Assisting a Colleague in Distress
Learn to recognize common signs of distress and how you can offer assistance and support to a colleague in distress.
What to do when concerned about an employees wellbeing
A guide for leaders that show the steps to take when they feel concern for their employees wellbeing.
Impairment in the Workplace
Ensure you understand your responsibilities as a leader regarding workplace impairment and how to recognize and respond to an impaired employee.
Mental Health Support Following Critical Incidents
Know the mental health resources available at UCalgary so you can guide your team in the event of a critical incident.
Assisting Students
Recognizing signs of distress in students and responding with care and concern can help them resolve issues that are roadblocks to success and safety.
Common Reactions After a Critical Incident
Critical incidents are unexpected, unusual events perceived by an individual as threatening or traumatic. If you experience a critical incident, you can have a wide range of reactions.
Workplace Mental Health Minute
Use this information in meetings, presentations or at events to raise awareness about mental health and resources available to support faculty and staff. PDF available here. For PowerPoint version, email:
Mental Health Strategy
In December 2015, the University of Calgary launched the Campus Mental Health Strategy, a bold commitment to the mental health and well-being of our university family.

Sexual Violence Support
There are a number of supports, both on and off campus, that are available if you or someone you know has had someone perpetrate sexual violence against them.