Past Presentations and Excursions
A list of all past University of Calgary Emeriti/Retirees Association presentations and excursions from 1992 to present
UCalgary Emeriti/Retirees Presentations and Excursions 1992 to present
Click the years below to view past presentations and excursions that were held in that calendar year.
February 12, 2025
Dr. Werner Becker
Arctic Wilderness Gems and the Threats They Face
January 15, 2025
Professor Tricia Stadnyk
Alberta's Water (In?)security in the 21st Century
November 27, 2024
Prof. Emeritus Don Lawton
Can carbon capture and storage secure a future of Alberta's oil and gas industry?
October 9, 2024
AGM and Prof. Ken Barker
Understanding AI threat to cybersecurity and privacy
September 11, 2024
Prof. Emerita Maeve O'Beirne
Maintaining Health from 65-100:What is the evidence supporting healthier living
May 8, 2024
Prof. Emerita Jonnette Watson Hamilton
Estate Planning, Wills, Personal Directives and Power of Attorney
April 10, 2024
Dr. Alexander Hill
The War in Ukraine: What do we Know? How Might it End? What Might be the Optimal Outcomes and Unintended Consequences
March 13, 2024
Graduate College Student Presentations
1. Dr. Cliffton Cunningham
A Brief Overview of the Graduate College
2. Yasser Rahmaniani
Small, Minimum Mass; Small Mimimum Dwelling Within Mass Affordable Housing Projects
3. Charlotte Bourbon
Recovery of Caribou in Western Canada: Decoding DNA and Gut Microbiome for Conservation Purposes
February 14, 2924
Dr. Sara Eaton
The Changing Face of Academia: Ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (including ChatGPT) in Higher Education
January 10, 2024
Dr. Jeannette Waegemakers-Schiff and Dr. Lara Nixon
Housing in Calgary
November 8, 2023
Dr. Sara Hastings-Simon
Understanding the Energy Transition at the Intersection of Policy, Business and Technology
October 11, 2023
AGM and Prof. Yvonne Poitras Pratt
Metis Matter: Then and Now
September 20, 2023
Katheryne Perry Edwards (Soprano), Richard Hymen (Baritone) and Malcolm Edwards (Piano)
For the Joy of Singing: Part 4 by The Mostly Broadway Trio
May 10, 2023
Dr. Alex Ramirez-Serrano
Development of Advanced Aerial and Multi-legged Robotic Systems for Urban Search and Rescue Operations Inside Confined Spaces
April 12, 2023
Professor Lisa Young
The Big Choice: Alberta's 2023 Election
March 8, 2023
Dr. Alex de Barras
Changing our Cities through Transportation Technology to Improve Street Safety
Prof. Gavin McMormick
Walkable City Design for Promoting Health and Well-being
February 8, 2023
Dr. Reed Ferber
New Considerations for Using Wearable Technology Outside the Laboratory: Is Your Smartwatch Actually Smart?
January 11, 2023
Dr. Philip Langill
The James Webb Telescope: How it Works, the Canadian Contribution and what have we learnt so far
November 9, 2022
Presentations by Graduate College Scholars
1. Razieh Alba: Creating Space for Indigenous Storytelling: Two-Eyed Seeing in Post Secondary Art Education
2. Ruth D. Alli: Dry Reforming of Methane: A Means to Reduce Carbon Emissions
3. Ali Abidi: Examining the Quality of English Language Arts Performance Assessment Tasks for Developing Students' Academic Language proficiency
October 26, 2022
Tour at Nickle Galleries- Prairie Interlace: Weaving, Modernisms and the Expanded Frame, 1960-2000
Michele Hardy, Curator, Nickle Galleries
October 12, 2022
AGM and Dr. Penny Werthner, Interim Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Visions and Goals for the Provost’s Portfolio
September 14, 2022
The Many faces of Love by The Mostly Broadway Trio
Katheryne Perry Edwards (Soprano), Richard Hymen (Baritone) and Malcolm Edwards (Piano)
June 8, 2022
Rafting the Great Northern Rivers, The Friesen Press Bookstore
Dr. W.J. Becker
Fighting for Hanne, Print and e-Book,, Kindle Store
Dr. Mary Valentich
May 11, 2022
Fakes Aren't Fuzzy - How to Make Yourself a Less Tasty Target for Scammers
Dr. Thomas P. Keenan
Platform Security: How Do We Address Online Harms
Dr. Emily B. Laidlaw
April 13, 2022
On Unconventional Oil Recovery: Environmental Emissions, Reductions, Constraints and Options
Prof. Ian Gates
March o9, 2022
University of Calgary Archives
Ms. Annie Murray
February 09, 2022
Stampede and the Westness of West
Dr. Aritha van Herk
January 11, 2022
Our Quantum* Century: How 21st-Century Quantum Technologies Work, Where They are at and Where They Will go
1. Dr. Barry Saunders
Dr. Paul Barclay
December 8, 2021
Global Health Experiences of Three U of C Bachelor of Nursing Students
1. Jacqueline Wilson
2. Arsheen Dhalla
3. Heather Bensler
November 10, 2021
Presentations by Graduate College Scholars
1. Julia Duan, A Tailored Exercise Program for Individuals with Brain Cancer
2. Viraji Bandara. Evaluating the Adaptive Capacity of Multi-unit Residential Building Designs
3. Chenhua Li. Deciphering the Mechanisms of the Ant Behavior Manipulation by Dicrocoelium Dendriticum
October 13, 2021
AGM and Mr. John Alho, Assoc. VP
Engaging Government: UCalgary's Opportunities and Challenges
Virtual Event
September 8, 2021
Dr. David B Hogan
The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA): A Platform for Interdisciplinary Study
Virtual Event
Dr. Ann Toohey
Introduction to the Brenda Stafford Centre on Aging
Virtual event
June 9, 2021
Mr. Richard white
Calgary: Perhaps The Most Walkable City Centre in the World
Virtual Event
May 12, 2021
Prof. Julio Mercader Florin
Archeology and Ancient Humans in Tanzania
Virtual Event
April 14, 2021
Prof. Brian MacIntosh
Is Exercise Medicine?
Virtual Event
Dr. Juan Murias
Exercise Prescriptions for Health: How do we get it right?
Virtual event
March 10, 2021
D. Maitreyi Raman and Dr. Marie-Claire Arrieta
The Microbiome and the Human Health: What we know about the microorganisms in the Gut
Virtual Event
February 10, 2021
Prof. Emeritus Donald B. Smith
Rev. John McDougall (Methodist missionary, 1870s – 1910s)
John Laurie (Calgary high school teacher, 1920s – 1950s)
Hugh Dempsey (Historian of Western Canada, 1950s - ).
Virtual Event
January 13, 2021
Dr. Blake Shaffer
Alberta in Transition: A look at Current and Future Prospects
Virtual Event
Dec. 09, 2020
Dr. Maribeth Murray
An Exploration of Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research for a Changing North
Virtual Event
Nov. 18, 2020
Three Graduate College Students and an Introduction by Dr. James Wasmuth
1. Shuyin Yu, Reimagining and reinventing diasporic identities in contemporary Asian North American young adult literature
2. Najratun Pinky, Multimodal neuroimaging biomarker for sport related concussion in youth
3. Valeriya Volkova, Musculosketal injuries and dance exposure across three years in elite adolescent ballet dancers: is there a pattern?
Virtual Event
Oct. 14, 2020
AGM and Ms. Nuyum Peters
1.41 Billion Reasons to Celebrate Impact, Virtual presentation on Zoom
Virtual Event. Click on title to watch.
Sept. 09, 2020
Ms. Marina Fischer
Art on Campus, The Stories behind the University's Public Art works.
Virtual Event. Click on title to watch.
June 10, 2020
Dr. Tom Flanagan
Talk on his book "The Wealth of First Nations".
Virtual Event.
Mar. 11, 2020
Dr. Roger Thomas
Polypharmacy and More: Potentially Inappropriate Medications and Prescribing Omissions in Those Age 65 and Over
Feb. 12, 2020
The Mostly Broadway Trio
(Dr. Richard Heyman, Dr. Malcolm Edwards, Mrs. Katheryne Perri Edwards)
For the Joy of Singing- Part 4
Jan. 15, 2020
Dr. Sean Dukelow and Dr. John Latter
Stroke rehabilitation and robotic therapy
Nov. 13, 2019
Dr. Alice de Koning
(De)Constructing Entrepreneurial Thinking for the University: Connecting to Teaching, Research & Creativity
Oct. 9, 2019
AGM and Ms. Jennifer Buchanan
Transforming Lives One Note at a Time: Music Therapy and its Impact on Memory, Mood and Motivation
Sept. 11, 2019
Dr. Gerald (Jerry) David Osborn
Global Warming: Science, Politics and Culture War
May 8, 2019
Tour with Mr. Kris Brown Shoepe
The Wild Bird Store in Calgary
April 10, 2019
Dr. James (Jim) Rankin
The Management of Bone and Joint Disease: A Research and Clinical Update
March 13, 2019
Dr. Robert Thompson
The Graduate College @ The University of Calgary
Feb. 13, 2019
The Mostly Broadway Trio
(Dr. Richard Heyman, Dr. Malcolm Edwards, Mrs. Katheryne Perri Edwards)
For the Joy of Singing
Jan. 09, 2019
Dr. Ralph Cartar
Not Forest Bathing: Bumble Bees and Their Floral Mutualists in Alberta's Managed Forests
Nov. 14, 2018
Ms. Sarah Simmons, Dr. Jeff Caird
Cannabis and Driving: Some commonly asked questions
Oct. 10, 2018
AGM and Dr. Jennifer Hatfield
Global health and its role in supporting women and girls globally: A priority for Canada +Grandmothers Advocacy Network
Sept. 12, 2018
Dr. Dru Marshall, Dr. Michael Hart
The University of Calgary's Indigenous Strategy
May 9, 2018
Tour with Dr. Marc Poulin
Hotchkiss Brain Institute
April 11, 2018
Dr. Majda Djordjevic
Associations, analogies and demonstrations in the Chemistry lectures
March 14, 2018
Dr. Yannick Griep
Seniors who volunteer are less likely to experience dementia
Feb. 14, 2018
Dr. Richard Heyman, Dr. Malcom Edwards, Mrs. Katheryne Perri Edwards
Part 2: Still singing for the love of it: "Our love is here to stay"
Nov. 8, 2017
Mr. Peter Baljeu and Kerby Recorder Ensemble
History, Benefits of Music Making and Song + Musical Presentation
Oct. 11, 2017
AGM and Ms. Kayla Kashluba, Dr. Tish Doyle Baker
Results of Gramin Tracker project "How many steps could a senior stride if a senior could count steps?" conducted in winter 2016
Sept. 13, 2017
Ms. Anouk Kendall
Diversifying and Decentralizing Alberta's Energy Future
May 10, 2017
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Engineering Complex
April 12, 2017
Dr. Richard Heyman, Dr. Malcom Edwards, Mrs, Katheryne Perri Edwards
Singing for the Love of it
March 8, 2017
Ms. Sydney Sharpe
Notley Nation: How Alberta's Political Upheaval Swept the Country
Feb. 8, 2017
Dr. Alan Mac Fayden
History of the Alberta Oil Patch
Jan. 11, 2017
Dr. Lindsay McLaren
Trends in Tooth Decay Before and After Cessation of Community Water Fluoridation in Calgary
Nov. 9, 2016
Dr. Robert (Bob) Dewar
Pedestrian Safety
Oct. 12, 2016
AGM and Dr. Sheila Evans
University of Calgary Qatar: Dreams, Realities, Challenges and Victories
Sept. 14, 2016
Dr. Bob Church
The Long Trail to Personalised Medicine
May 11, 2016
Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning
April 13, 2016
Dr. Mary Valentich
The Ideas Man: Jim Gripton's Social Work Legacy
March 09, 2016
Dr. Tony Russell
Hanging out: how and where geckos got sticky
February 10, 2016
Dr. Norman Vaughan
Inquiry based learning and digital technologies: what is the connection?
January 13, 2016
Dr. Tish Doyle-Baker
How many steps could a senior stride if a senior could count steps?
November 18, 2015
Dr. Stephen Herrero
Recent research into the causes of bear attacks in North America
October 14, 2015
Ms. Kim Lawrence & Ms. Shannon Franzky
AGM + The University of Calgary 50th. Anniversary Celebrations - Update video
September 09, 2015
Dr. Majda Djordevic
Nikola Tesla, the man who invented and is responsible for the 20th. (and the 21st.) century
May 13, 2015
Telus Spark Centre
April 08, 2015
Ms. Sydney Sharpe
That is to say...knowing where to start and when to stop
March 11, 2015
Dr. Jessie Kubes and Dr. Tony Wigglesworth
Innovative Calgary's services for commercializing your research: implications and opportunities for Emeriti
February 11, 2015
Dr. Tom Flanagan
What's it like for a professor to leave the ivory tower and work in a political party?
14 January, 2015
Dr. Thomas P. Keenan
Technocreep: The Surrender of Privacy and the Capitalization of Intimacy
12 November, 2014
Ms. Shannon Franzky and Mr. Harry Sanders
The U of C's 50th. Anniversary Celebrations and Opportunities for Emeriti
08 October, 2014
Dr. Breanne Everett and Ms. Amanda Hehr
Orpyx Surrosense - a Calgary medical innovation to manage reduced nerve sensation
10 September, 2014
Dr. Brian Sinclair
telos techne holos: Design Framework for Turbulent times
14 May, 2014
Guided tour of The Military Museums of Calgary
9 April, 2014
Dr. Ed Ghent, Old Antarctic Explorer
Scott, the South Pole, 40 pounds of rocks (1910-1912) and field work in Antarctica fifty years later
12 March, 2014
Dr. Douglas Francis
Canadian Perceptions of Technology: 1850-2000
12 February, 2014
Dr. Jeroen Stil
University of Calgary and The Square Kilometer Array
15 January, 2014
Dr. David J. Smith
Behind the Scenes of Olympic Athlete Preparation
13 November, 2013
Dr. Mansa Singh
Foundations of Human Knowledge: Physics, Mathematics and Spirituality
9 October, 2013
Dr. Ralph Miller
Islands and Animals in the Great Southern Ocean
11 September, 2013
Dr. Nicole Culos-Reed, Ms. Lauren Capozzi
Thriving for Cancer Survivors: A Program of Wellness-Based Initiatives
To see the presentation, click on the title.
8 May, 2013
The Taylor Family Digital Library and Nickle Galleries
10 April, 2013
Dr. Ashis Gupta
Biography of a Publishing House
13 March, 2013
Dr. Chip Scialfa
Vision and Aging - Part 2
13 February, 2013
Dr. Lynn Taylor, Vice-Provost, U of C
U of C Institute for Teaching and Learning
9 January, 2013
Dr. Ed McCauley, VP (Research), U of C
The U 0f C's Research Directions Under the
"Eyes High" Initiative
14 November, 2012
Mr. John Knowles
Practical Financial Management for Retirees
10 October, 2012
Profs. Phil McCoy and Joyce Doolittle
Act Your Age- A performnace reading
19 September, 2012
Dr. George Lane
The Lane Family
9 May, 2012
Canada's Sports Hall of Fame
11 April, 2012
Ms. Wendy Bryden
The First Stampede of Flores LaDue
14 March, 2012
Dr. Chip Scialfa
Vision and Aging
8 February, 2012
Dr. Dru Marshall
The Academic Plan
11 January, 2012
Dr. Reed Ferber
Staying Active and Healthy through Clinical Biomechanics Research
9 November, 2011
Dr. Arthur Clark
The Calgary Centre for Global Community
12 October, 2011
Dr. Tamara Palmer Seiler and Dr. Robert M. Seiler
Movie Exhibition in Calgary, 1896-1974
14 September, 2011
Dr. Ramesh Joshi
From the Eyes of a Visitor to Japan and China
13 April, 2011
Dr. Jane Kelley
Canadian Contributions to the Archaeology of Northwest Mexico
9 March, 2011
Chancellor Jim Dinning
The University and the Community
9 February, 2011
Dr. Hallgrimur Benediktsson
Iceland : Then and Now
12 January, 2011
Donna Livingstone
The University of Calgary Press and the transition from print to electronic media
10 November, 2010
Dr. Jeanne Besner
Improving Alberta's Health Care System
13 October, 2010
Nancy Townshend
Artistic Responses to the Canadian Rockies over the Past 200 Years
8 September, 2010
Dr. Ernst Enns
Cycling from Cairo to Capetown
14 April, 2010
John Poyser, Lawyer
Tales from the Estate Planning Crypt
10 March, 2010
Dr. Augustine Brannigan
Genocide in Rwanda
10 February, 2010
Dr. Ralph Miller
Travel in Worlds Apart: Kano and Bhutan
13 January, 2010
Naheed Nenshi
The Calgary that has been . . . and Could Be
18 November, 2009
Matt Palmer
An Account of the Filming of a Visit of a Group of Calgary School Children to an Orphanage in Kenya
14 October, 2009
Dr. Alan Harrison
What is Happening at the University of Calgary?
8 September, 2009
Andrew Nikiforuk
The Tar Sands and the Future of Alberta
8 April, 2009
Dr. T. Hickerson
The Taylor Family Digital Library: Convergence and Future of Learning
11 March, 2009
Alan MacDonald
Calgary Takes Flight . . . an Illustrated Tale of the First Century of Flight in the Calgary Area
11 February, 2009
Dr. Tom Barton
Europe from Sea to Sea . . . A River Cruise Up the Danube and Down the Rhine
14 January, 2009
Dr. Tom Keenan
How 'Silent Information' Can Wreck Our Lives . . . We as Computer Users Get What We Deserve
12 November, 2008
Dr. Ralph Cartar
Are Bees Declining and, If So, Why?
8 October, 2008
Dr. Roger Jackson
The Recent Olympic Games in Beijing and the Future Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver
10 September, 2008
Dr. Robert Stamp
Suburban Modern: Postwar Dreams in Calgary
30 April, 2008
Chellan Hoffman
Rozsa Centre Tour featuring "A Little Baroque Organ on the Prairies"
9 April, 2008
Dr. Sylvie Roy and Dr. Susanne Carroll
Learning a Second Language at Any Age
12 March, 2008
Mike Backus
Fort McMurray Oil Sands: Nexen's Long Lake Project
13 February, 2008
Madam Justice C. Adele Kent
Medical Ethical Issues in the Court Room: Are We Getting it Right?
9 January, 2008
Brian Lehman
What's it Worth, Brian?
8 November, 2006
Dr. Anthony Parel
Clothing Matters: Dress and Identity in Ghandi's Philosophy
11 October, 2006
Dr. Donald Smith
Calgary's Grand Story: the History of 20th Century Calgary from the Viewpoint of Two Heritage Buildings, the Lougheed Building and the Grand Theatre.
13 September, 2006
Dr. Jerre Paquette
The Struggle to Tell a Story: The Early History of Cinema
12 April, 2006
Dr. Al Prentice
A photographic presentation: "Views of Myanmar Along the Irrawady River.
8 March 2006
Dr. Holger Herwig
Exploring the Bismarck with Canadian Film Director James Cameron
8 February 2006
Dr. Michael Williams
My Retirement Project: Creating Silicon Valley's Computer History Museum
11 January 2006
Dr. Steve Herrero
Research regarding grizzly bears in and around Banff National Park and Kananaskis Country
16 November, 2005
D. Leahy
Rothney Astrophysical Observatory in Priddis
12 October 2005
Dr. Robert A. Stebbins
Leisure and Health in Retirement: Finding the Good Life
14 September, 2005
Dr. David Bercuson
The Institute for Military and strategic Studies.
13 April 2005
Constance Martin
Far Northern Visions: The Photographic Archives of the Arctic Institute of North America.
9 March 2005
Peter Burgener
The Changing Face of Calgary Downtown.
9 February 2005
Dr. Patrick Brennan
The Peace of 1919 and the Making of Our Times.
12 January 2005
Dr. Dave Irvine-Halliday
Two Billion People Without Electric Light -- A Canadian Solution.
9 November 2004
Charles Foreman
32 Sonatas: A Map of Beethoven.
13 October 2004
Dr. Harry Hiller
A Modern Day Gold Rush? Assessing the Surge of Population Growth in Alberta.
8 September 2004
Dr. Bruce and Marilyn Harrison
Off the Tourist Track in Southern Thailand
12 May 2004
Mr. Tan
Cantos Music Foundation's Museum of Antique Keyboard Instruments
14 April 2004
Dr. Robert Dewar
The Psychology of Driving and Traffic Safety
10 March 2004
Dr. Richard Davis
R. M. Patterson: Re-Creation on the Nahanni
11 February 2004
Dr. Janet Ronsky
Lessons Learned from our Aching Joints
14 January 2004
Joyce Doolittle and Philip McCoy
The Rain in Spain: Teacher and Students on the Stage
2 November 2003
Dr. Tom Barton
A Digital Camera? What you need to know before buying a digital camera
8 October 2003
Dr. Robert L. Mansell
Key Challenges and Opportunities for Alberta in Energy and Environment
10 September 2003
Don Sucha
The Cemetery as a Museum - Arts, History, and Mystery in Calgary Cemeteries
9 April 2003
Peter Sherrington
Raptor Migration in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta and British Columbia
12 March 2003
Dr. Richard Chadbourne
Gabrielle Roy: A Rare Breadth and Depth of Vision
12 February 2003
Dr. Ron Bond
The Academic Plan: Raising our Sights
15 January 2003
Dr. Marlene Reimer
Sleep and Sleeping: A Personal and Societal Challenge
13 November 2002
Dr. Tom Barton
Behind the Switch on Your Wall: The Generation and Distribution of Electric power
9 October 2002
Dr. Anthony Rasporich
No Small Plans:
The Pre-History of the University of Calgary, 1912 - 1960
11 September 2002
Chancellor Bill Warren
The Function of the University Senate
May 8 2002
Mike Robinson
The Future of the Glenbow Museum
10 April 2002
Dr. Geoffrey Melvill Jones
Retention of Learning Abilities with Age; Mental Exercise, the Key to Mental Wellbeing
13 March 2002
Dr. Chris Archer
My Terrorist, Your Freedom Fighter: Common Themes and Threads in the History of Insurgency, Banditry, Terrorism, and Counterinsurgency
13 February 2002
Dr. Mohammed Yunus
A Third Way: What is Written on the Wall of History
8 January 2002
Dr. John Dawson
Seniors' Health
14 November 2001
Lorry Wilson
The New World of Electricity Deregulation
10 October 2001
Dr. Harvey Weingarten
President U. of C.
12 September 2001
Elaine McCoy
The Potential for Micro-Power in Alberta
11 April 2001
Lynn Rach
Canada's Best Kept Secret - Voiceprint
14 March 2001
Dr. Geoffrey Melvill Jones
Orientation on Land, Sea and Aerospace
14 February 2001
Dr. Bill Glanzmann
The Queen of Sheba Archeological Site
10 January 2001
Dr. Barbara Belya
Arthur Henday and the Shining Mountains
8 November 2000
Kathy Zimon
Our Visual Heritage: The Alberta Society of Artists, 1931-2000
11 October 2000
Chancellor Jack Perraton
The Senate at the University of Calgary
13 September 2000
Dr. Tom Flanagan
The Future Prospects of the Canadian Alliance
12 April 2000
Dr. Maurice Moloney
Genetically Modified Foods
8 March 2000
Nancy Millar
Canadian History Revisited
9 February 2000
Rolf Bertsch
Idealism, Realism, and the Modern Maestro
12 January 2000
Alf Skrastins
The Lakes of Kananaskis Country
10 November, 1999
Peter Wallis
Convergence in Education - What would Cornelius Van Horne Think Today
October 13, 1999
W. Duffie VanBalkon
Internationalization at the U. of C.: Structures, Processes, and Challenges
September 29, 1999
Town Hall and Police Museum Visit
September 15, 1999
Lorin Ritchie
Library Development in the 21st Century.
May 19, 1999
Field Trip
Field trip to Pasu Farm
April 14, 1999
Tom Head
Recent Archeology of the Calgary Area
March 10, 1999
Elizabeth Cannon
Women in Science and Engineering
February 10, 1999
Frank MacKinnon
Some Unknown Problems of Canada’s Government
January 13, 1999
Leslie Tamagi
The Vocational Rehabilitation and Research Institute: Its Mission
November 18, 1998
Herb Allard
The Young Offenders Act
September 16, 1998
Matt Mohtadi and Fin Campbell
Evaluating the Criteria used by Mclean’s Magazine to Rate Canadian Universities.
May 13, 1998
Field Trip
Field trip to Rosebud Theatre
April 8, 1998
Bill Cochrane
Medical Care in the 21st Century
February 12, 1998
Terry Fullerton
The Modern Pipe Organ
January 14, 1998
Walter Dilger
The Building of the Confederation Bridge
November 12, 1997
Tim Travers
October 8, 1997
Ron Bond
Role of Humanities in a Modern University
May 21, 1997
Field Trip
Field trip to Bar U Ranch
May 14, 1997
Field trip
Field trip to Bar U Ranch (Cancelled because of bad weather)
April 9, 1997
Ann McCaig
Chancellor’s Chores
March 12, 1997
Terry White
Challenging Times for Universities
February 12, 1997
Kathleen Mahoney
Backlash to Human Rights
January 15, 1997
Bob Carnie
The Burns Phenomenon
January 15, 1997
Reception for President Terry White
November 13, 1996
John Kendall
A Guide to Computers, the Internet, and Artificial Intelligence
October 9, 1996
John Humphrey
Archeology of the Eastern Mediterranean
May 8, 1996
Rosebud Dinner Theatre
April 10, 1996
Field trip
Visit to Rothney Astrophysical Observatory (Rescheduled from November, 1995)
March 13, 1996
Peter Cruse
Archibald Menzies: Capt. Vancouver’s Surgeon
February 14, 1996
Mario Giovinetto
Chinook a Film and Account of Related Weather Systems.
January 10, 1996
Fin Campbell
Earth Rhythms and Global Changes
November 8, 1995
Field trip
An Evening Among the Stars (Cancelled because of bad weather)
October 11, 1995
Alan Clarke
A Journey to the Stars
May 10, 1995
Catherine Warren
Oral Histories: Collecting Experiences of Life. (At the home of President Murray Fraser)
April 12, 1995
Bob Dewar
Pictographs - The International Language of the Future.
March 8, 1995
Robert Bramwell
The Greying of Canada.
February 8, 1995
David Bercuson, Dean of Graduate Studies
January 11, 1995
Tom Keenan
About Demystifying the Internet
November 16, 1994
Frank McKinnon
The Controversial Side of Canadian Politics
October 12, 1994
Tom Barton
Publishing Your Own Book: Some Do’s and Don’ts.
February 16, 1994
D. Venkatesan
Space Exploration
November 10, 1993
Tait McPhedran
Two Hundred Years of Medical Education
October 13, 1993
Helen Diemert and Helen Stadelbauer
Art and Works of Helen Stadelbauer. A Brief Overview of my Art Production since the 1930s.
May 12, 1993
Richard Guy
How on Earth Could an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Interest Emeritus Professors from Other Disciplines?
April 14, 1993
Eric Waldman
Has the World Gone Nuts? The Answer is in the Affirmative
March 10, 1993
Joan Ryan
Participating in Research - A Start toward Self-Determination for the Dene
November 25, 1992
Michael Burgess
Medical Bioethics
October 14, 1992
Paul Anderson
Emeritus Standing and Field Research in Shark Bay, Western Australia