Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Urban Lab
The Urban Lab works with community associations, town and city councils, neighbourhood committees, and other civic groups to address issues of common interest, and also takes on independent research to advance knowledge and practice related to urban design, planning and development.

Center for Civilization
The Center for Civilization is a design research lab and international think tank working at the intersection of cities, society and civilization. Aspiring to redesign current paradigms and operating procedures of contemporary culture, the centre develops and executes sponsored design-research projects in collaboration with their partners and patrons.

Teaching, learning and student experience

Integrated Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities Program
This research and training program in the Schulich School of Engineering, with support from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), provides engineering students multidisciplinary training in integrated infrastructure systems spanning transportation, building, water and waste, and energy systems to address the sustainability aspirations of our communities.

Citizens + students collaboration for grassroots planning
One of the Master of Planning program’s priorities is to provide students with an academic experience that closely resembles professional practice. The Advanced Professional Planning Studio (EVDP644) is the capstone studio that fulfils this mandate. Through collaboration with community-based organizations, students engage with citizens in a comprehensive urban-planning project that addresses current and future challenges for growth and development.