Javier Orlandi
Main research interests
Criticality and Self-Organized Criticality in Neuronal Systems
Spontaneous activity in neuronal cultures
Neuro-glia communication
Network inference in neuroscience
Selected publications
Canals, I., Soriano, J., Orlandi, J. G., Torrent, R., Richaud-Patin, Y., Jiménez-Delgado, S., Merlin, S., Follenzi, A., Consiglio, A., Vilageliu, L., Grinberg, D., Raya, A.,
Stem Cell Reports, 5 (4). 2015
Ph.D. Thesis: Noise, coherent activity and network structure in neuronal cultures
Javier G. Orlandi
Transfer entropy reconstruction and labeling of neuronal connections from simulated calcium imaging
Orlandi, J. G., Stetter, O., Soriano, J., Geisel, T., Battaglia, D.,
PLOS ONE, 9 (6): e98842. 2014
Noise focusing and the emergence of coherent activity in neuronal cultures
Orlandi, J. G., Soriano, J., Alvarez-Lacalle, E., Teller, S., Casademunt, J.,
Nature Physics, 9 (9): 582–590. 2013

Contact information
Javier G. Orlandi, PhD
Postdoctoral fellow
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Calgary SB 502, 2500
University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA T2N 1N4
T: +1 403.210.7903