the university's large Outdoor Centre make for possibilities that are difficult to find anywhere else.
Myles is enrolled into the business and engineering double major and will specialize into software engineering. Myles has been interested in computers and software since he was very young, and the business portion will help him if I ever start his own business. Myles is quite flexible and would be happy in a variety of jobs as he finds most topics interesting. Once Myles leaves university he will likely find a job at a company for the experience, but he hopes to someday start his own small business.
The Seymour Schulich award will free Myles from having to work excessively and will instead allow him to focus on his studies, invest more time into clubs on and off campus, and allow him to take full advantage of all the opportunities provided at UCalgary. Myles would like to thank the University and the donors for providing him with this scholarship and wonderful opportunities it enables for him.