Explore our Campus as a Learning Lab Work

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Explore experiential learning projects and how they advance campus sustainability. 

ICT Conversion to Low Temperature Hot Water District Heating System Case Study

ICT Conversion to Low Temperature Hot Water District Heating System Case Study

SDG 13

Organic Waste Management at The Landing

Organic Waste Management at The Landing

SDG 12

Rundle Affordable Housing

Rundle Affordable Housing

SDGs 1 and 11

Portable Solar Powered Charging for Electrical Scooters

Portable Solar Powered Charging for Electrical Scooters

SDGs 7 and 11

Infectious Spread Simulation in University Environment (ISSUE)

Infectious Spread Simulation in University Environment (ISSUE)

SDGs 3 and 9

Production and Consumption of Biodiesel at the University of Calgary

Production and Consumption of Biodiesel at the University of Calgary

SDGs 12 and 13

Campus Energy Use

Visualizing Campus Energy Consumption Using 3D Models

SDGs 7 and 9

Edible Gardens

Edible Gardens

SDGs 2 and 15

Campus Map

Campus Map

SDG 11


Indoor Route Finding

SDGs 3 and 10

Ecological Grief Tooklit

Ecological Grief Tooklit

SDGs 3 and 13

Indigenous strategy

Indigenous Partnerships for Sustainability

SDGs 10, 16 and 17


Cash Cow Crap

SDGs 8, 12 and 15

Good Food

Good Food Calculator


Sustainability Resource Centre

Reenergizing the Sustainability Resource Centre

SDGs 11 and 17


Fill it Forward Part 1


Fill it Forward

Fill it Forward Part 2

SDGs 6 and 12


Optimization of Waste Collection Systems at UCalgary

SDG 12 and 13


Transportation Survey

SDG 11

Mechanical Engineering Building

Reducing Building Energy Consumption via Innovative Energy Modelling

SDG 15

Data for Design

Mapping human experience: Evaluating campus restorative green spaces

SDGs 3 and 9

Sustainable Clubs and Events

Sustainable Clubs and Events

SDG 11


GEOG 421 - Campus Landscape

SDGs 4 and 15

Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan

SDGs 7, 9 and 13

Surplus sale

Surplus Sale

SDG 12

EV Charging

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

SDGs 7 and 9

Environmental Compliance

Environmental Compliance Management System



Exploring Alignment Between UCalgary's ISS and the SDGs

SDG 17

Green Bonds

Sustainable Bonds


MacKimmie Tower Energy Assessment

MacKimmie Tower Energy Assessment

SDGs 7, 9 and 13

zero waste

Zero Waste Campus

SDG 12


ART 271 - Introduction to Printmaking

SDG 17

Supply Chain Management

Reducing Carbon Emissions through Efficient Supply Chain Management

SDG 13


Bee Mortality and Habitat Loss

SDG 15

Crowsnest Hall

Campus Building Spaces and Energy Use

SDG 13

Waste Bin Signage

Standardized Waste Bin Signage Initiative

SDG 12

A Yellow Land

A Yellow Land

SDG 12

The Cardboard Baler

The Cardboard Baler

SDG 12

Residences’ Quarantine Accommodation Planning

Quarantine Accommodation Planning

SDG 12

Sustainability and Procurement

Sustainability and Procurement

SDG 12

Lab Waste Reduction

Lab Waste Reduction

SDGs 11 and 12

Single-use Plastics

Single-use Plastics

SDGs 11 and 12

Life Cycle Assessment of MacKimmie Complex

Life Cycle Assessment of MacKimmie Complex

SDGs 9, 11, 12 and 13

Pandemic’s Effects on Food Bank Operations

Pandemic’s Effects on Food Bank Operations

SDGs 2 and 11

Leadership and Engagement with the SDGs

Leadership and Engagement with the SDGs

SDG 17

Cups on Campus

Cups on Campus

SDG 12

Water Literacy Framework

Water Literacy Framework

SDG 12

Ward of 21 Century

Ward of 21 Century

SDGs 3, 6 and 12

Impact of the SDGA on Student Experiences

Impact of the SDGA on Student Experiences

SDG 17

Zero-waste at Varsity Courts

Zero-waste at Varsity Courts

SDGs 11 and 12

Decorative image of a hydroponic prototype design

Sustainable Design Competition

SDGs 3, 9, 11, 12 and 15

Winter at UCalgary Main campus.

Mechanical Snowplows and Heated Pathway Systems

SDGs 7, 11 and 12

Exterior of Mathison Hall

Photovoltaics for Mathison Hall

SDGs 7, 9 and 12

Spy Hill Campus

Exploration of Organic Waste to Energy at the Spy Hill Campus

SDGs 8,11 and 12

CUS Case Competition

CUS Case Competition

SDGs 9 and 11

TI Virtual HVAC Tour

TI Virtual HVAC Tour

SDGs 4 and 11

Air Travel Carbon Audit and Student Sustainability Commitments

Air Travel Carbon Audit and Student Sustainability Commitments

SDG 13