Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
Related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Centre for Corporate Sustainability
The Centre for Corporate Sustainability was founded to disseminate knowledge and balance environmental, social and economic approaches. Its mission is to enable partnerships among researchers, industry experts, government officials and community representatives to improve sustainable industry and economic practices.

Project explores Alberta’s economic and fiscal future
Recent economically impactful events in Alberta call for innovation and collective action to put the province on the path of sustainable prosperity. To encourage discussion around this, The School of Public Policy’s Alberta Futures Project has commissioned papers from a wide range of authors exploring Alberta’s economic and fiscal future, as well as the future of health care. This collection of papers is set to be published in an upcoming series of books.

Teaching, learning and student experience

Canada’s Student Work Placement Program provides meaningful employment to UCalgary students
UCalgary secured $9 million in dedicated federal funding for new co-op and internship placements. This program will provide up to 1,200 students with valuable work opportunities in their fields of study.

UCalgary introduces Embedded Certificate in Entrepreneurial Thinking
The new Embedded Certificate in Entrepreneurial Thinking was introduced in Fall 2021. The certificate, which is available to all UCalgary undergraduates, will provide students with opportunities to solve social problems, create great new technologies and build businesses.