Calgary History of Medicine Society
Upcoming Events
CHoMS Membership – Donation Info and Payment Chart
The Calgary History of Medicine Society (CHoMS) was established in the 1990s but no sessions were held between 2000 and 2008. Since 2009, there is now a new series of regular meetings during term time together with lectures, talks, and workshops, etc. If you are interested in joining this Society and participating in its future activities, please fill out and return a membership form and/or contact one of the following:
Dr. Frank Stahnisch at fwstahni@ucalgary.ca
Lesley Bolton at labolton@ucalgary.ca
The last AGM was in October 2022. Information and agenda: CHOMS AGM Agenda Oct-24 2022.pdf
CHoMS Executive
To download the society's constitution (2013-2016), please click here.