Global Learning Award
Let us help you fund your global learning experience!
The Global Learning Award supports University of Calgary students participating in an official UCalgary Global Learning programming.
This includes:
- Exchanges and Group Study Programs
- Credit-bearing work-based programs such as co-ops, practicums, internships and research placements
- Teaching Across Borders program
The University of Calgary is committed to making international opportunities as accessible as possible. The Global Learning Award can help make your education abroad experience more affordable by contributing to some of the extra costs involved, such as flights and accommodation. The Global Learning Award is a competitive award and not all eligible applicants will receive funding. Please note the eligibility and selection criteria below for details.
Important: students cannot have previously received funding from the Global Learning Award, International Study Travel Grant, International Studentship, UGo Virtual Learning Grant, Undergraduate International Research Grant, or the Global Skills Opportunity Program including the Global Indigenous Skills or Global Access Fund competitions. Recipients are not eligible for more than one award during the same term.
To be eligible for a Global Learning Award, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Student programs abroad must be considered a Fall 2024 global learning experience with respect to the starting and/or ending dates and any transfer credit is applied to the Fall term.
- Must be earning credit towards a degree at the University of Calgary (UCalgary), i.e. accepted into and registered in a degree program at time of submitting the award application;
- Must be participating in a UCalgary Global Learning program such as a Student Exchange, Group Study Program, or Teaching Across Borders, or an unpaid credit-bearing work-based program such as a Co-op, Practicum, Internship or Research placement;
- Must be obtaining a minimum of three units of academic credit towards their degree for their study abroad experience (three units = one half course equivalent = one (1) semester course);
- Have a minimum academic standing of 3.0 GPA (Grade Point Average) over the last eight (8) courses taken for undergraduate students OR are graduate students in good academic standing (flexibility can be provided for students with documented accommodations);
- Have completed at least eight (8) courses (24 units) towards their undergraduate degree program by the time they go abroad (may include transfer courses) OR completed at least one semester of their graduate degree program prior to going abroad;
- Applicants with less than eight (8) courses completed towards their undergraduate degree program at the time of application must have at least four (4) courses completed with a minimum of 3.0 GPA and have completed at least eight (8) courses with a 3.0 GPA, prior to travel; and
- Have not received funding from the Global Learning Award, International Study Travel Grant, International Studentship, UGo Virtual Learning Grant, Undergraduate International Research Grant, or Global Skills Opportunity Program including the Global Indigenous Skills or the Global Access Fund competitions. Recipients are not eligible for more than one award for an individual experience and preference will be given to applicants who are not receiving another award in the same term.
- Note: in the budget section strong consideration may be given to applicants who demonstrate how this award will close the gap of existing unmet financial need that hinders participation in your planned global learning program.
For a printable version of the above guidelines please e-mail
For students participating in a global learning program administered by UCalgary International:
- Please log into RAISA:
- Complete/update your profile.
- Click on the ‘Funds’ tab.
- Search for the Fall 2024 Global Learning Award and click on the apply button.
- Complete your application and make sure to submit it. Please note: you need to press submit. Saved applications will not be considered by the committee past the deadline.
For students participating in a program administered by another faculty/department:
Please follow the above steps to log into the application system and create a profile.
When completing the application:
Under "program details", for program choose “Other”. For the program name, please enter in the name in the following format: Faculty – Program Type – Partner Institution (for exchanges only) – Country. For example:
- Schulich – Exchange – Stuttgart,
- Education – TAB – Vietnam,
- Haskayne – Exchange – Bocconi, or
- Social Work – Practicum – Barbados.
To check the status of your application, please follow these steps:
- Log into RAISA:
- Click on the tab labeled “My Applications” and then click on "view fund applications".
The status of your application will be shown on the right-hand side of the Fund application title.
Here is what each status means:
Accepted - Congratulations, you have been awarded an award. You will receive an email within 24 hours of this status change with the award details. If it has been more than 24 hours, please email to have the letter re-sent. Please make sure to check your junk/spam mailbox.
Applied - Your application has been completed and successfully submitted. Your application will remain at the applied status until the system is updated with the committee decisions.
Declined- Unfortunately, you have not been awarded an award.
Saved - You have a draft application. Any applications that are saved are not considered by the committee. Please ensure you complete and submit your application by the deadline.
Withdrawn -You have not been able to complete the study program or an acceptable alternative and are therefore ineligible for an award so your funding has been withdrawn. This is only used for students who withdraw an application before the committee considers it or who withdraw after they have been awarded.
What do I need to do to have my Global Learning Award paid out?
Once you have been accepted, here are the steps you will need to complete to receive your Global Learning Award:
Accept Terms and Conditions:
- Log into RAISA:
- Click on the tab labeled "My Applications", and then click on "view fund applications".
- You should be able to see a button called “Registration." Please click on it and check the box that confirms you have read and understood all the terms and conditions for receiving the grant.
Update your banking information:
- Enter your banking information through your Student Centre:
- Go to the "My Financials" section and click on "Submit Direct Deposit Info" (NOTE: this is in very small text at the base of the "Awards and Scholarships" block.)
When will my award be paid out?
Students must provide their banking info and accept the Terms & Conditions prior to receiving their award.
The award payment will be scheduled for disbursement once all terms and conditions of the award have been accepted and acceptance by the host institution is confirmed by the awardee or the Global Learning Advising team.
For a printable version of the Global Learning Award Terms and Conditions please e-mail
1. Are there any changes from previous competitions?
Yes. The Global Learning Award, formerly known as the International Study Travel Grant, has a new design to better support the affordability of Global Learning Experiences for individuals. The total value of the award will be greater than in previous years to help with financial requirements associated with global experiences. Due to the change in design, fewer overall awards will be available. The Global Learning Award is competitive, and applicants should note the criteria for application closely. Terms and conditions are subject to change prior to the competition being opened.
2. I have applied for a study program but have not received confirmation of my acceptance, am I still eligible?
Yes. You can apply based on the tentative dates and details for your proposed program. If the committee chooses to award you funding, it will be contingent on you providing proof of participation in the program.
3. How much is the Global Learning Award?
Since available funds are divided among chosen recipients, no exact estimate for funding amounts can be provided. We anticipate between $1,500 – 2,000 per recipient, however, this is subject to change.
1. If I previously received an International Studentship Award, or an International Study Travel Grant, am I eligible for the Global Learning Award?
No. The Global Learning Award, formerly known as the International Study Travel Grant, is limited to one per student.
2. If I previously received an International Studentship Award or an International Study Travel Grant, and I have since changed into a different degree program, am I eligible for the Global Learning Award?
No. The Global Learning Award is limited to one per student, not per degree program.
3. If I am participating in a UCalgary program as a Visiting Student (e.g. from MRU) am I eligible for the Global Learning Award?
No. Students must be earning credits towards a UCalgary degree.
4. I have applied to transfer to UCalgary, so my global learning program will count towards my degree once I am accepted. Am I eligible for the Global Learning Award?
You must be accepted into an UCalgary degree program by the Global Learning Award application deadline. Most students will not receive confirmation that they have been accepted for transfer until mid-summer. If you are planning on participating in a winter semester global learning program, you can apply in the fall competition for funding if your transfer is not finalized by the March deadline. If you apply before your transfer is approved, you will not be an eligible applicant.
5. I am an Open Studies Student, am I eligible?
No. Open Studies students are not officially registered in a degree program so they are not earning credit towards a degree. If you were an Open Studies student in the past but you have been accepted into a degree program at UCalgary by the Global Learning Award application deadline, you are eligible. Note: For students who are completing their degree shortly before participating in their Global Learning experience and will participate in their Global Learning experience as an open studies student, providing you are registered in a degree program at UCalgary at the time of submitting your application you would be eligible.
6. I am looking to attend a conference related to my thesis/research/degree, am I eligible?
No. Conferences are not eligible for funding through the Global Learning Award. Please contact the Students’ Union (if you are an undergraduate student) or the Faculty of Graduate Studies (if you are a graduate student) to see what other funding options may be available to you.
7. I am not eligible for the Global Learning Award. Can you suggest other sources of funding?
We have compiled a list of funding options for students to further investigate. Click here for more information.
8. I am an International Student. Can I apply for a Global Learning Award to help with the cost of my studies at UCalgary?
No. The Global Learning Award is only awarded for studies undertaken outside of Canada. However, international students who are participating on a global learning program (such as an exchange or group study) are eligible to apply for the Global Learning Award.
9. I applied for the Global Learning Award or the International Study Travel Grant in a previous year or previous degree but did not receive it. May I apply again?
Yes! You are only ineligible if you have received the award before and were paid.
1. I have not yet received my award. What do I do?
Please check your bank statement for the month that you were supposed to receive your award. The money should have been deposited either on the 10th or 25th of the month. If you do not see it, please connect with our awards team at for next steps.
Promotional Requirements:
1. I want to see if a promotional activity will be accepted. Who do I contact?
Please send an email with the details to
All award recipients must participate in a promotional event or contribute a promotional submission that is equivalent to 2 hours of volunteer work or comparable effort.
Please let us know which promotional requirement you would like to participate in by emailing our awards team at We suggest picking 2 options in case your first one is not available.
1. Volunteer for in-person marketing events or promotional assistance:
This requires a time commitment of 2 hours total or 2 shifts. All the necessary information will be prepared and provided to you. Most of our marketing events occur in September and throughout the Fall semester, with limited opportunities in early Winter semester. Opportunities include:
- Tabling: Sign up to help staff one of our promotion tables, hand out brochures, and help answer general questions. You will need to sign up for 2 shifts to complete your 2-hour volunteer commitment. You will be notified when shifts have been created and posted in Elevate. We will have multiple opportunities to sign up for shifts throughout the semester.
- Postering: Help us get posters up around campus! You will take a set of posters to designated buildings where you will ensure all the notice boards have our posters. Please be sure to hit all the floors of the buildings. You will need to sign up for 2 shifts to complete your 2-hour volunteer commitment. You will be notified when shifts have been created and posted in Elevate. We will have multiple opportunities to sign up for shifts throughout the semester.
- Classroom Visits: Give a brief presentation on global learning opportunities (slides provided). These spaces are quite limited, so please pick a back-up option in case these are not available.
- Info Sessions/Presentations: Join one of our info sessions to satisfy your requirements. Please note, these are invitation only by instructors or Global Learning Advisors. Let us know if you are interested in participating in a presentation, info session, or panel and we will make note of it - but plan to have another option in place to fulfill your requirements as these opportunities are quite limited.
- Volunteering with a non-Global Learning event (outside of our office): Volunteering for events not organized by the Office of Global Learning but still affiliated with a UCalgary faculty or department can count towards your hours but are subject to approval. These events must contain a component of promoting a Global Learning program or experience. Please send an email with details to prior to the event for approval.
2. Apply to be a Content Creator:
While you are abroad, you can apply to be a Content Creator. Our Content Creators write blogs, collect and submit photos, and help with social media promotions and takeovers. Being a Content Creator fulfills your entire promotional requirements. Applications to be a Content Creator typically open in the month or two ahead of your departure. Please email us at and CC if you have any questions or are interested! Please note, this option is not available if you have already returned from your program.
3. Write a blog or article:
Students who write a blog entry for our UCalgary Abroad Blog about their experience in one of our programs can have their 2-hour requirement fulfilled. If you are interested in writing a blog, please notify our team at and follow the instructions provided in our Blog Guidelines.
There are instances where other forms of writing or articles might count towards your requirements. This includes writing for other UCalgary online sources that promote study abroad opportunities (e.g. a faculty’s blog, website, or program information page), articles that are published by on-campus publications (e.g. Gauntlet, UThisWeek), articles written for relevant student club newsletters, or if you were interviewed by or wrote for your host institution while abroad (we would need permission to re-post and share the article on our blog page). Please contact to discuss any of these possibilities.
If you wish to use articles published on your personal blog towards your promotional requirement, you will need to contact in advance to discuss this.
4. Submit a collection of photos:
Students who submit 15-30 photos can have their 2-hour requirement fulfilled. These photos should document your global learning experience, with special emphasis on the student experience (i.e. photos of you and friends at your host university and host city, not just landscapes/scenery). The goal is to use these photos in our marketing materials, so ensure they are good quality and high resolution.
Please notify our team that you intend to submit photos for your requirements at and follow these instructions:
- Select 15-30 high quality, high-resolution photos with good lighting and clear focus. photos must be in jpeg or png format (no heic photos please)
- Label each photo
- Create a separate word document that describes/gives context to each photo and your study abroad experience (do NOT put your photos in this document)
- We will create a unique google drive link for you to submit your photos. Please email us at to let us know when you are ready and we will send that link to you.
- Download and sign this release form
- Upload your photos, word document, and release form to your Google Drive file
Please note, all photos must be submitted individually. Do NOT put them in a word doc, pdf, etc. Pasting/saving photos in a document not only makes it difficult to utilize for materials, but it severely degrades their quality.
5. Social Media Takeover:
One of the ways that you can fulfil your 2-hour volunteer requirement is to create a one-day social media takeover for us. This involves sharing stories and pictures about your experience in your program. If this is what you would like to do to satisfy your requirements, please email us at You will be given instructions on how to sign up through Elevate. These opportunities are limited and fill up quickly, so please pick a back-up promotional requirement in case this option is no longer available.
6. Enter our International Video Contest:
Each Fall semester in the month of October the University of Calgary International (UCI) holds an International Video Contest. Students who have been abroad are encouraged to submit a short video promoting the city, university, and experience they had while abroad. Submissions can count for the following hour equivalents:
- A shorter “reel” style submission of 60-seconds will count towards 1-hour of volunteer work. You will need to sign up for additional postering or tabling to fulfil the rest of this requirements
- A longer submission video format (usually around 5 minutes) will count towards a full 2-hours of volunteer work
Please refer to our International Video Contest website for more information on the contest and how to apply. If we are outside of the contest window and you are not able to submit an entry, please select a different option to fulfil your requirements.
7. Enter our International Photo Contest:
Students who enter the International Photo Contest may receive up to 2 hours' worth of volunteering credit towards their promotional requirement. In order to satisfy the 2 hour commitment, you must:
- submit a full 6 photos (2 per category)
- submit an accompanying personal testimonial for each photo (e.g. why did you take this photo, is there a story around it, was it an important part of your global learning experience, etc.)
Make sure to notify the coordinator at regarding your participation.
For instructions on how to enter, please check our International Photo Contest Page. The photo contest is usually held during the Winter semester. Please note, simply submitting photos to the International Photo Contest is not sufficient for fulfilling your requirement.
8. Volunteer at the Global Learning Office as an Ambassador:
Students who volunteer as Global Learning Ambassadors will have their promotional requirement fulfilled simply by completing the responsibilities of the ambassador role. As an ambassador, you will assist students interested in global learning programs, conduct peer advising, and help with various promotional activities throughout the year. For students interested in doing more involved work during the year (such as coordinating events and collaborating more closely with office staff), you may wish to consider becoming a Global Learning Ambassador Team Lead.
This is a formal, long-term role in our office that you must apply for. Applications are taken once per year, typically in July. Please see the website for more information.
9. Suggest an idea!
We are always looking for new promotional suggestions. Let us know your idea by emailing us at to see if it will count toward your hours!
Upon your return, you must complete our Program Survey with Testimonial. This is due within three weeks of completing your period abroad.
Click here for the 2024/25 survey (for global learning programs undertaken in Fall 2024, Winter 2025, or Spring/Summer 2025)
Any questions or technical difficulties should be directed to