Where are our graduates now?

M.Sc to Ph.D

Many of our M.Sc. students transfer to our Ph.D. program. Several of our Masters students have gone on to further their graduate studies at other educational institutions.


Several of our M.Sc. students have also completed our Ph.D. program, then successfully applied to Residency programs here or at other North American cancer centres.

Transition to Certified Medical Physicist

We have several former students from our Radiation Oncology Physics program who are now Medical Physicists here at the ACCC

CAMPEP Certificate

Our Certificate program, while very new, has an impressive track record. Our certificate students have been accepted into medical physics Residency Programs at various institutions across Canada, as well as one here at Arthur Child Cancer Centre.

Our Residency Program

All of our Residency Program graduates have gone on to find careers in medical physics at cancer centres in North America and abroad.