Italian Study Abroad Award

Award value

up to $2000

Number of awards


Application to apply for

Undergraduate Nominated - Continuing Students


Calgary Italian community

Award description

  • Offered annually to continuing undergraduate students in The School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures in the Faculty of Arts who are pursuing a major or minor in Italian; and to students in any faculty who are completing or have completed at least 2 half course equivalents in Italian
  • Academic merit
  • Enrolled in or intending to enroll in an approved course of study in Italy for a minimum of 4 weeks. Apply: Send a short resume, a cover letter describing your interest in studying abroad and two letters of recommendation to The School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures ( by May 1st.

Required criteria

Student type: Undergraduate

Faculty: Arts

Major: ITST

Year entering: 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Citizenship/residency: Any

Award information

Type of award: Award

Internal/external/government: Internal