UCalgary Campus


Find out all you need to know about registering for your classes

Registration changes

You can make course changes during the course change period. This will enable you to add, swap or drop courses. After the course change period, you can withdraw from courses until the last day of classes. This will result in a "W" notation on your transcript. In most cases, you can withdraw from a course through myUCalgary; however, some faculties will require you to submit your request for approval. 

For detailed information on course withdrawal, see the University Calendar.

Registration information for:

First Year Students

Once you've accepted your offer of admission and paid the admission deposit, you'll be able to start planning and registering in courses. We recommend you review the first-year degree guide to help you in planning your courses.

Learn more

Continuing Students

If you've already completed your first year of studies in a degree program at the University of Calgary, you're considered a continuing student. Registration begins near the end of March, check your Student Centre for your enrolment start time.

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Transfer Students

If you've completed some studies at another post-secondary institution, but are new to the university, you're considered a transfer student. Course registration for transfer students begins in early April.

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Open Studies

In open studies, you'll take regular university credit courses without being admitted to a program leading to a degree, diploma or certificate.

Find out more

Visiting and Exchange Students

We welcome applications from any of our exchange partner universities. Contact the exchange office at your home university to find out if we have a formal exchange partnership.

Learn more

Student Advising

Program Advising

Program advisors are knowledgeable and friendly resources you can consult with about program planning, course selection, and more. We strongly encourage you to meet with your faculty advisor before registration begins.

Learn more about program advising

New Student Registration Assistance

New student registration assistance can assist new students entering the university from high school with learning how to register in courses. You can call, email, or drop-in for assistance from April to August.

Learn more about NSRA

Registration Issues and Exemptions

Registration Issues

If you are encountering difficulties with your registration, check this list of current registration issues.

View registration issues

Registration Exemptions

Sometimes unexpected circumstances can affect your registration. As a student, you have the ability to explain your situation by requesting a registration exemption.

Find out more about registration changes and exemptions

News and updates

students walking on a snowy path on campus

Spring and summer course schedule launches Jan. 9

You'll be able to view courses and add them to your shopping cart on/after that date. Spring and summer course registration begins Feb. 25 for continuing students.

Learn more about registering for courses »

Snowy pathway on main campus

Confirmation of registration

Confirmation of registration letters are available to registered students. You can download your confirmation of registration letter through Student Centre (my.ucalgary.ca).

Learn how to access your letter »

Snowy pathway near a residence building on main campus

Finalized exam schedule is posted in Student Centre

Final exam schedule locations are now available. Check your Student Centre (my.ucalgary.ca) for the most current version of your final exam schedule.

Learn more »

Have questions about Registration? Connect with Enrolment Services for support.