2023 Award Recipients

This award was established in 2008 to recognize exceptional students who have a record of academic achievement, demonstrate leadership, and make significant contributions to our community. 

Dr. Mathieu Chin

Dr. Mathieu Chin

Doctor of Medicine

Mathieu Chin dedicated a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and time to student government in both the Faculty of Kinesiology and the Faculty of Medicine. He was president of the MD Class of 2023 and the Calgary Medical Students’ Association. In these roles, he represented the Cumming School of Medicine provincially and nationally, and led multiple advocacy initiatives. For example, he enhanced student education and accessibility by obtaining $225,000 of Students’ Union Quality Money funding for various projects, the most recent being UpToDate subscriptions for medical students. In addition, he served as the chair for the Ice Bowl, an ice hockey tournament for medical students in Western Canada.

He also volunteered for various UCalgary organizations and programs including the Peer Assisted Student Session program (PASS) and at the Thrive Centre, Faculty of Kinesiology. He was a mentor to high school and undergraduate students through the Calgary Medical Students’ Association and the Pathways to Medicine program. Chin also provided vaccinations to the public throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chin has received many awards throughout his academic career including the prestigious 3M National Student Fellowship and a CFMS-MD Financial Leadership Award. His academic achievements include a first-authored peer-reviewed publication analyzing the biomechanics of an ankle injury, multiple abstracts in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, and poster presentations given in Canada and internationally. Additionally, he has participated in 12 research projects exploring diverse topics from wearable technology to cannabis legalization.

He is excited to give back to the Calgary community as an incoming internal medicine resident physician beginning this July.

Past award recipients