
iRadio Lab

iRadio Lab is a leading laboratory for research and development of “smart” and “green” radio systems.


iRadio lab's mission is to develop new knowledge and innovative enabling technologies relevant to intelligent and green radio systems targeting the future generations of wireless and satellite communication covering the radiofrequency to millimeter-wave bands. Beyond academic activities, the mandate of iRadio lab is to develop practical knowledge and technologies that are valuable to our partners and sponsors, and to train highly qualified personnel in the nano-electronics, wireless sensors networks, wireless and satellite communications, and science and technology industries.  


With anticipated exponential growth in data traffic and number of users for, the number and variety of base stations and heterogeneous networks is increasing rapidly. This increase raises several challenges for wireless network infrastructure providers and wireless operators in terms of energy consumption and sustainability of wireless communication networks from standard diversity perspective and operating cost.

To address this problematic matter, the Intelligent RF Radio technology Laboratory (iRadio Lab) was founded in 2005 by Dr. Fadhel Ghannouchi and is funded mainly by the Canada Research Chair (CRC) program, Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures (AITF), National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI). The research program of the lab targets the improvement of state-of-art technology and investigates new challenges, with a potential to generate disruptive and transformative intellectual knowledge in the field of high-speed broadband radio communications for wireless, satellite and sensor network applications operating at up to mm-wave frequencies.

Research Fields

  • Reconfigurable and intelligent radio transceivers
  • Software and cognitive radio based transceivers
  • Multi-antenna active transmitters
  • Micro and nano RF front-ends from radiofrequencies to millimeter-wave frequency bands
  • Energy aware algorithms for radio physical layer processing
  • Devices, circuits and systems behavioral modeling
  • Broadband/multi-band and multi-standard receiver design
  • Signal processing and RF design for MIMO and multi-antenna radio systems
  • All-digital and digitally-enhanced reconfigurable RF transceivers
  • Wireless sensors for geolocation and biomedical applications
  • System integration using heterogeneous nanotechnologies (CMOS, GaN, SiGe, LTCC, …)


Current Projects

This is what is keeping us busy!



Fruit of our labor!


Our team

The real heroes!