Patient-Professional Communication Publications
Publications in Patient-Professional Communication.

- Oberoi D*, Kwok C, Li Y, Railton C, Horsman S, Reynolds K, Joy AA, King M, Lupichuk SM, Speca M, Culos-Reed N, Carlson LE, Giese-Davis J. (2022) Documenting Patients’ and providers’ preferences when proposing a randomized controlled trial: a qualitative exploration. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 22, 64 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12874-022-01549-1 View.
- Baydoun M*, Levin G, Balneaves LG, Oberoi D*, Sidhu A, Carlson LE. (2022) Complementary and Alternative Medicine Online Learning Intervention for Oncology Healthcare Providers: A Mixed-Method Study. Integrative Cancer Therapies. https://doi.org/10.1177/15347354221079280 View.
- Oberoi D*, Kwok C, Li Y, Horsman S, Reynolds K, Joy AA, King KM, Lupichuck SM, Speca M, Culos-Reed N, Carlson LE, Giese-Davis J. (2021) Documenting Patients’ and Providers’ Preferences When Proposing a Randomized Controlled Trial: A Qualitative Exploration. Research Square. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-294467/v1 View.
- Hack, T.F., Carlson, L., Butler, L., Degner, L.F., the SCRN Communication Team (Pickles, T., Ruether, D., Weir, L.), & Jakulj, F. (2011). Facilitating the implementation of empirically valid interventions in psychosocial oncology and supportive care. Support Care Cancer 2011 Aug;19(8):1097-105. doi: 10.1007/s00520-011-1159-z. Epub 2011 Apr 15. View
- Thomas, B.C., Lounsberry, J.J. & Carlson, L.E. (2010) Challenges in communication with ethnically diverse populations. In Kissane, D., Bultz, B.D., Butow, P.M. & Finlay, I. (eds) Oxford Handbook of Communication in Cancer and Palliative Care. Oxford University Press. New York, NY. pp 375-388
- Thomas, B.C., Groff, S., Tsang, K., & Carlson, L.E. Patient ethnicity: A key predictor of cancer care satisfaction. Ethnicity & Health 2009 Aug;14(4):351-8. doi: 10.1080/13557850802638203. View
- Thomas, B.C., Carlson, L.E., & Bultz, B.D. (2009). Cancer patient ethnic identity: associations with distress - the 6h vital sign: A new look at defining patient ethnicity in a multicultural context. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2009 Aug;11(4):237-48. doi: 10.1007/s10903-008-9180-0. Epub 2008 Sep 5. View
- Chunlestskul, K., Carlson, L.E., Koopmans, J.P., & Angen, M. (2008). Lived experiences of Canadian women with metastatic breast cancer in preparation for their death: A qualitative study. Part I - Preparations and Consequences. Journal of Palliative Care, 2008 Spring;24(1):5-15. View
- Chunlestskul, K., Carlson, L.E., Koopmans, J.P., & Angen, M. (2008). Lived experiences of Canadian women with metastatic breast cancer in preparation for their death: A qualitative study. Part II - Enabling and Inhibiting Factors; the Paradox of Death Preparation. Journal of Palliative Care, 2008 Spring;24(1):16-25. View
- Pickles, T., Reuther, J.D., Wier, L., Carlson, L.E., Jakulj, F. & the SCRN Communication Team. (2007). Psychosocial barriers to active surveillance for the management of early prostate cancer and a strategy for increased acceptance. British Journal of Urology International, 2007 Sep;100(3):544-51. Epub 2007 May 26.View
- Angen, M.M.J., Carlson, L.E., Currie, S., Hoeber, M., Houshmand, S., Maciejewski, O., & MacRae, H. (2006). Telehealth videoconferencing application in psychosocial oncology: Trials and triumphs from the trenches. Psycho-Oncology, 15(S2), S159.
- Carlson, L.E., Feldman-Stewart, D., Tishelman, C., Brundage, M. & the SCRN Communication Team (Hack, T., Degner, L., Baile, W., Bultz, B., Butler, L., Davison, J., Parker, P. & Thorne, S.). (2005). Patient-professional communication research in cancer: An integrative review of research methods in the context of a conceptual framework. Psycho-Oncology, 2005 Oct;14(10):812-28; discussion 829-30. View
- Hack, T.F., Degner, L.F., Parker, P.A. & the SCRN Communication Team (Baile, W., Brundage, M., Bultz, B., Carlson, L., Davison, J., Feldman-Stewart, D., Thorne, S. & Tishelman, C.). (2005). The communication goals and needs of cancer patients: A review. Psycho-Oncology, 2005 Oct;14(10):831-45; discussion 846-7. View
- Feldman-Stewart, D., Brundage, M.D., Tishelman, C. & the SCRN Communication Team (Hack, T., Degner, L., Baile, W., Bultz, B., Butler, L., Carlson, L., Davison, J., Parker, P. & Thorne, S.). (2005). A conceptual framework for patient-professional communication: An application to the cancer context. Psycho-Oncology, 2005 Oct;14(10):801-9; discussion 810-1. View
- Bulter, L., Degner, L.F., Baile, W., the SCRN Communication Team (Hack, T., Brundage, M., Bultz, B., Carlson, L., Davison, J., Feldman-Stewart, D., Parker, P., Tishelman, C. & Thorne, S.) & Landry, M. (2005). Developing communication competency in the context of cancer: A critical interpretive analysis of provider training programs. Psycho-Oncology, 14, 861-872.
- Parker, P., Davison, B.J., Tishelman, C., Brundage, M.D. & the SCRN Communication Team (Hack, T., Degner, M., Baile, W., Bultz, B., Butler, L., Carlson, L., Feldman-Stewart, D. & Thorne, S.). (2005). What do we know about facilitating patient communication in the cancer care setting? Psycho-Oncology, 2005 Oct;14(10):848-58; discussion 859-60. View
- Thorne, S.E., Bultz, B.D., Baile, W.F. & the SCRN Communication Team (Hack, T., Degner, M., Brundage, M., Butler, L., Carlson, L., Davison, J., Feldman-Stewart, D., Parker, P. & Tishelman, C.). (2005). Is there a cost to poor communication in cancer care? A critical review of the literature. Psycho-Oncology, 2005 Oct;14(10):875-84; discussion 885-6. View