William S. Herron Family Charitable Foundation Men's Basketball Award

Award value

Up to max of tuition and fees

Number of awards



William S. Herron Family Charitable Foundation

The William S. Herron Family Charitable Foundation was established by Bill and became active shortly after his passing in 1989. The foundation's mission is to support Calgary and area organizations, initiatives and individual needs that are unlikely to f

Award description

  • Offered annually to full-time students in any faculty who are members of the Dinos Men's Basketball team. Preference will be given to students enrolled in the Haskayne School of Business
  • Contribution to the Dinos Men's Basketball program
  • Satisfactory Academic Standing

Required criteria

Student type: Any

Faculty: Business

Year entering: 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Citizenship/residency: Any

Athletic team: Men's Basketball

Award information

Type of award: Athletic

Internal/external/government: Internal