Jordi Baro

Main research interests

Avalanche dynamics, criticality, acoustic emission, mechanical failure, microseismicity, self-organization, quenched disorder, out-of-equilibrium statistical physics, metastability.


In general terms, my study is focused on  the physical origin and implications of triggering and patio-temporal correlations in mechanical avalanches. I combine the study of conceptual and numerical models with data from acoustic emission (AE) experiments and microseismicity catalogs:

  • Characterization of the spatio-temporal correlations in AE and microseismicity and discussion on the role of heterogeneity.
  • Effect of transient regimes associated to the physical sources of spatio-temporal correlations to the statistics of AE and microseismological data.
  • Identification of mean field behavior and universality classes associated to frictional and  fracture avalanches  under  different driving conditions.
  • Study of self-organized driving towards criticality in granular assemblies from discrete element simulations.

Potential future projects

  • Role of syntering conditions on the scale-free phenomena in AE and seismology.
  • Emerging mechanisms self-organized driving towards criticality.
  • Determination of control parameters to model the branching processes simulating microseismicity and AE.
  • Role of boundary conditions in the separation of scales found in critical systems beyond finite size scaling.

Other interests

Seismology, complex systems, pattern formation, socio- and econo-physics, complex networks.

Scientific career and education


Postdoctoral Fellow at the 'Complexity Science Group' (CSG) in the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of Calgary (AB,Canda)


Visiting Scholar at the 'Institute of Condensed Matter Theory' (ICMT) in the Universtiy of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (Ill, USA)


 PhD in Physics at 'Estructura i Constitnuents de la Matèria' (ECM) at the 'University of Barcelona' (UB) (Spain)


Ms in Computational and Applied Physics by the 'Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya' (UPC) and Universitat de Barcelona (UB) (Spain)


Bachellor in Physics, 'Universitat de Barcelona' (UB) (Spain)

Selected publications

  1. J. Baró, K. A. Dahmen, J. Davidsen, A. Planes, P. O. Castillo, G. F. Nataf, E. K. H. Salje, E. Vives
    'Experimental evidence of accelerated seismic release without critical failure in acoustic emissions of compressed nanoporous materials'
    (under consideration for Phys. Rev. Lett.)
  2. J. Baró, J. Davidsen
    'Universal avalanche statistics and triggering close to failure in a mean field model of rheological fracture'
    Physical Review E 97, 033002 
  3. J. Baró, J. Davidsen
    'Are triggering rates of labquakes universal? Inferring triggering rates from incomplete information'
    The European Physical Journal Special Topics 226 (15), 3211-3225
  4. J Baró
    Thesis : 'Avalanches in Out of Equilibrium Systems: Statistical Analysis of Experiments and Simulations'  
    Universitat de Barcelona 
  5. J Baró, JM Martín-Olalla, FJ Romero, MC Gallardo, EKH Salje, E Vives, A Planes 
    'Avalanche correlations in the martensitic transition of a Cu–Zn–Al shape memory alloy: analysis of acoustic emission and calorimetry'  
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (12), 125401 
  6. J Baró, Á Corral, X Illa, A Planes, EKH Salje, W Schranz, DE Soto-Parra, E Vives 
    'Statistical similarity between the compression of a porous material and earthquakes'  
    Physical Review Letters 110 (8), 088702
  7. J Baró, S Dixon, RS Edwards, Y Fan, DS Keeble, L Mañosa, A Planes, E Vives 
    'Simultaneous detection of acoustic emission and Barkhausen noise during the martensitic transition of a Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape-memory alloy
    Physical Review B 88 (17), 174108 
  8. J Baró, E Vives 
    'Analysis of power-law exponents by maximum-likelihood maps
    Physical Review E 85 (6), 066121 

More at: google scholar researchgate linkedin

Contact information

office: SB 502   Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Calgary


2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4

telf: (+1) 403 210-6007


