Vakili, S.; PhD (NSU),
MA (U of T), BSc (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Val, A.; BA (Madrid);
Instructor (French Italian & Spanish)
Valdez-Cardenas, L.M.;
BA, PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Archaeology)
Valentine, K.A.;
FRCPC, BSc (UofC), MD (UofC), PhD (UofC); Clinical Associate Professor
(Department of Medicine)
Valentine, L.F.F.;
MArch (Harvard), BArch (U of T); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Environmental
Valeo, C.; PEng
(APEGGA), MEng (McMaster), PhD (McMaster), BASc (U of T), BSc (U of T);
Professor (Civil Engineering)
Vallance, J.; BHK
(UBC), MA (UofA), PhD (UofA); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Vamosi, J.C.; BSc
(SFU), PhD (UBC); Assistant Professor (Biological Sciences)
Vamosi, S.M.; MSc
(UBC), PhD (UBC), BSc(Hons) (UofG); Associate Professor (Biological Sciences)
Vanbalkom, W.D.; BA
(Concordia), Cert (Harvard), DEdPostGrd (McGill), PhD (McGill); Professor
(Faculty of Education)
Van Den Berghe, J.;
PhD (Manchester), BA (Hons) (York); Clinical Assistant Professor (Medical
Genetics), Clinical Assistant Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Van Der Hoorn, F.A.;
MSc (RUN), PhD (RUN); Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology),
Assoc Dean(Grad Sciences Edu) (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor -
Medicine (Oncology)
Vanderkooi, O.G.; LMCC
(MCC), FRCPC (RCPSC), SpecCompe (RCPSC), Diploma (UA), BSc (UofA), MD (UofA);
Assistant Professor - Medicine (Microbiology & Infect Disease), Assistant
Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med), Assistant Professor - Medicine
Vanderspoel, J.; BA
(CC), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor (Dept of Greek & Roman Studies)
Vandervlist, H.A.; PhD
(McMaster), MA (U of T), BA (York); Associate Professor (Department of English)
Vander Werf, J.P.V.;
RPsych (CAP), BA (UVIC), Diploma (UofC), MSc (UofC); Counsellor (Instructor)
(Student and Enrolment Services)
van Duin, B.; Adjunct
Assistant Professor (Civil Engineering)
Van Herk, A.; BA
(Hons) (UofA), MA (UofA); Professor (Department of English), University
Professor (Department of English)
Van Marle, G.; MSc
(Leiden), PhD (Leiden); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Microbiology &
Infect Disease)
Van Mastrigt, R.L.;
PhD (UVIC), BA (Hons) (Windsor), MA (Windsor); Adjunct Professor (Psychology)
Van Minnen, J.; MSc,
PhD; Professor - Medicine (Cell Biology & Anatomy)
Van Olm, T.M.M.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Van Rosendaal, G.M.A.;
FRCPC (U of T), BSc (UWO), MD (UWO), MSc (UWO); Professor - Medicine (Community
Health Sciences), Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Vansiri, G.A.;
Diploma, BSc (Acadia), PhD (UBC), MEd (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor
(Environmental Design)
Van Westenbrugge,
J.A.; BSc, FRCSC, MD; Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Van Zuiden, L.J.V.;
BSc, FRCSC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Van Zyl, L.T.; FRCPC,
LMCC, MB BS (Pretoria), MOM (SUN); Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Vardy Dell, G.; BSc
(SFX), MAdEd (SFX); Senior Instructor (U of C Qatar Campus)
Vaska, M.M.; MLS
(UofA), BA (UofC); Assistant Librarian (Faculty of Medicine)
Vaughan, K.K.; BA
(Hons) (Queen’s), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor
Vayalumkal, J.V.;
FRCPC, BSc (McMaster), MD (McMaster); Clinical Assistant Professor
Vaz, G.A.; MBBS;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Veale, P.M.; FRCPC
(UofC), LMCC (UofC), MD (UofC), MSc (UofC); Assistant Professor - Medicine
(Paediatrics), Assistant Dean (Pre-Clerkship) (Paediatrics)
Veenhuyzen, G.D.; BSc,
MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Assistant
Professor (Cardiac Science)
Veidt, B.G.; Adjunct
Assistant Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
Verbeke, A.C.; BAEc
(UA), MBA (UA), MPA (UA), PhD (UA); Professor (Haskayne School of Business),
McCaig Chair in Mgmt Endowment (Haskayne School of Business)
Vergnolle, N.; BSc
(PSU), MSc (PSU), PhD (PSU); Adjunct Associate Professor (Physiology &
Verhoef, M.J.; BA
(SUU), MA (SUU), MSc (SUU), PhD (UofC); Professor - Medicine (Community Health
Sciences), Tier ll CRC-Complementary Med (Community Health Sciences), Professor
- Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Verjee, M.; LMCC,
PGCertGP, BSc(Hons) (Dundee), CCFP (Dundee), MB BS (Dundee), MD (UofLondon);
Adjunct Associate Professor (Family Medicine)
Verleger, P.K.; BA
(Cornell), PhD (MIT); Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Verma, M.B.; ChB,
FRCPC, MB; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Verstraten, K.L.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Verwaal, N.M.; BSc
(UofC), MSc (UofC); Instructor (Computer Science)
Veryovka, O.; Adjunct
Associate Professor (Computer Science)
Vicas, I.M.O.; BSc,
CCFP, MD/ChM, MSc; Clinical Associate Professor (Family Medicine), Clinical
Associate Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Associate Professor
(Physiology & Pharmacology)
Vickers, J.N.; EdD
(UBC), BPE (UNB), MSc (UofC); Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Vigmond, E.J.; PEng
(APEGGA), BASc (U of T), MASc (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor
(Electrical & Computer Eng)
J.E.; MSc (Birmingham), PhD (Birmingham), Diploma (Bologna), BSc (UNL); Adjunct
Assistant Professor (Physics & Astronomy), Assistant Professor - Medicine
Vincelli, D.J.; BSc,
DDS, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Viner, S.M.; BMSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical
Associate Professor (Critical Care Medicine)
Vinogradov, O.G.; PEng
(APEGGA), PhD (IRT), MSc (KPI), MSc (RSU); Professor (Mechanical &
Manufacturing Eng)
Violato, C.; BSc
(UBC), MA (UBC), PhD (UofA); Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences)
Virani, N.S.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Virani, S.N.; Clinical
Assistant Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Visser, M.G.; BSc
(UofA), MN (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
Vitale, G.; Clinical
Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Vize, P.D.; PhD
(Adelaide), BSc(Hons) (MON); Professor (Biological Sciences), Adjunct Professor
(Computer Science), Adjunct Professor (Biochem & Molecular Biology)
Vlavianos, N.; LLB
(UofA), LLM (UofC), BA (Hons) (UofS); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Law)
Vogel, H.J.; Post
Gradu (Lund), BSc (RUG), MEd (RUG), MSc (RUG), PhD (UofA); Professor
(Biological Sciences), Adjunct Professor (Biochem & Molecular Biology)
von Bergmann, H.A.;
BSc (Tunghai), MSc (USC), PhD (USC); Associate Professor (Faculty of Education)
Von Der Weid, P.Y.;
BSc (Geneva), Diploma (Geneva), PhD (Geneva); Associate Professor - Medicine
(Physiology & Pharmacology), Associate Professor - Medicine (Physiology
& Pharmacology)
Von Ranson, K.M.; BA
(Hons) (BMC), PhD (UM); Associate Professor (Psychology)
Von Tscharner, V.R.;
Diploma (Basel), PhD (Basel); Adjunct Associate Professor (Faculty of
Voordouw, G.; BSc
(SUU), MSc (SUU), PhD (UofC); Professor (Biological Sciences), NSERC Ind Res
Chr/Petr Microb (Biological Sciences)
Voroney, J.J.; MD (U
of T), BSc (UofG), MSc (UofG), PhD (UofG); Clinical Assistant Professor
Voyageur, C.J.; BA
(UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor (Sociology)
Voyna Wilson, S.M.; MA
(McGill), BA (Hons) (UWO); Sexual Harassment Advisor (Student and Enrolment
Vredenburg, H.; MBA
(McMaster), BA (Hons) (U of T), PhD (UWO); Professor (Haskayne School of
Business), Suncor Energy Chair (Haskayne School of Business), Adjunct Professor
(Environmental Design)
Vye-Rogers, L.;
BSc(Nur) (McGill), MSN (McGill); Senior Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Vyse, A.D.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)