Writing Support Booking for the Winter 2025 Term is now open.
Weekly Appointment limits have been temporarily increased to 3 appointments per-week.
One-on-one appointments
Do you want to improve your writing? Writing Support Services offers free individual writing consultations for UCalgary students. We'll support you to develop an individual writing process that'll allow you to become an independent and effective writer.
During the consultations, you can:
- discuss your writing process and learn strategies to write more effectively
- review returned papers to understand how to improve your written assignments
- work with an instructor on an ongoing basis to improve essay structure, paragraph development, sentence structure, style, grammar, and punctuation
- receive information on writing papers, book reviews or other assignments
- learn how to use and document sources
- Get help with English as a second language
One-on-One Writing Support Appointments are available online and in-person, seven days a week throughout the Fall and Winter semesters. Students can book up to two writing appointments per-week with a maximum of two writing appointments per day.
Please Note: The following services will be held in-person only at the location(s) designated in Elevate.
- Sensory-friendly Writing Support Appointments
- Writers’ Space
- Dinos Writing Support
- Writing Support for Indigenous Students at Writing Symbols Lodge
Writing Support
Instructions: book writing appointments and register for events
Booking and Cancelling One-on-One Writing Appointments »
Booking Asynchronous Writing Appointments »
Registering and Cancelling Writing Workshops and Communities »

Register for Peer-Assisted Writing Training
Want to gain mentorship skills while strengthening your academic writing? Become a Peer Assisted Writing (PAW) mentor!
For more info on PAW visit the Writing Skills Badges page.
The first PAW training session will be February 10, 2025.
Want to learn more about our services? For more details about what we offer and how to access our services, watch our Introduction to Writing Support Services Video
Evening and weekend writing support sessions are available on Zoom or in-person TFDL 150A. Availability for these sessions can be found under the Writing Support tab in Elevate.
Are you registered in a distance program at the University of Calgary? Writing support services offers synchronous tutoring for distance students using Zoom. Availability for these sessions can be found under the Writing Support tab in Elevate.
Writing Support is happy to offer an online venue for UCalgary students to submit questions from anywhere or anytime. This system allows students to submit quick citations or grammar questions. We aim for, but can't always guarantee, a turn-around time of less than a week on email requests for help. The more direct and specific the questions, the faster that we can respond. For more extensive feedback or support, please book a one-on-one appointment or visit our drop-in consultations.
Tired of writing alone? Want to develop a writing routine? Need some writing accountability? Join your peers and experienced writing tutors for Writers' Space, available in-person and remotely through Zoom. Sensory-friendly options are also available.
Join us for Writers Space and share a supportive space with others while writing. Increase your writing productivity and add an element of structure to your writing sessions by setting a
writing goal. Receive feedback on your writing from a writing tutor and connect with other students.
What to expect:
- Set a writing goal(s) at the start of the session.
- Receive feedback on your writing from an experienced writing tutor
- Experience a supportive environment by discussing writing with your peers
- Add accountability by revisiting your writing goals at the end of each session
Writers Space is limited to 12-20 students per session. These sessions differ from regular writing appointments. One writing tutor will run each session and offer feedback to students for a maximum of 15 minutes per session. Prepare for your time by identifying a suitable piece of writing for the tutor to review and prepare a question to ask the writing tutor. The tutors will visit students on a first-come, first-served basis for the duration of the session.
Poor internet connection, time zone, or computer availability preventing you from accessing writing support?
If you are experiencing issues attending writing support in person, Writing Support Services will try to accommodate your writing needs by offering asynchronous appointments (appointments not attended in person). Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please allow 48 hours for your request to be approved.
To book an asynchronous online writing support appointment
- Book an open appointment as usual.
- Email wconline@ucalgary.ca to request the appointment to be changed to asynchronous.
- In the email, provide an explanation of why you need the appointment to be asynchronous, and also the date and time of your appointment.
Join your peers and an experienced writing tutor for Writing support for Indigenous students.
Tired of writing alone? Want to develop a writing routine? Need some writing accountability?
Join us for the newly formatted Writing support for Indigenous students and share a supportive virtual space with others while writing. Increase your writing productivity and add an element of structure to your writing sessions by setting a writing goal. Receive feedback on your writing from a writing tutor and connect with other students in this virtual space.
What to expect:
- Set a writing goal(s) at the start of the session
- Receive feedback on your writing from an experienced writing tutor
- Experience a supportive environment by discuss writing with your peers
- Add accountability by revisiting your writing goals at the end of each session
Writing support for Indigenous students is limited to 8 students per session. These sessions differ from regular writing appointments. An experienced writing tutor will offer feedback to students. Prepare yourself by identifying your questions, thoughts, and/or, writings to discuss with the writing tutor.
A zoom invitation and password will be emailed immediately to registered students once the session starts: it is important that you do not distribute the zoom link and password to other students.
Students may register for writing support for Indigenous students by logging on to https://elevate.ucalgary.ca/home.htm and opening up the "Events/Workshops" calendar.
Workshops and Communities
Writing Support offers writing workshops designed with both undergraduates and graduate students in mind.
Preparing for Writing Support Appointments
Making the most of your time
Three Tips for Outlining Your Essay
Gaining insight into planning
Close Reading and Explication
Learning to interact meaningfully with source material
Dealing with Writer’s Block
Transforming ideas into written work
Writing a Primary Source Analysis
Tips for working with primary source materials
Resources: Writing Support
- MLA (8th Ed.): Citation style typically used in English and Film
- MLA (9th Ed.): Citation style typically used in English and Film
- APA (6th Ed.): Citation style typically used in Education, Communication, Business and Nursing
- APA (7th Ed.): Citation style typically used in Education, Communication, Business and Nursing
- Chicago: Citation style typically used in History
- CSE: Citation style typically used in the Sciences
- NEW Updated CSE: Citation style typically used in the Sciences
- IEEE: Citation style typically used in Engineering
- Vancouver: Citation style typically used in Biomedical Sciences
Common Grammatical Issues
Revision & Editing