Facilities - Main Campus

ThermoFisher Triton Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer

ThermoFisher Triton Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer

The Triton is a multiple collector mass spectrometer that produces ions from a heated filament in the ion source.

ThermoFisher Neptune Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometer

The Neptune features an inductively coupled argon plasma ion source with a magnetic sector mass analyzer with nine Faraday cups arranged along the focal plane.

ThermoFisher Neptune Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometer
PerkinElmer Elan DRCII Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometer

PerkinElmer Elan DRCII Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometer

The Elan is an inductively coupled argon plasma mass spectrometer coupled to a quadrupole mass analyzer specifically designed for the fast and sensitive measurement of elements across the periodic table.

Clean Room

The laboratory features a clean room specifically designed to process and prepare samples with extremely low ambient amounts of trace metals.  In this space, minute quantities of materials are handled in a controlled environment featuring extensive use of non-metal materials in a HEPA-filtered room.

Anika Retzmann working in the clean room.
Close up of the prepFAST autosampler


The Elemental Scientific PrepFAST sample purification system is an automated device to prepare materials for analysis through the purification of complex sample matrices through ion exchange resins.

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Analytical Services

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Foothills Campus Lab

Read about our new lab in the University of Calgary Charbonneau Cancer Institute.

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