Lujaina Eldelebshany

Twelfth cohort

Scholars Academy

Schulich School of Engineering, Software Engineering

2nd year

Contact information


"People may forget what you did for them, but they will never forget how you made them feel."

As a software engineering student, I spend much of my time analyzing problems and solutions. However, through academia,
entrepreneurship, and community service, I have come to recognize that a toolbox of development skills is only as useful as the strength of dedication, curiosity, innovation and, real-world application. Professionally, this has led me to intern at multiple software development start-ups and work at the University of Calgary School of Public Policy, where I work on deep social media analysis. Aside from that, I have spent my time planning events with the Engineering Students' Society to advocate for diversity, working on personal projects, volunteering at non-profit organizations that look to provide students with mentorship and literacy resources, and writing about the applications, perspectives, and potential of new interests, such as urban design, machine learning for mental health, and cryptography on my Substack newsletter. In my downtime, I love baking, photography, and high fashion, and enjoy combining my engineering knowledge to improve such fields.


  • Schulich Leader Scholarship
  • University of Calgary President's Admission Scholarship
  • Alexander Rutherford Scholarship
  • Walmart Canada Associate Scholarship