Annual General Meeting




October 9, 2024

2:00 P.M. Engineering Building, G Block, 2nd Floor, Room 207 and by Zoom


1.0 President's Call to Order S. Evans

2.0 Welcome to new members.

3.0 Declaration of Quorum

4.0 Approval of Agenda

5.0 Approval of Minutes of 2023 AGM Attached to Agenda

6.0 Reports

6.1 President S. Evans

6.2 Treasurer/Membership A. Rauk

6.3 Program J. Lockyer

6.4 Life After Retirement (LAR) A. Pernal

6.5 E-Letter C. L. Le Navenec

6.6 Webmaster O. Malik

6.7 Keeping in Touch/Social (List of Deceased) C. Mills/G. Krivy

6.8 Past-President/Graduate College Report O. Malik

6.9 CURAC Liaison Report C. L. Le Navenec

7.0 Nomination and Election of 2023-2024 Executive Committee (Total = 12) O. Malik

President: Werner Becker

Vice-President and President-Elect: Maeve O'Beirne

Past President & Graduate College Rep.: Sheila Evans

Secretary: Kieth Dobson

Treasurer/Membership: Arvi Rauk

Program Director: Jocelyn Lockyer

E-Letter & CURAC Rep.: Sandra Hirst

LAR Editor: Linda leionard

Social/Keeping in Touch: Claire Mills

Webmaster: Vacant

Member-at-Large: Elaine McKiel

Member-at-Large: David B. Hogan

8.0 Other Business W. Becker

8.1 Changes to the Constitution and By-Laws S. Evans 

  • Rationale and Changes attached to Agenda

9.0 Adjournment



Dr. Ken Barker, Professor Computer Science, Director ISPIA,speaking on:

 “Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI) Threat to Cybersecurity and Privacy”. 





OCTOBER 11TH, 2023

2:00 P.M. Engineering Building, G Block, 2nd Floor, Room 207 and by Zoom


1. President's Call to Order

President Om Malik called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.    

2. Welcome to New Emeriti & the Recipient of the 2022-2023 Emeriti Association Award for Indigenous Students

The Chair welcomed new members attending the meeting and indicated that Nathan Johnson recipient of the Association’s Award for Indigenous Students was not able to be present.  Jocelyn Lockyer had been in contact with Nathan and indicated that he was a student in the Faculty of Kinesiology and was very appreciative of the award of $1,900.  He wrote Jocelyn the following:  “I’d like to thank you so much for considering me to be a candidate for this award. It helped an incredible amount and truly relieved a lot of financial stress for me last semester and I cannot thank you enough. It was amazing to be recognized for this award and I do not take that opportunity lightly.”

3. Declaration of Quorum

A quorum was declared since over 15 members were present. The actual number was 17+ members in-person and on zoom.

4. Approval of Agenda

Motion:  (Campbell/Dewar)


5. Approval of Minutes of 2022 AGM

The Minutes were attached to the printed Agenda and had also been available on the Association's website.

Motion:  (Latter/Lockyer)     CARRIED.

6. Reports:

  • President
  • Treasurer/Membership
  • Program
  • Life After Retirement (LAR)
  • E-Letter
  • Webmaster
  • Keeping in Touch/Social
  • Graduate College Report
  • CURAC Liaison Report

All Reports had been available on the Association's website and the Chair invited a motion for approval.


Motion to accept all the Reports: (Evans/Le Navenec)



Sheila Evans pointed out that the LAR Report indicated that the Fall Edition will be hard-copy along with a membership application/renewal form.  At the last meeting of the Executive it had been agreed that the Fall Edition will be electronic including the membership application/renewal form.

7. Nomination and Election of 2023-2024 Executive Committee (Total = 12)

John Latter as Past President presented the nominations whose names were printed on the Agenda and were also listed on the Association's website.  He pointed out that the Webmaster position was vacant and the Executive would be interested in hearing from any member willing to handle this position.  He asked for additional nominations and none were made.    


Motion that all the nominations be approved: (Latter/Lockyer)     CARRIED.


The following persons were approved for the position listed:

  • President: Sheila Evans
  • Vice-President & President Elect:  Werner Becker
  • Past President & Graduate College Rep: Om Malik
  • Secretary: Gary Krivy
  • Treasurer/Membership: Arvi Rauk
  • Program Director: Jocelyn Lockyer
  • Member-at-Large: Linda Leonard                  
  • LAR Editor: Andrew Pernal
  • Webmaster: Vacant
  • Keeping in Touch/Social: Claire Mills
  • E-Letter & CURAC Rep.: Carole-Lynne Le Navenec
  • Member-at-Large: Elaine McKiel


John Latter indicated that he will continue to work with the Graduate College in developing a mentoring program for graduate students and retired professors.    

8. Other Business


President Sheila Evans expressed thanks to the members of the Executive who were leaving or changing positions.  She also thanked those who were continuing for their work and support. 

No new business was requested.

9. Adjournment

Motion for adjournment at 2:25 p.m.:  (Latter/McKiel)  CARRIED.




Following the meeting, Dr. Yvonne Poitras Pratt, Associate Professor from the Werklund School of Education and University of Calgary Research Excellence Chair spoke on “Metis Matters:  Then and Now”.  A summary of her presentation will be given in the Winter edition of LAR.