Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being at all ages
Related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

O’Brien Institute researchers address health inequities through social innovation
A UCalgary research team is documenting and sharing First Nations-driven pandemic response plans and evaluating their effectiveness. The team recognizes that, with pandemic responses, there is just as much need to address social conditions for vulnerable groups as there is to ensuring vaccination.

Child Health and Wellness Research Strategy
Launched in November 2020, the Child Health and Wellness Research Strategy provides a collaborative direction for research at the UCalgary, in partnership with the community. This strategy catalyzes multidisciplinary research to transform the future for children and families by effectively treating illnesses and preventing stressors in babies and children.

Teaching, learning and student experience

Indigenous Health Program
The Indigenous Health Program is committed to supporting learners and confronting issues faced by Indigenous people in the health-care system and in our institution. The program’s services and initiatives seek to address the under-representation of Indigenous people in medicine and promote health-service quality improvements for all Indigenous people through professional education.

Mental Wellbeing and Resilience Certificate
UCalgary has an embedded certificate in Mental Wellbeing and Resilience. Undergraduates from almost every discipline can complete the certificate alongside their degree without adding extra time to their studies, and, upon completion, will be able to reflect and articulate personal values about mental health and well-being with respect to self-care, empathy for others and resilience.