Prospective Students and Residents

The University of Calgary offers four programs in Radiation Oncology Physics: Masters of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Post-Doctoral Certificate, and Post-Doctoral Diploma (CAMPEP-accredited residency).  Typically, 2-4 students are accepted into the M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs each year, 1 student accepted into the Post-Doctoral Certificate program, and 1 student is accepted into the Post-Doctoral Diploma (residency) program.

In addition, there are summer student positions and thesis project opportunities for undergraduates.

Details about each program, including deadlines, can be found in the tabs to the left.

***All students (except Summer Students and thesis project opportunities for undergraduates) have to apply through the University of Calgary on-line application system. Please visit the UofC website at for admission requirements and more details.***