Taking Action on Supervision Practice

Capturing Strengths and Setting Goals

The Taking Action on Supervision (TAS) project is a weekly reflective writing and learning activity linked to the course objectives. In this project, supervisors are invited to: 

  1. build upon learning by documenting their supervision strengths
  2. capture new ideas gained in the module
  3. set goals for action
  4. commit to action in ongoing development of supervision practice 



Reflective Practice

The outcome of the TAS activity is reflective writing about supervision strengths, learning and ongoing development, and serves as an overall portfolio of each supervisor’s learning in the course. The completion of the TAS project is linked to earning the QGS MOOC Badge.

Quotes from MOOC participants:

The Taking Action on Supervision project “...gave me an opportunity to reflect both critically and positively on my practice"

Graduate Supervisor

The highlight for me was the taking action section each week when I crystallized my learning into actionable items.

Graduate Supervisor

I am more aware of what I am doing right in my supervision and where I can improve.

Graduate Supervisor

I have started to make changes in my lab, including writing as daily tasks, 1-min research project pitch, and social sessions for wellness and support.

Graduate Supervisor