Current Research Themes
The iRadio Lab focused on the following hotspots. Achievements and outcomes of undergoing research projects are outlined.
The main research goal of the iRadio lab is the development of intelligent RF radio systems for emerging wireless and satellite communications. The main goal is the development of software-defined high-performance transceivers. This multidisciplinary research program calls for broad knowledge in the fields of:
Advanced RF front-ends design,
Agile transceivers design,
Power amplifiers and linearization,
Digital signal processing techniques for communication systems,

Advanced RF Front-ends
This research theme deals with the development of the advanced reconfigurable, adaptive, broadband front-ends for future communication systems. This includes several aspects such as:
- Reconfigurable, multi-band and multi-standards RF front-ends,
- Tunable and adaptive matching networks,
- Multiple Input Multiple Output radio front-ends,
- TX/RX for smart antennas,
- Software defined radio front-ends,
- Broadband RF front-ends.

Transceivers Design
This research theme deals with the development of new knowledge and know how related to the design and optimization of transceivers for CDMA and OFDM based broadband communication systems.
- Low-IF Transmitter/Receiver,
- Heterodyne Transmitter/ Receiver,
- Polar and Cartesian direct conversion Transmitters/ Receivers,
- Software Defined Radio Transceivers,
- Multi-branch transceivers

Power Amplifiers & Linearization
This research theme aims at developing new knowledge related to the power amplifiers design and the optimization in the terms of linearity and power efficiency using device level as well as the system level design approaches. In particular, the research and development activities are geared to the development of the advanced amplifications systems using the switching mode amplifiers and the distributed multi-branch amplifiers for the broadband communications applications.
- Linear (continuously driven) amplifiers (Classes A, AB, B and C),
- Switching mode amplifiers (Classes E, D, and F),
- High power RF amplifiers (SSPAs and TWTAs),
- LINC, E&ER and Doherty based PAs,
- Feedforward techniques,
- Feedback techniques,
- Analog RF predistortion technique,
- Digital RF predistortion technique,
- Base band predistortion technique,
- Hybrid techniques.

DSP for Communication Systems
This theme groups the research activities related to the development of the advanced signal processing techniques and algorithms which are required for software enabled transmitter /receiver. Implementation issues of the developed algorithms are also included in this theme.
- Adaptive filtering techniques,
- Noise and interference suppression techniques,
- Linear & non-linear digital filters synthesis,
- Dynamic non-linear channel equalization,
- Waveform shaping and crest factor reduction techniques,
- Algorithm implementation using DSP/FPGA development platforms.

The Radio over Fiber (RoF) and mm-wave project aims at the development of RoF transmitter for front-haul and back-haul full-duplex communication link suitable for the current and next wireless communication. The targeted architecture links composed of one central baseband unit (BBU) to one or multiple remote radio heads (RRH) units distanced away. The iRadio team demonstrated experimentally and by simulation, agile digital signal processing (DSP) techniques for RoF to reduce the analysis bandwidth required to generate predistortion models.