Jeff Dunn
Brain oxygen levels are a sensitive marker of brain health. Dr. Dunn and his team are developing and applying a range of technologies to study oxygen levels in brain and how these relate to disease processes. They are translating non-invasive near-infrared technology to the clinic for assessing mTBI. They may have found a method that is portable and relatively inexpensive to monitor brain injury. Dr. Dunn is the Director of the Experimental Imaging Centre which develops and applies technology to study disease models as well as translate technology to patient care. He and his team have developed methods to non-invasively study brain oxygenation and blood vessel growth in brain in response to chronic low oxygen—such as may occur in stroke, MS and high altitude medicine. Animal models include stroke, epilepsy, cancer, MS and brain injury.
Trainees: Ibukun Oni, Joel Burma, Andrew Lapointe, Ateyeh Soroush, Sabrina Pearce
Publications: PubMed
Website: Dunn Imaging Lab
Contact: dunnj@ucalgary.ca