
Student Access

Fall 2020 Course Posters:


ALL courses will now be on Desire2Learn (D2L). To access:

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Fall 2019 Posters:
HTST 493.39
ASHA 501

Winter 2018 Posters:
HTST 493.39
HTST 541.4

Fall 2017 Posters:
HTST 476
HTST 493.38


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  • All class materials are the copyright property of the author / lecturer.
  • These materials are intellectual property to be used for educational purposes only.
  • You may view these materials online or print them for your own use only.
  • These materials may not be downloaded, saved or distributed in any manner without prior approval in writing from the author / lecturer.

Potential Graduate Students, please click on the "Home" tab in the top row and then on the "Graduate Studies and Graduate Students" tab in the left column to receive further information about pursuing graduate studies in History of Medicine and Allied Fields at the University of Calgary. You will also find links to the various related programs at the University of Calgary (History; Greek and Roman Studies; History and Philosophy of Science; Interdisciplinary Graduate Program; and Community Health Sciences), as well as project descriptions of current and former history of medicine graduate students at Calgary.