Polish your written communication as you complete the 'Think About It' and 'Your Turn' activities. The handouts are a starting point. Feel free to express your thought using any visuals that work for you, and then use them as a springboard to start your writing.
Your Turn
Now it is your turn to act. Can you tell what your preferred learning style is?
Take the learning styles survey and discover your areas of opportunity!
After the survey
Look back to the learning situations you remembered at the beginning of the module and answer the questions below considering what you now know about learning, independent learners, and learning styles.
Write your answers for each situation in the handout provided.
What did or didn’t it work?
How did your feelings influence your learning experience?
Were there any missed opportunities or regrets?
What would you like to have done differently, more of, or less of?
Second, use what you learned in this module to start planning your next learning adventure.
Begin by brainstorming ideas about how you would prepare to take your next online certificate or course.
Write down in the the areas of opportunity for each type of online course based on your preferred or dominant learning style.
Click HERE to view the Learning Style Survey handout

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