Meet our researchers
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Faculty, Administration, Students, Post Doctoral Fellows, Alumni and Visiting Researchers.

Fadhel Ghannouchi, Professor
Dr. Fadhel Ghannouchi holds a BSc from Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal and an MSc and PhD from the University of Montreal. His academic career began at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, before founding AmpliX Inc. in 1998. His management and business career continued as a senior scientific advisor for Mitec Telecom Inc. Dr. Ghannouchi came to the University of Calgary in 2005, where he is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the founding director of iRadio Lab.

Mohamed Helaoui, Professor
Professor Helaoui received the MSc and PhD degrees in communications and information technology from École Supérieure des Communications de Tunis, Tunisia, in 2003 and 2006, respectively, and the PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Calgary in 2009. His research activities are funded by over $3 million over the last 10 years. These funds were provided by federal and provincial funding agencies (NSERC and AITF) and industrial collaborators such as the Canadian Space Agency, Ericsson Canada, Norsat International, Nanowave Technologies, the National Research Counsil of Canada,and CMC microsystems. He supervised over 50 graduate and undergraduate students and over 10 postdoctoral fellows.

Hammam Orabi
Hi, this is Hammam!
I'm a lab manager here, and a PhD student. my interests are in Statistical Signal Processing and its applications in MIMO systems. I also speak FPGAs, DSPs and Microcontrollers!
I received my Master's degree from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2014, and my Bachelor's degree from Damascus University, 2011, both in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering.
When I'm not in the lab, you may find me backpacking in Alberta's amazing wilderness!

Dawood Shekari Beyragh
Dawood Shekari Beyragh (Member, IEEE) received his B.S. degree from the University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, in 2003, and his M.S. degree from Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, in 2006, both in electrical engineering.
From 2006 to 2016, he was a design engineer with the Information and Communication Technology Institute, Isfahan, Iran, where he was involved in the design and implementation of various types of passive and active microwave circuits and systems.
He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at iRadio Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. He collaborated with Canadian Space Agency, where he was part of the design team for developing a fully integrated front-end module for a C-band synthetic aperture radar from 2018 to 2020.

Morvarid Lalenoor
Morvarid Lalenoor received her BSc. degree in electrical engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2022. She also pursued a minor degree in computer engineering during her undergraduate studies at the Amirkabir University of Technology. She is currently an MSc. student at iRadio Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. Her research field is AI-Augmented Intelligent RFICs for Transmitter Predistortion for 5G and 6G Wireless and Space Communication Applications.

Maryam Sadeghi
Maryam Sadeghi (Member, IEEE) received her B.Sc. degree from Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran, in 2010 and her Master's degree from the University of Calgary, Canada, in 2022, both in electrical engineering. She worked as a microwave engineer between her B.Sc. and M.Sc. at the Information and Communication Technology Institute, Isfahan, Iran.
She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. degree at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, working on active phased array antennas in the millimeter-wave band for 5G applications.

Ahmad Dalbah
Ahmad Dalbah received his BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering from the American University of Sharjah, UAE. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering degree at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. His research interests include digital signal processing (DSP) applied to RF and wireless communication, as well as FPGA applications.
Post Doctoral Fellows

Xuekun Du
Xuekun Du received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Liaoning Technical University, Huludao, China, in 2010 and 2014, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, in December 2018, all in communication and information systems.
From 2016 to 2018, he was a Visiting Ph.D. Student with the Intelligent RF Radio Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, where he is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow. His current research interests include passive circuit design, high-efficient wideband power-amplifier design, MMIC PA design, active devices’ modeling, artificial neural network modeling, measurements, and characterization techniques.

Mahmood Noweir
Mahmood Noweir (S’17) received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya, in 2002, the M.Sc. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA, in 2010, and the PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, in 2021. His current research interests include impairments mitigation of radio over fiber links architecture, millimeter wave generation and DSP processing, and 5G systems.

Ahmadreza Motaqi
Ahmadreza (reza) Motaqi holds a Ph.D degree at the University of Calgary. He has been working on hardware implementation of digital systems on FPGA for almost a decade. Having such background in hardware design combined with radio frequency knowledge led him to focus on one of the most challenging topics in developing state of the art 5G and 5G+ wireless systems; Digital Predistortion (DPD) algorithms. He is working toward the linearization and distortion compensation in MIMO wireless platforms. To pave the road, he has developed a state-of-the-art MIMO platform driving a 4x4 phased array antenna with fully controlled digital paths. Having an advanced wireless platform plus his obsession with Artificial Intelligence (AI) led him toward the applications of AI in MIMO DPD design. In addition to his academic activities, he is very outgoing and fascinated by the beauty of the nature.