Kalaydjian, E.; BSc
(Concordia), DDS (McGill); Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery)
Kaler, K.V.I.; PEng
(APEGGA), BSc(Hons) (Wales), PhD (Wales); Professor (Electrical & Computer
Kallos, M.S.; BSc
(UofC), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Kalny, M.T.; Clinical
Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Kamaluddeen, M.S.;
MRCP, MD (UNOM); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Kaminska, M.E.; CCFP,
BSc(Hons) (Ottawa), MD (U of T); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Kanani, R.S.; ABIM,
FRCPC, MD (McMaster), BSc(Hons) (UofA); Clinical Assistant Professor (Cardiac
Kanashiro, J.; FRCSC,
MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Kang, J.; MSc (BGSU),
PhD (UofC), BSc (Zhongshan); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Kantzas, A.; PEng
(APEGGA), DEng (AUTH), MASc (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Adjunct Professor
(Department of Geoscience), Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng), Tier ll
CRC-Energy & Imaging (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Kao, C.P.; BMSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Kaplan, B.J.; MA
(Brandheis), PhD (Brandheis), BA (UC); Professor - Medicine (Community Health
Sciences), Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Kaplan, G.; MPH
(Harvard), BSc (McMaster), MD (UofC); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Community
Health Sciences), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Kapur, P.P.; Cert, BA
(UCL), DEdPostGrd (UofC), MEd (UofC); Instructor (U of C Qatar Campus)
Kargacin, G.J.; BSc
(MSU), MSc (MSU), PhD (UW); Professor - Medicine (Physiology &
Kargacin, M.E.; BSc,
PhD; Research Associate Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Karim, G.A.; PEng
(APEGGA), BSc(Hons) (Durham), Diploma (ICSTM), DSc (UofLondon), PhD
(UofLondon); Professor (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)
Kassab, J.; FRCSC, MD;
Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Kastelic, J.P.; DACT,
MSc (UW-Madison), PhD (UW-Madison), DVM (UofS); Adjunct Professor (Production
Animal Health)
Kattan, L.; BEng
(AUB), MSc(Eng) (AUB), PhD (U of T); Assistant Professor (Civil Engineering)
Katz, L.; BSc (UofC),
MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Katzenberg, M.A.; PhD
(U of T), BA (UC), MA (UC); Professor (Archaeology), University Professor
Kauffman, S.A.; BA
(Dartmouth), BA (Oxford), MD (UC); Adjunct Professor (Department of Philosophy)
Kaura, D.R.; BMSc,
BSc, FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Kavanagh, K.M.; Cert
(ABIM), LMCC (MCC), BMSc (MUN), BSc (MUN), MD (MUN), Cert (RCPSC); Associate
Professor (Department of Medicine), Associate Professor (Cardiac Science)
Kawakami, J.; Clinical
Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Kawalilak, C.; BGS
(AU), MEd (UofC), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor (Faculty of Education)
Kawamura, L.S.; BA, MA
(Kyoto), MA (RU), PhD (UofS); Professor (Dept of Religious Studies), Numata
Chair, Buddhist Studies (Dept of Religious Studies)
Kawash, J.Y.; BSc (AUB),
MSc (BUC), PhD (UofC); Instructor (Computer Science)
Kawchuk, G.N.; BSc
(UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Cell Biology &
Kazmi, A.A.; MA
(Dalhousie), PhD (MIT), BA (PU), MA (Panjab); Associate Professor (Department of
Philosophy), Department Head (Department of Philosophy)
Kealey, A.J.; Clinical
Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Assistant Professor
(Cardiac Science)
Keating, B.R.; BSc
(Brandon); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Anthropology)
Keay, B.A.; BSc(Hons)
(Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Associate Dean (Research) (Faculty of Science),
Professor (Chemistry)
Keegan, D.A.;
SpecCompe, CCFP (CFPC), BMSc (MUN), MD (MUN); Associate Professor - Medicine
(Family Medicine)
Keeley, J.F.; MA
(Stanford), PhD (Stanford), BA (Hons) (UofM); Associate Professor (Political
Keenan, T.P.; MISP
(CIPS), BA (Columbia), EdD (Columbia), MA (Columbia), MSc (Columbia); Adjunct
Professor (Computer Science), Professor (Environmental Design), Assoc Dean (Aca
Envir Design) (Environmental Design)
Keith, D.W.; PhD
(MIT), BSc (U of T); Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng), Tier l
CRC-Energy&Environment (Chemical & Petroleum Eng), Adjunct Professor
(Environmental Design)
Kelemen, L.; DSc
(Harvard), BSc (UBC), MSc (UofG); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Medical
Genetics), Adjunct Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Kellner, B.L.;
BSc(Nur), FRCPC, MD, MSN; Clinical Associate Professor (Department of
Medicine), Clinical Associate Professor (Paediatrics)
Kellner, J.D.; LMCC
(MCC), FRCPC (RCPSC), MSc (U of T), BSc (UofA), MD (UofC); Professor - Medicine
(Community Health Sciences), Professor - Medicine (Microbiology & Infect
Disease), Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics), Department Head (Paediatrics)
Kelly, B.R.; MBBS;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Kelly, I.; Cert (MRC),
Cert (NAIT), BSc (UP), MHA (UPX), Cert (UofA); Instructor (U of C Qatar Campus)
Kelly, M.M.;
FCPath(SA), FRCP, LRCSPE, LRCSPG, PhD (McMaster), MB BS (Zimbabwe); Assistant
Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med), Assistant Professor -
Medicine (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Kelly, R.W.; MEd
(UVIC), BA (UWO), BEd (UWO), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Associate Professor (Faculty
of Education), Associate Professor (Department of Art)
Kennedy, C.A.; BA
(MUN), MSc (MUN), Cert (Oxford), MSc (Oxford), PhD (Oxford); Research Assistant
Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Kennedy, R.J.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Kent, D.A.; BMSc, BSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Keough, N.G.; BEng
(MUN), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Assistant Professor (Environmental Design)
Keown, L.A.; BA
(UofC), MA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Sociology)
Kerba, M.; BSc
(Ottawa), MD (U of T); Clinical Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Keren, M.; BA (HUJ),
PhD (UM); Professor (Political Science), Professor (Faculty of Arts), Tier l
CRC-Comm/Cult/Civil Soc (Faculty of Arts)
Keren, S.; BA (HUJ),
PrATeachCt (HUJ), MA (UM), PhD (UM); Associate Professor (History)
Kertzer, A.E.; MA
(Harvard), PhD (Harvard), BA (U of T); Professor (Department of English)
Kertzer, J.M.; PhD
(Cambridge), BA (U of T); Professor (Department of English)
Kettunen, J.S.; MBA
(HPU), DSIT (TKK), MSIT (TKK); Assistant Professor (Haskayne School of
Business), Assistant Professor (VP (Research & International))
Khalema, E.N.; BA
(UofA), Grad Dip (UofA), MEd (UofA); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Social
Khalil, M.N.; FRCPC,
MB BS, MSc; Clinical Associate Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Khan, A.; FRCPC, MD
(Queen’s), BSc (U of T), MSc (U of T); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Medical
Genetics), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Khan, L.; BSc
(Karachi), DCH (Karachi), MBBS (Karachi); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty
of Medicine)
Khan, R.F..H; Diploma,
PhD (McMaster), BSc (PU), MSc (PU), MSc (QAU); Adjunct Assistant Professor
(Physics & Astronomy), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
Khan, S.A.; MB BS, MD;
Clinical Lecturer (Psychiatry)
Khan, T.I.; CEng,
MIOM, BSc(Hons) (Brunel), PhD (Cambridge); Professor (Mechanical &
Manufacturing Eng)
Kherani, A.; FRCPC,
BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Kherani, F.; FRCPC,
BSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Khoja, S.R.A.; MBBS
(AKU), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Community Health
Khouri, M.; BA (Hons)
(Carleton), MA (Carleton), PhD (McGill), BA (Hons) (York); Associate Professor
(Faculty of Arts)
Kidd, W.T.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Cardiac Science), Clinical Assistant Professor
Kiddle, C.E.; BSc
(UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
Kiefer, G.N.; MD;
Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery)
Kilb, B.L.; BPE
(UofA), MA (UofA); Senior Instructor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Kim, H.M.; MSc
(Carleton), PhD (Carleton), BSc (SWU), MSc (SWU); Assistant Professor
(Mathematics & Statistics)
Kim, J.W.; PhD (OSU),
BSc (Yonsei), MSc (Yonsei); Associate Professor (Geomatics Engineering)
Kim, M.; BA (UofC, MA
(SIT); Instructor (Faculty of Education)
Kim, S.; PhD
(Dalhousie), BSc (KKU), MSc (McGill); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Biochem
& Molecular Biology), Tier II CRC in Cancer (Biochem & Molecular
Biology), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences)
Kinch, J.L.; PhD (CU),
MSN (D’Youville), RN (GBC), BSc(Nur) (McMaster), Diploma (WGHSN); Assistant
Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
King, K.M.; BSc(Nur)
(McMaster), MN (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor (Community Health Sciences),
Professor (Faculty of Nursing), Acting Assoc Dean (Research) (Faculty of
King, M.C.; BA
(Delaware), PhD (McGill); Adjunct Professor (Psychology), Adjunct Professor
(Department of Medicine)
Kingston, S.J.; FCFP,
MCCPM, Family Med (MUN), MD (McGill); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
King-Talley, C.; Dip
Nurs P, MSN (MGHIHP), BA (Vassar); Senior Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Kinnear, S.E.; FRCPC,
BS MD (UofM), MD (UofM), BSc (UofW); Clinical Assistant Professor (Department
of Medicine)
Kinniburgh, D.; BSc,
MSc, PhD; Adjunct Associate Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Kirby, A.S.; FRCPC,
MSc (Harvard), BSc (U of T), MD (U of T); Clinical Associate Professor
(Critical Care Medicine)
Kirk, V.G.; FRCPC,
Diploma (BCIT), MD (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Kirker, G.E.M.; FRCSC,
MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery)
Kirkland, L.H.; BA
(Hons) (Brock), BSc(Hons) (Brock), MEDes (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor
(Environmental Design)
Kirkpatrick, A.W.;
DABS, FACS, FRCPC, MD (Ottawa), Cert (U of T), MHSc (UBC); Professor (Critical
Care Medicine), Professor (Surgery)
Kirton, C.A.; FRCPC,
BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), MD (Queen’s), Cert (U of T), MSc (UofC); Assistant
Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences), Assistant Professor - Medicine
Kish, M.Y.; MD;
Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Kiss, Z.; FRCPC, MD
(Ottawa), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Klassen, B.D.; FRCPC,
BSc (UofS), MD (UofS), MSc (UofS); Clinical Assistant Professor (Clinical
Klassen, J.; DNBME,
FRCPC, Cert (CPSQC), BSc (UofM), MD (UofM); Professor - Medicine (Department of
Medicine), Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Kleffner, A.E.; BBA
(Creighton), MA (PENN), PhD (PENN); Associate Professor (Haskayne School of
Klein, E.; BSc
(McGill), MSc (McGill), PhD (RU), MA (Stanford); Professor (Haskayne School of
Klein, G.M.K.; FRCPC,
BA (Hons) (Oxford), MA (Oxford), MB BS (UofLondon); Clinical Associate
Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Kline, D.W.; MA (USC),
PhD (USC), BA (UofC); Professor (Psychology), Professor (Surgery)
Kline, G.A.; FRCPC,
LMCC, MD (UWO); Clinical Associate Professor (Department of Medicine)
Kline, T.J.B.; BSc
(UWOshkosh), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor (Psychology)
Kloetzel, M.J.; BA
(Swarthmore), MFA (UCR), MA (UM); Associate Professor (Program of Dance)
Kloiber, R.; MB BS;
Clinical Professor (Radiology)
Klukas, R.W.; PEng
(APEGGA), Diploma (SAIT), BSc (UofC), MSc(Eng) (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct
Assistant Professor (Geomatics Engineering)
Klym, K.A.; BMSc, BSc,
FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Kneebone, R.D.; BA
(Hons) (McMaster), MA (McMaster), PhD (McMaster); Professor (Economics)
Knopff, R.; BA (Hons)
(McMaster), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor (Political Science)
Knowles, N.J.; MA
(Queen’s), BA (Hons) (UWO), PhD (York); Adjunct Assistant Professor (History)
Knudsen, D.J.; PhD
(Cornell), BSc (ISU); Professor (Physics & Astronomy)
Knudtson, M.L.; FRCPC,
BSc (UofA), MD (UofC); Professor (Department of Medicine), Professor (Cardiac
Kodeeswaran, T.;
FRCPC, BSc (McMaster), MD (McMaster); Clinical Assistant Professor
Koebel, M.; MD (HU),
MD (uni-jena); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Koegler, P.A.; CCFP,
MD (UofA), BEd (UofL), BSc (UofL); Clinical Assistant Professor (Family
Kohli, J.; FRCPC, BSc
(UofC), MD (UofC), MSc (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Clinical
Kolarevic, B.R.;
MABPath, MDS (Harvard), PhD (Harvard); Professor (Environmental Design),
Haworth Chair, Integ Design (Environmental Design)
Kolb, J.C.; PhD (DSK),
MS (UO), BA (USC); Associate Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Koles, S.L.; BSc(Hons)
(Queen’s), MSc (UofA), MD (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Koltutsky, L.J.; MLS
(UofA), BEd (UofC); Associate Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Komers, P.E.; BSc
(Bern), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofS); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Biological
Konnert, C.A.; BA
(Hons) (SFU), MA (USC), PhD (USC); Associate Professor (Psychology)
Konnert, M.W.; BA (UBC),
MA (UBC), PhD (USC); Professor (History)
Konrad, N.A.; BA
(UofC), MA (UofC); Instructor (French Italian & Spanish)
Kooistra, L.; BA
(RUG), MA (RUG), PhD (RUG); Associate Professor - Medicine (Community Health
Sciences), Associate Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Koot, D.; BSc (UVIC);
Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Kooyman, B.P.; PhD
(Otago), BA (Hons) (UofC), MA (UofC); Professor (Archaeology), Department Head
Kopciuk, K.A.;
BSc(Hons) (UofC), MMath (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Adjunct Assistant Professor
(Mathematics & Statistics), Adjunct Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Kopp, G.D.; BEd
(UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Education)
Korley, R.E.; BSc
(McGill), MD (McGill), MSc (McGill); Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Korngut, L.W.;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Kortbeek, J.B.; FRCPC,
BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Professor - Medicine (Critical Care Medicine),
Professor - Medicine (Surgery), Department Head (Surgery)
Korzeniewski, P.A.;
MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Koshan, J.S.; LLM
(UBC), BSc (UofC), LLB (UofC); Associate Professor (Faculty of Law)
Koslowsky, I.L.; BSP
(U of T), MSc (UofA); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Kostash, M.A.; BSc
(UofA), MD (UofA); Clinical Associate Professor (Anaesthesia)
Kostyniuk, R.P.; MFA
(UW-Mlwke), MS (UW-Mlwke), BA (UofS), BEd (UofS); Professor (Department of Art)
Kothandaraman, M.;
BSc, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Kowalewski, R.J.; MD,
PhD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Kowch, E.G.; DEng
(Cambrian), BEd (UofS), PhD (UofS); Associate Professor (Faculty of Education)
Kozak, G.N.; BSc,
FRCSC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Kraay, H.; PhD
(Texas), BA (U of T), MA (U of T); Professor (History)
Kraft, S.; FRCPC, MD,
MSc (MUN), BSc (UofS); Clinical Assistant Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Krahn, J.L.; BComm
(UofC), PhD (UofC); Assistant Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Kramer, A.H.; DABIM,
FRCPC, MSc (UVA), MD (UofM), BSc (UofW); Clinical Assistant Professor (Clinical
Neurosciences), Clinical Assistant Professor (Critical Care Medicine)
Krause, F.F.; BSc
(KU), MSc(H) (KU), PhD (UofC); Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Krause, R.D.;
BSc(Hons) (UofA), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Adjunct Assistant Professor
(Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Krause, V.S.;
BSc(Hons), FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Krawetz, R.; BSc(Hons)
(UWO), PhD (UWO); Research Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Krebes, E.S.; MSc
(UBC), BSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Assoc Dean (Research & Acad) (Faculty of
Science), Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Krebs, G.D.; DVM
(UofS); Instructor (Vet Clinical & Diagnostic Scie)
Kreitzer, L.M.; BSc
(MSCD), MSW (UofC), PhD (UofC), Cert (UofLondon); Assistant Professor (Faculty
of Social Work)
Kremer, R.C.; BSc
(UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor (Computer Science)
Krentz, H.B.; PhD
(WSU); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Anthropology)
Krenz, R.A.; PEng
(APEGGA), BSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Assistant Professor (Chemical & Petroleum
Kreptul, D.W.S.; CCFP
(CFPC), FELLOW (CFPC), LMCC (MCC), MD (UofA), BA (UofS), BSc (UofS); Associate
Professor - Medicine (Family Medicine)
Krishnamurthy, D.;
MEng (Carleton), PhD (Carleton), BEng (MKU); Assistant Professor (Electrical
& Computer Eng)
Kroll, I.T.; FRCPC,
MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
Kryski, A.J.; Clinical
Assistant Professor (Cardiac Science)
Kubes, P.; BSc
(Queen’s), MSc (Queen’s), PhD (Queen’s); Professor - Medicine (Department of
Medicine), CalvinPheobe&Joan Snyder Chair (Critical Care Medicine),
Professor - Medicine (Critical Care Medicine), Professor - Medicine (Physiology
& Pharmacology), Tier I CRC-Leukocyte Recruitmt (Physiology &
Kubik, S.J.M.; MD;
Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Kuhn, S.M.; FRCPC,
LMCC, BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA), MSc (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine
(Department of Medicine), Associate Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Kuhnel, B.; PhD
(ISREC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Biochem & Molecular Biology)
Kulaga, A.; FRCPC, MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Kulchitsky, J.D.;
BComm (UofA), PhD (UofA); Assistant Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Kurien, E.C.;
BSc(Hons), FRCPC, MB BS; Clinical Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Kurrasch, D.M.; BS
(Purdue), PhD (Purdue); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Medical Genetics)
Kurwa, H.A.; FRCPC,
MBBS; Clinical Associate Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Associate
Professor (Oncology), Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery)
Kurz, E.U.; BSc
(Queen’s), PhD (Queen’s); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Physiology &
Kusalik, P.G.; MSc
(UBC), PhD (UBC), BSc (UofL); Professor (Chemistry), Department Head
Kutz, S.J.; DVM
(UofS), PhD (UofS); Associate Professor (Ecosystem & Public Health)
Kuwahara, B.S.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Kuzyk, C.J.; CCFP, BSc
(UofA), MD (UofA); Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Kwasniak, A.J.; BSc
(EMU), LLM (NWSLLC), LLB (UofA), MA (WSU); Associate Professor (Faculty of
Law), Adjunct Associate Professor (Environmental Design)
Kwok, D.Y.H.; PEng
(APEGGA), BASc (U of T), MASc (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor
(Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)
Kwok, J.C.W.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Kwok, S.; BSc
(McMaster), MSc (UM), PhD (UM); Faculty Professor (Physics & Astronomy)
Kyne, J.A.; BSc
(UofA), MD (UofC); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)