John R.
Chancellor's Scholarship
John is pursuing a dual degree in a Bachelors of Education, and Bachelors of Science in General Mathematics. He has many interests, and making a decision on what degree to take was not easy. John knows that he enjoys mathematics, and loves teaching others, so he decided the dual program best met his interests and left options open for the future. In regards to his future career, John is still undecided, apart from the idea of teaching at some point. There are so many possibilities, so for now he is just focusing on gaining a bachelors degree, and might even start writing fiction!
John graduated from St Mary’s Senior High School in Calgary, AB. In his perspective, his top three achievements during high school were: commuting into another city everyday to go to a high school where one grade of students was three times the schools population in his hometown; training for and failing to make the sports teams that he tried out for (badminton, basketball, provincial rugby team), and becoming wholeheartedly involved in his school's community (most notably through the initiatives he started in the S.A.L.T club). From society’s perspective, his top three achievements would be speaking as the valedictorian of his class, receiving this prestige award, and going to provincials for Speech.
Since he grew up in rural Alberta and there are no universities near home, the University of Calgary appealed to John as he could still visit home while maintaining a degree of independence. John enjoys the City of Calgary, and the University of Calgary is a good learning institution.
John’s prestige award is contingent upon academic excellence and community involvement. As such, instead of working, he will be able to make education and community involvement his priorities. Essentially, this prestige award is allowing him to do two things he loves, learning and getting involved, for free.