2014 Award Recipients

Meet previous award recipients and find out how each of these exceptional individuals contributed to our community through excellent academic achievement and outstanding extracurricular contributions.

Amar Deshwar, President's Award Recipient 2014

Amar Bhikha Deshwar, Bachelor of Science

“Join clubs you are passionate about. Participate in student government and make change. Join an intramural sports team that you care about—and apply yourself in every class you take.” These were Amar’s words of advice for his fellow students as a 2014 Class Ambassador. They also summarize his experience and contributions as an undergraduate at the University of Calgary.


As an elected Faculty of Science student representative, Amar advocated for the academic and personal interests of over 5,000 students, serving on committees to help bridge the gap between administration and students. His academic record is exemplary and he availed himself of student research opportunities by working each of the past four summers in various medical laboratories. Amar co-founded the Right to Learn club on campus, and in four years has raised over $68 000 to support international development projects. He has also made time for fun—participating in intramural soccer and playing his acoustic guitar and participating in the University of Calgary World Music Ensemble.


Amar is passionate about learning and participating in activities in order to bring about change. His volunteer work and charitable contributions have benefited individuals as far away as India and Kenya and as close as the Drop-In Centre in downtown Calgary. 

Past award recipients