"Time management focuses on planning and determining the amount of time you spend on specific tasks. Your time management skills will serve you well in the planning step of the process for independent learning."
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Online time Management
When learning online, time management is very important. Time management focuses on planning and determining the amount of time you spend on specific tasks. Your time management skills will serve you well in the planning step of the process for independent learning. Visit My Online Learning Journey module of this course if Independent Learning is a new concept for you.
Here are five tips to help you manage your time online:
Tip number 1: Set goals for yourself. Creating both short term and long-term goals for yourself can help you stay motivated and on task. Develop realistic goals that challenge you and are not unachievable.
Tip number 2: Prioritize tasks. Assess what you need to accomplish and determine which tasks are more important and should be completed first. Setting priorities will help you achieve your goals and mitigate your overall stress.
Tip number 3. Stay organized. After setting goals and determining priorities, create a plan for getting them done. Using a calendar, checklists, reminders, or notifications can help you stay organized and on task throughout your course.
Tip number 4. Find balance. Excessive stress does not allow anyone to perform at their peak. Find healthy ways to manage your stress and the pressures of studying. Make time for sleep, hobbies, healthy eating, and socialization in your schedule. Setting time limits and taking breaks throughout your day can help you find and maintain a balanced schedule.
Tip number 5. Reduce distractions. When learning online, it can be difficult to stay focused. Limit distractions by putting away devices such as mobile phones, turning off unnecessary notifications, and working in quiet spaces where you feel comfortable.
Create a weekly schedule
Creating a weekly schedule can help you manage your time learning and working online. Weekly schedules can also help you answer the following questions:
Do I have enough time to study?
Do I have time to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
Does my time allow me to meet my overall goals?
Here are nine steps to help you create a weekly schedule:
Step 1. Record regular weekly commitments. This includes all commitments such as classes, work, volunteering, and practicums.
Step 2. Designate regular study times for each class. It is best practice to try and study daily or multiple times throughout the week instead of just once.
Step 3. Include regular activities. This includes all activities such as mealtimes, family times, and errand times.
Step 4. Record scheduled personal activities and hobbies. This allows you to set aside time for the things in your life that you enjoy.
Step 5. Organize your studying. Try focusing on the most difficult subject or content first.
Step 6. Schedule a weekly review for each course. This will allow you to review the material learned that week as well as look ahead to identify any readings, assignments, or projects that need to be done the next week.
Step 7 Schedule daily physical activity. Online school does not allow for very much movement. Physical activity can relieve stress and facilitate your focus and concentration.
Step 8. Keep some blocks open. This will allow for any academic or personal needs.
Step 9. Schedule set time on the weekend for relaxing and doing what you enjoy. If you stuck to your schedule, you deserve a break!
Use the weekly schedule infographic when planning your daily or weekly activities.
Click HERE to see the Weekly Schedule infographic
Click HERE to view the More on Student Support video transcript
Now that you have learned about the support available to you as a student at UCalgary Continuing Education, create a complete list of the supports that you may need when taking an online course in the future. Developing a list of important email addresses, phone numbers, websites, videos, and directories will provide you with a reliable resource you can reference when needed.

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