Kids Outcomes and Long Term Abilities After Early Traumatic Brain Injury (KOALA) is funded by the Bridging the Gap in Paediatric Traumatic Brain Injury CIHR Foundation grant, led by Dr. Miriam Beauchamp at the Hôpital Sainte-Justine (Montreal, QC). Dr. Keith Yeates is a Co-P.I. on this project. This new study is aimed at improving the care of children who sustain concussion by improving the knowledge we have about how these injuries affect children’s brains, and their physical, mental, social and behavioral health.
This study will focus multi-site efforts on the study of TBI in children under 6 years of age by using a cohort design and incorporate novel cognitive, social and neuroimaging approaches to 1) examine cognitive, social, and behavioural difficulties after early TBI; 2) identify the genetic factors related to outcome; iii) determine individual, environmental, and clinical predictors of outcome, and iv) depict the neural consequences of early TBI and ability of advanced neuroimaging markers to predict outcome.Identifying the predictors and long-term consequences of preschool TBI has the potential to provide substantial gains for victims of TBI, their families, as well as the health care system.
Funding: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Foundation Grant
Years: 2016-2021
Calgary Team:
Coordinator: Lisa Marie Langevin
Research Assistant: Heidi O'Brien