Partnerships for the Goals

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Good Health and Well-Being 

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SDG 11

Sustainable Cities and Communities 

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SDG 13

Climate Action 

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One Health

One Health at UCalgary

One Health uses a transdisciplinary approach to address problems at the intersection of people, animals and their environments. This type of work brings together UCalgary researchers across disciplines to collaborate on addressing common issues using novel and holistic approaches. These research partnerships combine diverse expertise, which has great potential to yield innovative adaptations that better address complex scientific and social challenges.

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Newcomer Research Network

Newcomer Research Network

This research “supergroup” is made up of researchers from the faculties of Nursing, Arts, Social Work, Werklund School of Education and Cumming School of Medicine, collaborating to build research partnerships to address challenges facing Canadian newcomer communities.

Learn more.

Citation 17

Teaching, learning and student experience

Sustainable Development Goals Alliance

Sustainable Development Goals Alliance

The Sustainable Development Goals Alliance (SDGA) is a UCalgary student group that is the result of a collaborative partnership between various sustainability-related student clubs. It works closely with students, clubs and faculty to provide programs, events and support for our campus community to raise awareness and action for the 17 SDGs. The SDGA also collaborates with other universities and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Recently, this group launched the Sustainability Leadership Innovation Program, in which students are matched with mentors and seed funding to transform ideas into action to improve campus sustainability.

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Global Community Challenge YYC 2021

Global Community Challenge YYC 2021

The Global Community Challenge YYC brings together students from all over the world to identify potential solutions to today’s most complex challenges. Working with local organizations in the Calgary community that have international reach, this experiential learning experience persisted despite the pandemic, drawing 130 students from 23 universities in 13 countries to collaborate on addressing pressing issues identified by their community partners.

Learn more.




Campus and community impact



The new Global Engagement Plan 2020-25(GEP) is an update to the 2013 International Strategy, reflecting UCalgary’s commitment to meaningful connection and interaction with the world around us. The GEP will continue to transform how the university engages globally by focusing on strategic partnership development, faculty-driven initiators of international activities, incentivized activities, building capacity and sustainability.



Street CCRED fills gaps in the current landscape of care for Calgary’s vulnerable individuals and populations.STREET CCRED. This partnership is an inclusive collaboration of community members, front-line service providers, and academics from UCalgary's O’Brien Institute of Public Health and Cumming School of Medicine. Its service philosophy is deeply influenced by the principles of health equity, collaboration, decolonization, addressing structural violence, upstream determinants of health, compassion, harm reduction and housing.



In alignment with the Global Engagement Plan, UCalgary is actively partnered with peer universities, research institutions and government agencies across the globe in facilitating a wide variety of intellectual interactions and exchanges, with more than 450 agreements in more than 50 countries.