Survivorship Publications
Publications in Cancer Survivorship.

- Deleemans JM*, Chleilat F, Reimer RA, Baydoun M*, Piedalue K-A*, Lowry DE, Henning J-W, Carlson LE. (2022) The Chemo-Gut Pilot Study: Associations between Gut Microbiota, Gastrointestinal Symptoms, and Psychosocial Health Outcomes in a Cross-Sectional Sample of Young Adult Cancer Survivors. Current Oncology. 2022; 29(5):2973-2994. https://doi.org/10.3390/curroncol29050243 View.
- Patton M*, Forster V, Forbes C, Stokoe M, Noel M, Carlson LE, Birnie K, Reynolds K, Schulte F. (2021). Characterizing pain in long-term survivors of childhood cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-021-06386-4. View.
- Deleemans J*, Gajtani Z*, Baydoun M*, Reimer RA, Piedalue KA*, Carlson LE. (2021) The use of Prebiotic and Probiotic Interventions for Treating Gastrointestinal and Psychosocial Health Symptoms in Cancer Patients and Survivors: A Systematic Review. Integrative Cancer Therapy. PMID: 34844479, PMCID: PMC8649088. DOI: 10.1177/15347354211061733. View.
- Yang L, Winters-Stone K, Rana B, Cao C, Carlson LE, Courneya KS, Friedenreich CM, Schmitz KH. (2021) Tai Chi for Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review Toward Consensus-Based Guidelines. Cancer Medicine. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cam4.4273 View.
- Bowman, C.*, Oberoi, D.*, Radke, L., Francis, GJ., Carlson, LE. (2020) Living with Leg Lymphedema: Developing of a Novel Model of Quality Lymphedema Care for Cancer Survivors. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11764-020-00919-2 View.
- Subnis U*, Farb N, Piedalue KL*, Speca M, Lupichuk S, Tang P, Faris P, Thoburn M, Saab BJ, Carlson L.E. (2020). A smartphone app–based mindfulness intervention for Cancer Survivors: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols. JMIR Res Protoc 2020;9(5):e15178. View.
- Deleemans, J.M*, Chleilat, F., Reimer, R.A., Henning, J-W., Baydoun, M.*, Piedalue, K-A.*, McLennan, A.*, Carlson, L.E. (2019) The chemo-gut study: investigating the long-term effects of chemotherapy on gut microbiota, metabolic, immune, psychological and cognitive parameters in young adult cancer survivors; study protocol. BMC Cancer. View.
- Reynolds, K., Spavor, M., Brandelli, Y., Kwok, C., Li. Y., Sisciglio, M., Carlson, L.E., Schulte, F., Anderson, R., Grundy, P., Giese-Davis, J. (2019). A comparison of two models of follow-up care for adult survivors of childhood cancer. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, August 2019, Volume 13, Issue 4, pp 547-557. View.
- Kazanjian, A., Jones, J.M., Carlson, L.E., Chasen, M., Bhargava, R., Langelier, D. (2019). Reflections on cancer rehabilitation and suriviorship in Canada: Observing ten years of evidence informed practice. Journal of Cancer Rehabilitation, Volume 2, issue 2, pp. 18-23. View
- Carlson, L. E., Toivonen, K.*, & Trask, P. (2018). Distress. In Handbook of Cancer Survivorship (pp. 145-166). Springer, Cham. View
- White, J.*, Park, J., Russell, K.B., Reynolds, K. A., Madani, K., Carlson, L.E. & Giese-Davis, J. (2018). Falling through the cracks. A thematic evaluation of unmet needs of Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancers. Psycho-oncology. View
- Qureshi M*, Zelinski E*, Carlson LE. Cancer and Complementary Therapies: Current Trends in Survivors' Interest and Use. Integr Cancer Ther. 2018 Apr 1:1534735418762496. doi: 10.1177/1534735418762496. View
- Johnson, J.A.*, Garland, S.N.*, Carlson, L.E., Savard, J., Simpson, S.A., Ancoli-Israel, S., Campbell, T.S. (2018). Bright light therapy improves symptoms of fatigue in cancer survivors with cancer-related fatigue: A blinded randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. View.
- Giese-Davis, J., McCormick, J. L.*, Chobanuk, J., Shirt, L., Railton, C., Taylor, A., Zhong, L., Lau, H., Hao, D., Walley, B., Kapusta, B., Joy, A.A., Carlson, L.E. (2018). Alberta Cancer Bridges care plan implementation for breast and head-and-neck cancers. Current Oncology. View.
- Wayne PM, Lee MS, Novakowski J, Osypiuk K, Ligibel J, Carlson LE, Song R. (2018). Tai Chi and Qigong for cancer-related symptoms and quality of life: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 12(2):256-267. View.
- Johnson, J.A., Garland, S.N., Carlson, L.E., Savard, J., Simpson, J.S.A., Ancoli-Israel, S., & Campbell, T.S. (2017). Bright light therapy improves cancer-related fatigue in cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. Accepted October 19, 2017.
- Collie, K., McCormick, J., Waller, A., Railton, C., Shirt, L., Chobanuk, J., Taylor, A., Lau, H., Hao, D., Walley, B., Kapusta, B., Joy, A.A., Carlson, L.E., and Giese–Davis, J., (2014). Qualitative evaluation of care plans for Canadian breast and head-and-neck cancer survivors. Current Oncology, 22014 Feb;21(1):e18-28. doi: 10.3747/co.21.1698. View
- Beck, A.M., Robinson, J.W., Carlson, L.E. (2013). Sexual Values as the Key to Maintaining Satisfying Sex After Prostate Cancer Treatment: The Physical Pleasure–Relational Intimacy Model of Sexual Motivation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2013 Nov;42(8):1637-47. doi: 10.1007/s10508-013-0168-z View
- Lau, G.J., Carlson, L.E.(2012). Commentary: Disease-Specific Self-Concept, Defensive Distancing, and Subjective Well-Being in Head and Neck Cancer. Landmarks in Psychosocial Care. Cancer Patient Stereotypes. Current Oncology, August 2012.: 11(3), E31-32. View
- Lounsberry, J., MacRae, H., Angen, M., Hoeber, M., Carlson, L.E. (2010) Feasibility study of a telehealth delivered psychoeducatonal support group for allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant patients. Psycho-oncology 19(7), 777-781
- Carlson, L.E. & Bultz, B.D. (2010). Communication and coping as a survivor. In D. Kissane, P. Butow, B. Bultz, & I. Finlay. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Communication in Oncology and Palliative Care. Oxford University Press (OUP). New York, NY. pp.177-190 ISBN-13: 9780199238361 DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199238361.001.0001 View
- Beck, A.M., Robinson, J.W. & Carlson, L.E. (2009). Sexual intimacy in heterosexual couples after prostate cancer: What we know and what we still need to learn. Urologic Oncology, 27, 137-143.
- Palmer, J., Trotter, T., Joy, A.A., & Carlson, L.E. (2008). Cognitive effects of Tamoxifen in pre-menopausal women with breast cancer compared to healthy controls. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2008 Dec;2(4):275-82. doi: 10.1007/s11764-008-0070-1. Epub 2008 Oct 16. View
- Groff, S.L., Carlson, L.E., Tsang, K. & Potter, B.J. (2008). Cancer patients' satisfaction with care in traditional and innovative ambulatory oncology clinics. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 2008 Jul-Sep;23(3):251-7. doi: 10.1097/01.NCQ.0000324590.99460.f6. View
- Carlson, L.E., Smith, D., Russell, J., Fibich, C. & Whittaker, T. (2006). Individualized exercise program for the treatment of severe fatigue in patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplant (HSCT). Bone Marrow Transplant, 2006 May;37(10):945-54. View
- Garland, S., Carlson, L.E., Campbell, T.S. & Grossman, P. (2006). Relationships between psychological stress and salivary cortisol in women with and without breast cancer. Psychosomatic Medicine, 68(1), A-69.
- Carlson, L.E. & MacRae, J.H. (2002). Quality of life issues following autologous bone marrow transplantation. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 2002 Apr;2(2):129-46. doi: 10.1586/14737167.2.2.129. View
- Simpson, J.S.A., Carlson, L.E., Beck, C. & Patten, S. (2002). Social support and psychiatric morbidity in breast cancer patients. Psycho-Oncology, 2002 Jul-Aug;11(4):282-94. View
- Carlson, L.E., Koski, T. & Gluck, S. (2001). Longitudinal effects of high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation on quality of life in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 2001 May;27(9):989-98. View
- Carlson, L.E., Ottenbreit, N., St. Pierre, M. & Bultz, B.D. (2001). Partner understanding of the breast and prostate cancer experience. Cancer Nursing, 2001 Jun;24(3):231-9. View
- Carlson, L.E., Bultz, B.D., Speca, M. & St. Pierre, M. (2000). Partners of cancer patients: Part I. Impact, adjustment, and coping across the illness trajectory. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 12Oct2008: 18(2), 39-63. DOI:10.1300/J077v18n02_03 View
- Carlson, L.E., Bultz, B.D., Speca, M. & St. Pierre, M. (2000). Partners of cancer patients: Part II. Current psychosocial interventions and suggestions for improvement. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 12Oct2008: 18(3), 33-43. DOI:10.1300/J077v18n03_03 View