Women's Writing from the Low Countries 1200-1875. A Bilingual Anthology

By Gemert, Lia van (Chief Editor), Hermina Joldersma, Olga van Marion.  Dieuwke van der Poel, Riet Schenkeveld-van der Dussen

Lia van Gemert is Professor of Historical Dutch Literature at the University of Amsterdam and director of the Amsterdam Centre for the study of the Golden Age. She co-edited the annotated anthology Met en zonder lauwerkrans. Schrijvende vrouwen uit de vroegmoderne tijd 1550-1850: van Anna Bijns tot Elise van Calcar (AUP 1997).

Hermina Joldersma is Professor Emerita of German, Universty of Calgary

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This book provides a welcome English translation of a marvelous anthology of womens religious and secular writing, stretching from the visions of the late medieval mystics through the prison testaments of sixteenth-century Anabaptist martyrs to the pamphleteers and novelists of the growing urban bourgeoisie. The fresh translations and engaging introductions demonstrate the ways that women in the Low Countries shaped the intellectual and cultural developments of their eras.
Merry Wiesner-Hanks, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee