Envision the Future

Management and Professional Staff Core Leadership Competencies 


Understand behaviours to see how this competency is demonstrated at different levels of proficiency. Competencies are not rated during the annual review. This information is provided to help employees and managers describe strengths and opportunities for development.

Anticipates and interprets future trends, by drawing on their experience and university knowledge to make decisions, to problem-solve, and to align people and resources in increasing challenging and complex situations.

  1. Poor Level of Proficiency

    • Has narrow experience and lacks knowledge about current and future policies, trends, technology and/or information affecting their business and/or university
    • May be a very dedicated functional or professional expert
    • Misses the complexity of the issue and force-fits problems or situations to what they are comfortable with
    • Unlikely to come up with a second or better solution, ask penetrating questions or see hidden problems
    • Occasionally demonstrates broader knowledge of their business, world events and future trends, technology and policies
    • Questions show some insight into the situation
    • Occasionally suggests solutions or ideas beyond the obvious
  2. Expected Level of Proficiency

    • Has broad knowledge and perspective
    • Knowledgeable in current and possible future policies, practices, trends, technology affecting their business and the university
    • Anticipates future consequences and trends
    • Can see hidden problems
    • Looks beyond the obvious and doesn’t stop at the first answers
    • Expert level knowledge of trends, information, policies or technology impacting their business and/or the university
    • Can see hidden problems and create meaning or patterns
    • Generates a variety of options for challenging and complex situations
  3. High Level of Proficiency

    • Synthesizes diverse ideas and trends into relevant and practical policies and/or solutions
    • Considered a leader in their field setting policies, creating trends and practices which others follow
    • Tackles complex challenges regularly and successfully often beyond their fieldy

Defines the future direction of the university, department, team, or program and uses the vision to guide and align the efforts of all members of the university. 

  1. Poor Level of Proficiency

    • Does not think or talk strategy
    • More comfortable in the tactical here and now
    • Lacks the perspective to pull together varying elements into a coherent strategic view
    • Cannot weave a vision of the future
    • May reject the usefulness of strategy
    • Occasionally considers possible future scenarios
    • Can see some of the connections between their work and the vision
    • More comfortable in the tactical here and now
  2. Expected Level of Proficiency

    • Sees ahead clearly
    • Looks toward the broadest possible view of an issue/challenge
    • Can easily pose future scenarios, and possibilities
    • Talks beyond today
    • Integrates the vision into program, team and/or departmental work
    • Can communicate a compelling and inspired vision or sense of core purpose
    • Makes the vision shareable by everyone
    • Can inspire and motivate colleagues, teams, units and/or university
  3. High Level of Proficiency

    • Considered visionary by colleagues, peers and supervisors internally and externally
    • Takes team and/or department initiatives into new territory
    • Creates milestones and symbols to rally support behind the vision