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Trainee and Early Career Mentorship Program

The Research and Career Development Network Mentorship Program, developed by the IOC Research Centres, represents a multidisciplinary pool of researchers available to provide career mentorship to trainees and early career investigators. The purpose of the mentorship program is to support mentees with discussions related to career pathways, collaboration, communication, leadership, networking, resource identification, current research approaches, and knowledge translation.

Mentorship program participation is voluntary and does not replace current research supervision/mentorship within home Centres or graduate training/postdoctoral program requirements. The recommended duration for the arrangement is a minimum of one year, with a recommended time commitment of 6 meetings per year. Mentors and mentees agree to keep information or discussions shared through the mentoring relationship confidential.

See below for the list of mentors.

The overarching goals of the trainee and early career mentorship program are:

Enhance trainee & ECR exposure

Enhance trainee and/or ECR exposure to international career mentorship, professional development, networking opportunities, and diverse career paths.

Guidance & professional expertise

Offer guidance and professional expertise to trainees and/or ECRs within the IOC Research Centres Network and beyond.

Training & collaboration

Offer cross-cultural training and collaboration in injury and illness prevention research across the IOC Research Centres.


Marco Cardinale Headshot

Marco Cardinale

Prof.; Department of Research and Scientific Support/Aspetar

Professor Marco Cardinale is the Executive Director of Research and Scientific Support in Aspetar, the Qatar Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Hospital and a Honorary Academic and Senior Lecturer at UCL. Before joining Aspetar he was the Head of Sports Physiology and Research of Aspire Academy in Doha (Qatar). He also led the Sports Science activities for the preparation of Team GB at the Beijing 2008, Vancouver 2010 and London 2012 Olympic Games. He has been an advisor to various companies (e.g. Polar Electro, Medisport and Technogym), government agencies, professional sport organisations and national governing bodies in 4 countries before moving to Qatar. Professor Cardinale has been an invited speaker in scientific conferences and coaching clinics in 21 countries and has been an ad-hoc reviewer for numerous scientific journals and various research councils. 


Carolyn Emery Headshot

Carolyn Emery

Professor and Chair, Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre, University of Calgary

Carolyn Emery PT PhD is a physiotherapist and injury epidemiologist. A Professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; she holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Concussion and is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and Royal Society of Canada. Carolyn Chairs the Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre (Canadian International Olympic Committee Research Centre for Prevention of Injury and Protection of Athlete Health). She is a member of the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute, O’Brien Institute for Public Health, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, and McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health. The focus of Carolyn’s research program is injury and concussion prevention in youth sport, with a focus also on rehabilitation and parasport; aimed to reduce the public health burden of injuries and concussions and their long-term consequences. Carolyn aims to keep youth participating in the sports they love.


Apply to be a mentor

Profiles of researchers who volunteer to be mentors, and their contact information, will be made available online for potential mentees. Applications, along with a headshot to be used on the mentorship program registry, can be submitted below. Interested trainees and early career investigators will contact potential mentors that have volunteered to be part of the mentorship program directly. Mentors will be provided with materials to assist in setting some initial goals with your mentee.