Training and Career Development Network developed by the IOC Research Centres

International training and career development network for prevention of injury and protection of athlete health

The Training and Career Development Network, developed by the International Olympic Committee Research Centres, recognizes the importance of engaging trainees and early career researchers across all initiatives and specific trainee and early career-focused initiatives. Hence, it is our mutual ambition to establish a trainee and early career researcher network. Research trainees may include postdoctoral scholars, graduate students (Masters or Doctoral), undergraduate research students, medical or other clinical students, or clinical fellows who are pursuing research training aligned with the IOC Research Centres for Prevention of Injury and Protection of Athlete Health. 

The Training and Career Development Network consists of four components:

  1. trainee-led seminars
  2. a mentorship program
  3. international trainee exchanges
  4. research methods training

The goal of this network is to support quality trainee and early career investigator initiatives in alignment with the goals of the IOC Research Centres. Through collaborations across the 11 International Olympic Committee Research Centres, the International Olympic Committee promotes injury and disease prevention, and the improvement of physical health of the athlete.


International Olympic Committee Research Centres