

Institutional Sustainability Strategy

We are committed to creating opportunities for entrepreneurial thinking, applied practice and project-based learning in sustainability. The Institutional Sustainability Strategy is a roadmap for continuous improvement in our pursuit of excellence and leadership in sustainability. How we get there is laid out in our supporting and interdependent frameworks: Advancing Sustainability Education and Research, Engagement for Sustainability and Sustainability in Administration and Operations.


Join us for the Climate Conversations speaker series

Preparing Albertans for Climate Change

Certificate in Sustainability Studies

Certificate in Sustainability Studies

Make sustainability a part of your academic experience, explore new ways of thinking and enhance your future career.


Campus as a Learning Lab

The Campus as a Learning Lab (CLL) program brings together students, faculty and staff to work on projects that make UCalgary more sustainable and bring our Institutional Sustainability Strategy to life.

Ed Nowicki


At the University of Calgary, we are advancing sustainability education and research by integrating sustainability across disciplines to respond to, and partner with, our community. Sustainability is a core component of our 2018-23 Academic and Research Plans.

FutureU, Climate Action, Our Changing World


FutureU is an Innovation@UCalgary initiative that invites students to discover the world of innovation through hands-on learning and community-based activities. The goal is to help students build a sustainable life working on challenges they care about.

Energy Dashboard

Campus Energy & Emissions Dashboard

At UCalgary, we value accurate and transparent sustainability reporting. We are working to share our progress as we transform our campus into a living laboratory for climate and energy leadership. Discover our Campus Energy & Emissions Dashboard below.

Get Involved

Get Involved

Whether you're a student, faculty or staff member, there are sustainability initiatives waiting for you.



Simpson Centre for Food and Agricultural Policy launches new program that aims to demystify complexities of food system

Bank of Montreal funding brings together experts from life sciences, social sciences, and humanities

Schulich prof humbled by prestigious national award

U.T. Sundararaj named Chemical Institute of Canada’s Macromolecular Science and Engineering Award winner

UCalgary grad student inspired to share the primatology adventure with youth

Megan Mah’s exhibit at Telus Spark Science Centre continues until June 27

UCalgary English students and volunteers create paper out of flax, enriching their book-making process

Year-long endeavour in prof Maria Zytaruk's class combines sustainability with history

Unlocking the future of leadership: Haskayne Wilderness Retreat celebrates 20 years

Innovative course in heart of Rocky Mountains embeds Indigenous ways of knowing and sustainability teachings to cultivate tomorrow's leaders

UCalgary Certificate in Sustainability Studies

Participate in Campus as a Learning Lab

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