Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Materials for Electrochemical Energy Solutions (CREATE ME2) Program focuses on developing energy conversion and storage technologies essential for the delivery of a low-carbon energy system. Trainees develop expertise in these technologies via four platforms: large-scale batteries for storing intermittent renewable wind and solar electricity generation; innovative solid-state lithium batteries for automotive applications; fuel cells for efficient conversion of fuel to electricity for transport or combined heat and power; and processes that store energy by capturing carbon dioxide and converting it into a fuel.
Energy Engineering
As part of the Schulich School of Engineering’s research priorities, energy engineering researchers are looking into hybrid energy systems, assessing environmental impacts, sustainable energy sources and efficient energy-conversion techniques.
Teaching, learning and student experience
Mechanical Engineering students explore portable solar-powered charging stations for electric scooters
Electric scooters are a more energy-efficient means of transportation when compared to conventional gas vehicles, however, their current charging methods evoke environmental, economic and safety concerns. As part of the 2021 Engineering Design Fair, students worked with the scooter company Lime to design a solar-powered charging station for electric scooters that would be more convenient, cost-effective and safe – all while reducing carbon emissions.
Schulich School of Engineering’s minor in Energy and Environment
The Schulich School of Engineering’s minor in Energy and Environment is the first of its kind in Canada. This program teaches students how to assess, avoid and minimize environmental impacts of industrial energy operations. This optional minor is offered in collaboration with a variety of engineering majors.