Former Lab Members
Previous members of the Carlson Lab team, they have gone on to continue to grow and build their careers.

Beatrice Anghelescu
Bachelor of Psychology Student
Andrea Beck
PhD Student
Katie Birnie
BA (Hons) Student
Tobi Ceh
Research Assistant
Sarah Cook
BSc (Hons) Student
Dale Dirkse
Research Assistant
Katherine Elliott
BA (Hons) Student
Aganeta Enns
Psychology Honours Student
Maria Fais
BA (Hons) Student
Sheila Garland
BA (Hons) Student
Shannon Groff
BSc (Hons) Student
Gyeongyeon Hong
BSc (Hons) Student
Marion Hutchins
BSc (Hons) Student
Lauren Hutchings
MATCH Volunteer
Fabijana Jakulj
Summer Student and Research Assistant
Jillian Johnson
PhD Candidate
Ngaire King
BA (Hons) Student
Laura Labelle
PhD Student
Piero Lamendola
Post Grad Student
Laura Lansdell
BA (Hons) Student
Linette Lawlor-Savage
Research Assistant
Greg Levin
PhD Fellow
Joshua Lounsberry
Research Assistant
Olga Maciejewski
BSc (Hons) Student
Matthew Machan
Bsc Student
Michael Mackenzie
MA Student
Jaime Palmer
MSc Student
Joanne Park
Research Assistant
Barbara Pickering
Research Assistant
Hassan Pirbhai
Bachelor of Natural Sciences
Maryam Qureshi
BA Psych Student
Shushana Rattan
Summer Student
Erica Reed
Bachelor of Psychology Student
Codie Rouleau
Psychology Honours Student
Aven Sidhu
Summer Student
Utkarsh Subnis
Postdoc Fellow
Dr. Rie Tamagawa
Postdoctoral Fellow (2009-2014)
Dr. Bejoy Thomas
Postdoctoral Fellow
Sarah Todd
BA (Hons) Student
Kirsti Toivonen
PhD, Clinical Psychology, Student
Emma Tolsdorf
BSc Psychology student
Kathy Tsang
BA (Hons) Student
Nazia Viceer
Research Administration
Dr. Amy Waller
Postdoctoral Fellow
Jenni White
PhD Fellow
Patti Wiebe
Research Administration
Kristin Zernicke
PhD Student
Catharine Bowman
Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours), student
Lihong Zhong
Data Manager
Dr. Devesh Oberoi
Postdoctoral, Psychosocial Oncology, Fellow
Katherine-Ann Piedalue
BSc, Clinical Psychology (Honours) Student - Research Assistant
Andrew McLennan
BSc, Psychology (Honours) Student, Research Assistant
Dr. Mohamad Baydoun
Postdoctoral, Psychosocial Oncology, Fellow
Shokouh Abolhosseini
BSc, Psychology (Honours), Student
Michelle Flynn
PhD, Clinical Psychology, Student
Dr. Danielle Petricone-Westwood
Postdoctoral, Fellow - Psychosocial & Rehabilitation Oncology
Jane (Jung Han) Lee
BSc, Psychology (Honours) Degree, Student
Sarthak Singh
BSc, Health Sciences (Honours)
Erica Lam
BA, Psychology Major & Sociology Minor (Honours)
Cailynne Smith
BSc, Psychology (Honours)