Personal Effectiveness

Support Staff Core Competencies


Personal Effectiveness is the ability to demonstrate respect, dignity and integrity in interpersonal relationships and to demonstrate positive personal coping and wellness strategies. This is a list of specific behaviour descriptions for this competency, intended to support performance management and development. Each behaviour is described according to the expectation for each job phase. Not all descriptors are required, nor applicable, for each job.

The person performing this job is typically or frequently expected to demonstrate the following behaviours, skills, knowledge.

  1. Phase I

    Is approachable, personable and helpful when dealing with others.

  2. Phase II

    Interacts with others effectively; demonstrates consideration and respect. Aware of the impact of behaviour on others and able to modify approaches appropriately.

  3. Phase III

    Demonstrates highly developed interpersonal relations expertise in dealing with a range of situations which may include complex, sensitive and/or confidential issues.

  1. Phase I

    Demonstrates honesty and fairness; meets workplace expectations and commitments.

  2. Phase II

    Follows, and encourages others to follow ethical practices, workplace codes, standards, procedures and expectations, including the boundaries of confidentiality.

  3. Phase III

    Has a well-developed sensitivity to and understanding of professional ethics and workplace standards and expectations and is able to both set and follow them; coaches or acts on behalf of others.

  1. Phase I

    Carries out tasks to accomplish expected results and interacts with others appropriately.

  2. Phase II

    Achieves productive results through balancing completing tasks with maintaining effective relations with others.

  3. Phase III

    Successfully balances results oriented focus with interpersonal relations considerations in complex, challenging situations; assists others in developing their skills in this area.

  1. Phase I

    Follows the work schedule and/or completes assigned tasks within timelines.

  2. Phase II

    Sets and/or negotiates priorities and accomplishes activities or processes within timelines.Sets and/or negotiates priorities and accomplishes activities or processes within timelines.

  3. Phase III

    Applies a variety of time management strategies when dealing with a range of issues and problems while carrying out diverse roles and responsibilities.

  1. Phase I

    Follows through on tasks and assignments despite obstacles.

  2. Phase II

    Positively motivates self to persevere with activities and projects despite setbacks and challenges. Encourages others.

  3. Phase III

    Perseveres with complex, challenging situations; positively motivates and coaches others; seeks resources, supports and pursues alternatives as appropriate.

  1. Phase I

    Demonstrates the ability to deal with pressure and other workplace stressors appropriately.

  2. Phase II

    Handles pressure and stressful situations effectively so productivity is not affected; identifies and negotiates personal boundaries; requests assistance as needed.

  3. Phase III

    Handles complex, stressful situations with diplomacy, calmness and good judgement; helps reduce workplace stressors for self and others; coaches and assists others as appropriate.

  1. Phase I

    Accepts constructive feedback; sets learning goals and develops skills.

  2. Phase II

    Takes responsibility for own learning and development. Uses self assessment, reflection on events, feedback and other information in developing capabilities or modifying behaviour.

  3. Phase III

    Manages own learning and development and personal career development; fosters and supports this in others.