Foster Innovation

Management and Professional Staff Core Leadership Competencies 


Understand behaviours to see how this competency is demonstrated at different levels of proficiency. Competencies are not rated during the annual review. This information is provided to help employees and managers describe strengths and opportunities for development.

To champion and facilitate the development of breakthrough research and new solutions; to bring in changes and new ideas that improve services, methods, or approaches. Shows the ability to turn difficult situations into opportunities. 

  1. Poor Level of Proficiency

    • Not open to new ideas or solutions
    • Does not generate or select creative ideas for implementation
    • Stuck in their comfort zone of tasks and methods of doing things
    • Occasionally contributes creative ideas
    • Sometimes makes connections between various notions
    • Prefers the tried and the true
    • Will implement new ideas or solutions with significant support
  2. Expected Level of Proficiency

    • Can manage the creative process of others
    • Facilitates effective brainstorming
    • Proposes and explores original and innovative suggestions
    • Makes connections between unrelated notions
    • Shows good judgment about what ideas will work and how they will play out
    • Is good at applying and implementing new ideas
    • Can manage the creative process of others
    • Facilitates effective brainstorming
    • Proposes and explores original and innovative suggestions
    • Makes connections between unrelated notions
    • Shows good judgment about what ideas will work and how they will play out
    • Is good at applying and implementing new ideas
  3. High Level of Proficiency

    • Consistently develops and implements breakthrough research, improvements and changes
    • Creates an environment conducive to unique ideas, calculated risk and experimentation
    • Challenges the status quo constructively
    • Effectively turns problems and challenges into opportunities
    • Champions best practices within the university and/or their research