RCPSC, MSc (Stanford), BSc (U of T), MD (UBC); Assistant Professor - Medicine
(Department of Medicine)
Ma, M.Z.; Conversion
(Conversion), Conversion (Nanjing), MSc (Tongji), PhD (UofC); Clinical
Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Mabon, L.M.; MD;
Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
MacAdams, C.L.; CCFP,
FRCPC, LMCC, BSc(Hons) (UBC), MD (UBC); Clinical Associate Professor
MacDonald, I.M.; BSc,
Cert, MD, MSc; Clinical Professor (Medical Genetics)
MacDonald, J.A.; PhD
(Carleton), BSc (MTA); Associate Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular
Biology), Tier ll CRC-Pathophysiology (Biochem & Molecular Biology)
MacDonald, T.R.; DNEd,
BN (UofC), MN (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
MacEachern, A.S.; BA
(PEI), MA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Associate Professor (Archaeology)
MacEachern, P.R.;
FRCPC, MD (Queen’s), BPE (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of
Medicine), Clinical Assistant Professor (Oncology)
MacFarland, V.A.;
Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
MacFarlane, C.M.; BA
(SFX), PhD (UofA), MSc (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Community Health
MacGregor, J.H.; MD;
Clinical Professor (Radiology)
MacHida, H.M.; FRCPC,
Diploma (UofA), BA (UofC), MD (UofC); Clinical Associate Professor
MacIntosh, B.R.; PhD
(UF), BSc (UofG); Associate Dean (Faculty of Graduate Studies), Professor
(Faculty of Kinesiology)
MacIntosh, J.J.; BPhil
(Oxford), MA (Oxford), BA (UNZ), MA (UNZ); Professor (Department of Philosophy)
MacK, L.A.; BSc (LU),
MD (UWO), MSc (UofC); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Oncology), Assistant
Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
MacKay, E.A.; FRCPC,
MD, MPH (BU), BSc (Dalhousie), Unknown (Dalhousie); Clinical Associate
Professor (Community Health Sciences), Clinical Associate Professor (Department
of Medicine)
MacKay, P.A.;
BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Associate Professor (Department of
MacKay, T.J.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
MacKenzie, J.R.;
FRCPC, BSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
MacKenzie, R.M.;
FRCPC, MB BS (SGHMS); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
MacKinnon, J.A.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Oncology)
MacLaurin, B.J.; BSW
(UofC), MSW (UofC), BA (UofG); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
MacLean, A.R.; FRCPC,
BSc (Dalhousie), MD (Dalhousie), Cert (U of T); Clinical Associate Professor
MacLean, C.; CCFP,
FCCPM, BSc (Dalhousie), MD (Dalhousie), MBA (SMU), MSc (UWO); Professor -
Medicine (Family Medicine), Department Head (Family Medicine)
MacLeod, D.B.; MD;
Clinical Associate Professor (Family Medicine)
MacMillan, D.; BSc
(Dalhousie), MLS (Dalhousie); Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
MacMillan, K.R.; PhD
(McMaster), BA (Hons) (Nipissing), MA (Queen’s); Associate Professor (History)
Macnab, C.J.B.; PEng
(APEGGA), BEng (RMCC), PhD (U of T); Assistant Professor (Electrical &
Computer Eng)
MacNaughton, W.K.; BSc
(Queen’s), MSc (Queen’s), PhD (Queen’s); Professor - Medicine (Physiology &
MacNeil, C.; FRCPC, MD
(Dalhousie), BSc (UNB); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
MacNeil, J.F.;
BSc(Hons) (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Psychology)
MacPherson, J.; FRCPC,
MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
MacQueen, G.M.; FRCPC,
BSc(Hons) (MTA), MD (McMaster), PhD (McMaster); Professor - Medicine
(Psychiatry), Department Head (Psychiatry)
MacRae, J.M.; MCIP,
BSc (McGill), FRCPC (UBC), MD (UofC), MSc (UofC); Assistant Professor -
Medicine (Department of Medicine), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Cardiac
MacRae, M.E.E.; FRCPC,
BPHE (U of T), MD (U of T); Clinical Associate Professor (Clinical
Macrodimitris, S.D.;
BA (Hons) (UofM), MA (York), PhD (York); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Psychology),
Adjunct Assistant Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
MacWilliams, A.C.; MSc
(Maine), PhD (UA), BSc(Hons) (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Archaeology)
Madan, S.; FRCPC, BSc
(UofC), MD (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Madhani, N.; BSc(Hons)
(LUMS), MBA (Leicester); Adjunct Instructor (Faculty of Education)
Madibbo, A.; MA
(Carleton), BA (U of K), PhD (U of T); Assistant Professor (Sociology)
Maes, M.A.; PEng
(APEGGA), BASc (Louvain), DEng (Louvain), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor
(Civil Engineering)
Magi, E.; FRCPC, MD (U
of T), BSc (UofC); Clinical Associate Professor (Oncology), Clinical Associate
Professor (Surgery)
Magierowski, S.C.;
MASc (U of T), PhD (U of T), BASc (Windsor); Assistant Professor (Electrical
& Computer Eng)
Magliocco, A.M.; FCAP,
FRCPC, MD (UofA), BSc (UofL); Associate Professor - Medicine (Oncology),
Associate Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Magne, M.P.R.; BSc (U
of T), PhD (UBC), MA (UofM); Adjunct Associate Professor (Archaeology)
Mah, J.K.; FAAP,
FRCPC, BSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Associate Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Mah, M.W.; FACP,
FRCPC, MPH (UNC), BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Clinical Associate Professor
(Department of Medicine)
Mahadev, K.N.; MSc
(IITM), BSc (Mysore), PhD (UofC); Instructor (Chemistry)
Mahalingham, A.M.; BSc
(UofA), MD (UofA), FRCSC (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Obstetrics &
Mahallati, H.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Radiology)
Maher, M.P.; PEng, PhD
(NWU), DComm(Hon) (St Mary’s), MBA (UWO), BSc(Eng) (UofS); Professor (Haskayne
School of Business)
Maher, N.P.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Mahinpey, N.; BSc
(IUT), MSc (Teheran), PEng (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor
(Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Mahoney, A.M.; BSc
(Dalhousie), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Psychology)
Mahoney, H.; MSc (UO),
Teach Cert (UofA), BPE (UofM), PhD (VU); Associate Professor (Faculty of
Mahoney, K.E.; LLM
(Cambridge), Diploma (IIDH), LLB (UBC); Professor (Faculty of Law)
Maier, D.B.; CCFP,
FRCPC, BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Maini, B.; PEng
(APEGGA), BTech (IITK), PhD (UW); Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Mains, P.E.; BSc (UC),
PhD (UW); Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor -
Medicine (Medical Genetics)
Maitland, A.; LRCP,
MRCP (RCP), FRCPC (RCPSC), BSc(Hons) (UofLondon), MB BS (UofLondon); Associate
Professor - Medicine (Cardiac Science), Associate Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
Majaesic, C.M.; MD,
PhD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Majzels, R.; MA
(Concordia); Associate Professor (Department of English)
Makhdoom, S.; BSc
(Punjabi), CCFP (UofC); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Malach, R.L.; MLSA,
DEdPostGrd (UofC), LLB (UofC), BSc (UofS), LLM (York); Instructor (Haskayne
School of Business)
Malach, S.E.; LLB
(UofC), LLM (York); Senior Instructor (Haskayne School of Business)
Malacrida, C.A.; PhD
(UofA), BA (UofC), MA (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Community Health
Malhotra, A.; BA (GW),
MCP (MIT), BA (StXavierCo), PhD (UM); Assistant Professor (Haskayne School of
Malo, D.; BSc (UdeM),
MSN (UdeM), PhD (UdeM); Assistant Professor (U of C Qatar Campus)
Manasc, V.; BArch
(McGill), BSc (McGill), MBA (UofA); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Environmental
Mandel, A.R.; Adjunct
Assistant Professor (Psychology)
Mannerfeldt, J.M.; MD,
MSc; Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine), Clinical Assistant
Professor (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
Mannion, C.A.;
MSc(Apl) (McGill), PhD (McGill), BA (Queen’s); Associate Professor (Faculty of
Manns, B.J.; MD (U of
T), FRCPC (UofC), BSc(Hons) (UofS), MSc (York); Associate Professor - Medicine
(Community Health Sciences), Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of
Mansell, D.A.; BN
(UofC), MN (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Mansell, D.J.; RN
(OttCivHosp), BA (Hons) (UofC), MA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Senior Instructor
(Faculty of Nursing)
Mansell, R.L.; BA
(UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor (Economics)
Mansoor, A.; FNIH,
LMCC, MABPath, MCPS, MB BS (PU); Associate Professor - Medicine (Pathology
& Laboratory Med)
Mansouri, S.M.; CCFP
(MUN), BSc (Queen’s), MD (Queen’s); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Manz, D.H.; PEng, PhD
(UofA), BSc (UofS), MSc (UofS); Adjunct Associate Professor (Environmental
Manzara, L.C.; MA
(SUNY), PhD (SUNY), BMus (UofC); Senior Instructor (Computer Science)
Manzo, J.F.; BA
(ReedColl), MSc (UW-Madison), PhD (UW-Madison); Associate Professor (Sociology)
Marangoni-Zuege, M.;
RN (Gr MacEwan), BN (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Marceau, D.J.; BSc
(Sherbrooke), MSc (Sherbrooke), PhD (Waterloo); Professor (Geomatics
Engineering), Chair, Geosp Info Sys & Enviro (Geomatics Engineering)
Marchand, C.; FRCPC,
MD (Sherbrooke), MD (UdeM); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Marchant, T.; PhD
(Trinity); Adjunct Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Marck, P.A.; Clinical
Associate Professor (Surgery)
Marcus, L.A.; FRCPC,
MB BS, MRCP; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Marcy-Edwards, D.L.;
DNEd (SelkirkCom), BSc(Nur) (UofA), MN (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Margrave, G.F.; PhD
(UofA), BSc (Utah), MSc (Utah); Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Markotic, L.J.; BA (U
of T), MA (York), PhD (York); Associate Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Marlett, N.J.; BA
(McMaster), PhD (OU), MA (U of T); Associate Professor - Medicine (Faculty of
Marr, H.K.M.; Clinical
Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Marshall, D.A.; BSc (U
of T), PhD (UNC), MHSA (UofA); Associate Professor - Medicine (Community Health
Sciences), Tier II-CRC Health Syst & Serv (Community Health Sciences)
Marshall, D.B.; MA
(Queen’s), BA (Hons) (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor (History)
Marshall, S.J.;
BASc(Hons) (U of T), PhD (UBC); Associate Professor (Geography), Tier II
CRC/Clim Change (Geography)
Martin, S.R.; FAAP,
FRCPC, BSc (UofC), MD (UofC); Professor (Paediatrics)
Martin, W.O.; FRCPC,
MRCP, MBBChBAO (UCD); Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Martin, Y.; MSc (UBC),
PhD (UBC), BA (Hons) (UWO); Associate Professor (Geography)
Martini, C.M.; Cert
(NTS), BFA (UofC); Adjunct Professor (Department of English), Professor
(Department of Drama), Department Head (Department of Drama)
Martinuzzi, R.; PEng,
DEng Sc (Erlangen), BEng(Hons) (McGill), MSc (Queen’s); Professor (Mechanical
& Manufacturing Eng)
Marzban, H.; BSc, MSc,
PhD; Research Assistant Professor (Cell Biology & Anatomy)
Marzlin, K.P.; Adjunct
Assistant Professor (Physics & Astronomy)
Maseka, D.N.; MSc (Medunsa),
BSc (Zambia), MB BS (Zambia); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Mash, E.J.; BA (CCNY),
PhD (FSU), MA (Temple); Professor (Psychology)
Mason, C.R.; FRCPC,
MD, MSc; Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
Mason, S.A.; FRCPC,
BSc (UofC), MD (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Massfeller, F.H.A.;
BSc(Hons) (LJMU), MA (UofA), PhD (UofA); Assistant Professor (Faculty of
Massolo, A.; DSc
(Firenze), MSc (Pisa), PhD (Siena); Assistant Professor (Ecosystem & Public
Mastag, H.D.; BA
(BYU), MA (BYU), PhD (UBC); Senior Instructor (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)
Mather, C.M.; PhD
(UofC), BA (Waterloo); Associate Professor (Anthropology)
Mathison, B.L.;
Diploma (UofC), MA (UofC), PhD (UofC), BA (UofS), BEd (UofS); Instructor
(Faculty of Education)
Mathison, R.D.; BSc,
PhD; Adjunct Associate Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Matsoukas, J.; BSc,
MSc, PhD; Adjunct Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Matthews, T.W.; FRCPC,
MD (U of T); Associate Professor - Medicine (Oncology), Associate Professor -
Medicine (Surgery)
Matyas, J.R.; BA
(Cornell), MSc (Cornell), PhD (UofC); Professor (Compar Biol & Experim
Maundy, B.J.; PEng
(APEGGA), PhD (TUNS), BSc (UWI), MSc (UWI); Professor (Electrical &
Computer Eng)
Maurer, F.O.; Diploma
(TUKL), PhD (TUKL); Professor (Computer Science)
Mawe, G.M.; PhD (OSU),
BSc(Hons) (PSU); Adjunct Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Mawji, A.; MPH (UofA),
BN (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Maxwell, C.J.;
BSc(Hons) (Waterloo), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Professor (Community
Health Sciences), Professor (Department of Medicine)
Maxwell, T.H.; MSc
(UO), BEd (UofA); Associate Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
May, P.L.; MBA (AU),
MEDes (UofC), BSc(Hons) (UofR); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Environmental
Maybaum, L.E.;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Mayer, B.; BSc (LMU),
MSc (LMU), PhD (LMU); Professor (Department of Geoscience), Adjunct Professor
(Physics & Astronomy)
Mayer, K.E.; FRCPC,
BSc (UofC), MD (UofC); Clinical Lecturer (Psychiatry)
Mayhew, W.J.; MD;
Clinical Associate Professor (Family Medicine)
Mayne, D.; BSc (UofC),
PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Civil Engineering)
Mayr, S.R.V.; MA
(UofA), BA (Hons) (UofC); Associate Professor (Department of English)
Mayrhofer, R.; CCFP,
MD (UofM); Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
McAllister, D.L.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD, MSc; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
McAllister, T.A.; BSc
(UofA), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofG); Adjunct Associate Professor (Physiology &
McCafferty, D.M.;
BSc(Hons) (Glasgow), PhD (Glasgow); Associate Professor (Physiology &
McCafferty, G.; MA
(SUNY, Bing), PhD (SUNY, Bing), BA (UC); Professor (Archaeology)
McCall, M.D.; CCFP,
MPH (Harvard), BSc(Hons) (UofA), MD (UofA); Adjunct Assistant Professor
(Community Health Sciences)
McCallum, P.M.; PhD
(Cambridge), BA (U of T), MA (U of T); Professor (Department of English)
McCaugherty, D.M.;
BFA(Hons) (UVIC), BEd (UofL), MFA (York); Associate Professor (Department of
McCauley, F.E.R.; PhD
(McGill), BSc (Ottawa), MSc (Ottawa); Professor (Biological Sciences), Tier l
CRC-Population Ecology (Biological Sciences)
McClelland, R.W.; PhD
(OSU), MPH (UMICH), MSW (UMICH), BSc (UW-Madison); Professor (Faculty of Social
McCombs, J.B.;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
McConnell, C.S.; MA
(UCDavis), BA (UCSB); Professor (Department of Art)
McConnell, I.E.; BA
(Hons) (U of T), LLB (UofC), LLM (UofC); Associate Professor (Faculty of Law)
McConnell, M.E.; Cert,
MLS (U of T), BA (York), MBA (York); Librarian (Libraries & Cultural
McCorkell, R.B.; DVM
(UofS), MSc (UofS), PhD (UofS); Senior Instructor (Compar Biol & Experim
McCoy, L.M.; BA (RU),
MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor (Sociology)
McCready, W.O.; BA
(CBC), MA (McMaster), PhD (McMaster), MREL (Wycliffe); Professor (Dept of
Religious Studies)
McCrimmon, A.W.; BA
(UofC), MA (York); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Education)
McCullough, D.T.; BA
(Hope), MA (NWU), MFA (NWU); Professor (Department of Drama)
McCullough, K.M.; BA
(Hons) (U of T), PhD (U of T), MA (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor
McDermid, G.J.;
BSc(Hons) (UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (Waterloo); Assistant Professor (Geography)
McDonagh, M.K.; BSc(Nur)
(UofA), MN (UofC), RN (VGH); Senior Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
McDonald, M.M.A.; BA
(Ottawa), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor (Archaeology)
McDougall, J.J.;
BSc(Hons) (Glasgow), PhD (Glasgow); Associate Professor - Medicine (Physiology
& Pharmacology)
McElheran, N.G.; DNEd,
BN (UofC), MN (UofC); Clinical Associate (Faculty of Nursing)
McFadden, S.D.P.;
FRCPC, MD (UofC), MSc (UofC), BSc (UofS); Clinical Assistant Professor
(Oncology), Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
McFarlane, S.;
BSc(Hons) (McGill), PhD (McGill); Professor - Medicine (Cell Biology &
Anatomy), Tier ll CRC-Develop Neurology (Cell Biology & Anatomy)
McGann, L.E.; MSc
(Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Adjunct Professor (Surgery)
McGehee, M.D.; MFA
(SFU), BA (UofC); Associate Professor (Program of Dance)
McGhee, J.D.; BSc (U
of T), PhD (UO); Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Tier l
CRC-Development Biology (Biochem & Molecular Biology)
McGibney, G.H.; PEng
(APEGGA), BSc (UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Professor (Electrical
& Computer Eng)
McGillis, R.F.; MA
(McMaster), PhD (Reading), BA (Hons) (U of T); Professor (Department of
McGillivray, M.D.; BA
(McGill), MA (McGill), BFA (NSCAD), PhD (U of T); Professor (Department of
English), University Professor (Department of English), Assoc Dean (Dev &
Research) (Faculty of Arts)
McGovern, C.H.; MD;
Clinical Associate Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
McGowan, D.M.; CCFP,
BMSc (MUN), MD (MUN); Clinical Associate Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
McGregor, E.S.; MSc
(UofC), PhD (UofC), BSc(Hons) (UofG); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Community
Health Sciences), Adjunct Assistant Professor (Oncology)
McIlwrick, J.G.;
FRCPC, LMCC, MSc (UofC), BSc (UofR), MD (UofS); Assistant Professor - Medicine
McIntyre, B.G.; FRCPC,
MD (U of T); Clinical Associate Professor (Anaesthesia)
McIntyre, L.L.L.;
FRCPC (U of T), MD (U of T), MHSc (U of T); Professor - Medicine (Community
Health Sciences)
McKay, D.M.; BSc(Hons)
(QUB), PhD (QUB); Professor - Medicine (Physiology & Pharmacology), Tier l
CRC-Intest Imm Hlth/Dis (Physiology & Pharmacology)
McKee, M.J.; BA
(Carleton), BA (Hons) (Carleton), PhD (Carleton), MA (Ottawa); Adjunct
Professor (Economics)
McKee, S.A.; LLB
(UVIC), MLIS (UWO), BES (Waterloo); Associate Librarian (Libraries &
Cultural Resources)
McKeen, J.A.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
McKenzie, C.D.;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
McKenzie, K.J.; PhD
(Queen’s), MA (UofC), BComm(Hon) (UofS); Professor (Economics), Department Head
McKenzie, L.S.; FAAP,
FRCPC, BSc (Queen’s), MD (UWO), MSc (UofC); Assistant Professor - Medicine
McKerlie, D.E.; PhD
(Oxford), BA (UofC), MA (UofC); Professor (Department of Philosophy)
McKinnon, J.G.; FRCPC,
MD (Dalhousie); Professor - Medicine (Oncology), Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
McLaren, L.A.; MA
(Concordia), BA (Hons) (SFU), PhD (UdeM); Assistant Professor - Medicine
(Community Health Sciences)
McLaughlin, A.M.; BA
(Queen’s), PhD (UofC), MSW (WLU); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
McLaughlin, K.J.;
MRCP, MB BS (Edinburgh), MSc (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Department
of Medicine), Asst Dean (Undergrad Med Ed) (Department of Medicine)
McLean, J.J.; Clinical
Lecturer (Family Medicine)
McLennan, J.D.; FRCPC,
LMCC, PhD (McMaster), MPH (PITT), Cert (RCSI), BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA);
Assistant Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Assistant Professor
- Medicine (Paediatrics), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Psychiatry)
McLeod, D.R.; FCCMG,
FRCPC, LMCC, BSc(Hons) (UBC), MD (UBC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Medical
Genetics), Associate Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
McLeod, L.J.; CCFP,
FRCPC, BSc (UofC), MD (UofC); Clinical Associate Professor (Community Health
McMaster, D.; BSc,
PhD; Adjunct Assistant Professor (Biochem & Molecular Biology)
McMeekin, J.D.; FRCPC,
MD (UofM); Clinical Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Professor
(Cardiac Science)
McMillan, C.J.;
DACVIM, DVM (WCVM), MVSc (WCVM); Instructor (Vet Clinical & Diagnostic
McMullan, W.E.; BA
(UBC), MBA (UBC), PhD (UBC); Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
McNeil, D.A.; Adjunct
Associate Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
McNeil, G.F.; Clinical
Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
McNeil, S.M.; MD
(McMaster), BSc (UofG); Clinical Assistant Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
McNicol, B.J.; BA
(SFU), MA (UVIC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Geography)
McPhalen, D.F.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
McRory, J.G.; BSc
(UofA), MEng (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Professor (Electrical & Computer
McTaggart Cowan, R.A.;
BMSc, BSc, FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
McWhae, J.A.; MD;
Clinical Associate Professor (Oncology), Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery)
McWhir, A.R.; BA (U of
T), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor (Department of English), Department
Head (Department of English)
Meadows, L.M.; MA
(UH), BA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Associate Professor (Sociology), Associate
Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences)
Medlicott, S.A.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Meeuwisse, W.H.; LMCC,
DSM (CASM), MPE (UBC), BA (UWO), MD (UWO), PhD (UofC); Professor (Faculty of
Megran, D.W.; FRCPC,
MB BS (McGill); Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine),
Associate Professor - Medicine (Microbiology & Infect Disease)
Mehrotra, A.K.; FCIC,
MEng (AIT), PEng (APEGGA), BEng(Hons) (BITSPilani), PhD (UofC); Professor
(Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Mehta, S.A.; PEng
(APEGGA), BEng (SPU), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor (Chemical &
Petroleum Eng)
Mei, S.; BSc (Peking),
DSc (Peking), MS (Peking), MSc (UofC); Adjunct Associate Professor (Department
of Geoscience)
Meier, L.U.; DABP,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Meiring, P.D.V.; MRCP,
MB BS (Wits); Clinical Professor (Department of Medicine)
Meisel, J.M.; Adjunct
Professor (Linguistics), Adjunct Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Melchior, L.J.; RN,
BSc(Nur) (UWO), MSN (UWO); Adjunct Associate Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
Meldrum, D.A.N.; MB
BS; Clinical Associate Professor (Cardiac Science)
Meldrum, J.M.; CCFP,
LMCC, MD (UofS); Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Mellor, J.; FACP,
FRCPC, LMCC, BSc (UBC), MD (UBC); Clinical Associate Professor (Department of
Melnyk, G.R.; MA (U of
T), MA (UC), BA (Hons) (UofM); Associate Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Melvill Jones, G.;
FRAES, FRSC, MA (Cambridge), MB BS (Cambridge); Adjunct Professor (Clinical
Mendaglio, S.; MEd
(McGill), BA (SFX), PhD (U of T), BEd (UdeM); Professor (Faculty of Education)
Mensink, F.J.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Mercader Florin, J.;
BA (Madrid), PhD (Madrid); Associate Professor (Archaeology), Tier ll CRC-Trop
Forest Arch (Archaeology)
Mercer, B.J.; BSc
(UofA), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Professor (Geomatics Engineering)
Merchant, N.; Clinical
Professor (Cardiac Science), Clinical Professor (Radiology)
Messier, G.; PEng
(APEGGA), PhD (UofA), MSc (UofC), BEng (UofS), BSc (UofS); Associate Professor
(Electrical & Computer Eng)
Metcalfe, D.G.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Metelitsa, Y.; DSc,
MD, PhD; Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
Metz, L.M.; FRCPC
(RCPSC), MD (UofC); Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences)
Mew, D.J.; FRCPC, PhD
(UBC), BSc (UofC), MD (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Oncology), Clinical
Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Meyer, D.A.; BA
(PENN), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Archaeology)
Meyer, R.O.; BA
(Lawrence), MSSG (MSU), PhD (UofC); Senior Instructor (Department of
Michaud, G.F.; DEA
(AixMarseil), BA (Laval), MA (Laval), PhD (Laval); Associate Professor
Midgley, J.P.; BA
(Hons) (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), MB BS (Oxford), DCH (RCP), MRCP (RCP), Cert
(U of T); Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Associate
Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Midha, R.; FRCPC, MD
(U of T), MSc(Adm) (U of T); Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences)
Miettunen, P.M.H.;
FAAP (AAP), FRCPC (Dalhousie), MD (McMaster), BA (U of T), FRCPC (UBC);
Assistant Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Migotti, M.H.; BA
(Hons) (Queen’s), MPhil (Warwick), PhD (Yale); Associate Professor (Department
of Philosophy)
Mihalicz, P.A.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Mikliaeva, E.I.;
Adjunct Professor (Compar Biol & Experim Medicine)
Mikrogianakis, A.;
MABP, FRCPC (Ottawa), BSc (U of T), MD (UWO); Associate Professor (Paediatrics)
Mildward, H.B.; MA
(OSU), PhD (OSU), BA (UK); Adjunct Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
Miles, J.J.; RPsych,
MSc (CSU), BSc (UNEB), PhD (UofC); Sr Counsellor (Professorial) (Student and
Enrolment Services)
Millar, K.R.; FRCPC,
BSc (U of T), MD (UWO); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Miller, B.A.; MA
(ASU), Cert (InterniDbr), BSc (PSU), Cert (SprachFrei), PhD (UM); Associate
Professor (Geography), Adjunct Associate Professor (Environmental Design)
Miller, L.J.; BA
(Carleton), MA (Carleton), PhD (York); Associate Professor (Sociology)
Miller, S.D.; BSc,
FRCSC, MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery)
Mills, C.; BSc(Nur)
(SFX), BA (UofC), Teach Cert (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Milne, L.; Clinical
Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Milone, E.F.; BA
(Columbia), MSc (Yale), PhD (Yale); Faculty Professor (Physics & Astronomy)
Milton, L.P.; DM
(Texas), BSc(Hons) (UofA), MSc (UofA), MBA (UofC); Associate Professor
(Haskayne School of Business)
Mintchev, M.P.; PEng
(APEGGA), BSc (TU-Sophia), MSc (TU-Sophia), PhD (UofA); Professor (Electrical
& Computer Eng), Adjunct Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Mintsioulis, S.;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Mintz, M.J.; FRCPC,
BSc(Hons) (Concordia), MD (UofC), Diploma (Vanier); Clinical Associate
Professor (Department of Medicine)
Mish, J.; CCFP (UofC),
MD (UofC); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Mitchell, D.B.; PhD
(McGill), MA (UBC), BA (UVIC); Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Mitchell, I.; DCH,
FRCPC, MRCP, MB BS (Edinburgh), MA (MedColMil); Professor - Medicine
Mitchell, J.R.; BSc
(UdeM), MSc (UofC), Ph.D (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Mitchell, J.R.; PhD
(UWO), BSc (UofR), MSc (UofR); Professor (Clinical Neurosciences), Professor
Mitchell, K.S.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Mitchell, L.B.; FRCPC,
BSc (UofC), MD (UofC); Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Professor
- Medicine (Cardiac Science)
Mitchell, P.C.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Mitchell, R.J.; FRCPC,
MD (UofA); Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Mitchell, V.L.; BSc
(FSU), MBA (FSU), PhD (FSU), BSc (OU); Associate Professor (Haskayne School of
Miyauchi, D.K.; FRCPC,
MD (UofA); Clinical Professor (Psychiatry)
Mladenova, O.M.; PhD
(BAS), BA (Bucharest); Professor (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)
Moazzen-Ahmadi, N.;
BSc (Ferdowski), MSc (UNT), PhD (UNT); Professor (Physics & Astronomy)
Mochniej, R.W.;
License (UMCS); Instructor (Program of Dance)
Mocquais, P.A.; DEA
(UFC), DEUG (UFC), MESL (UFC), PhD (UWO); Professor (French Italian &
Mody, C.H.; ABIM,
FRCPC, LMCC, MD (Queen’s); Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine),
Professor - Medicine (Microbiology & Infect Disease)
Mohamad, A.; PEng
(APEGGA), BSc(Eng) (Baghdad), MSc(Eng) (Baghdad), PhD (Purdue); Professor
(Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)
Mohamed Ismail, I.S.;
CSCN, FRCPC, LMCC, MABP, MABPN, MBBS (Alexandria); Assistant Professor -
Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Mohassel, P.; BSc
(UCDavis), PhD (UCDavis); Assistant Professor (Computer Science)
Mohtadi, N.G.H.;
FRCPC, LMCC, MSc (McMaster), MD (UofC); Clinical Professor (Surgery), Adjunct
Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Mollin, R.A.; PhD
(Queen’s), BA (Hons) (UWO), MA (UWO); Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Molnar, C.P.; MD;
Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Monk, D.; BA
(Carleton), BA (Hons) (Carleton); Associate Professor (Program of Dance)
Monnery, W.D.; PEng,
BSc (UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Associate Professor (Chemical &
Petroleum Eng)
Monroy Cuadros, F.M.;
BS MD (CMDR), MB BS (CMDR), MSc (UofC), Post Gradu (UofC); Assistant Professor
- Medicine (Surgery)
Monteros, M.A.; MA
(UCLA), BFA (Utah); Associate Professor (Program of Dance)
Montes Garces, E.; MA
(KU), PhD (KU), BA (UPN); Associate Professor (French Italian & Spanish)
Monteyne, D.P.; BA
(UBC), MA (UBC), PhD (UM); Assistant Professor (Environmental Design)
Montgomery, L.; BA
(Hons) (UofC), CCFP (UofC), MD (UofC); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Montgomery, M.D.;
FRCPC, LMCC, BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA); Clinical Associate Professor (Paediatrics)
Moore, A.M.; MA (CGU),
PhD (CGU), BA (Hons) (UofC), MA (UofC); Senior Instructor (Dept of Religious
Moore, M.C.; PhD
(Cambridge), BSc (HSU), MSc (UCDavis); Professor (VP (Research &
Moore, M.H.; BSc
(UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Social
Moore, R.A.; BSc, PhD;
Adjunct Associate Professor (Microbiology & Infect Disease)
Moore, R.D.; FRCPC,
MSc (UofA), BSc (UofS), MD (UofS); Associate Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
Moore, R.G.; PEng
(APEGGA), BSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng),
University Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Moore, The Hon., W.K.;
BA (UofA), LLB (UofA); Clinical (Faculty of Law)
Moorhead, G.B.;
BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), PhD (Queen’s); Professor (Biological Sciences)
Moorjani, V.; MD
(Bombay); Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Moorman, B.J.; BSc
(Carleton), PhD (Carleton), MSc (UofC); Professor (Geography), Department Head
Moralejo, L.C.;
BSc(Nur) (UBC), MSN (UBC); Instructor (U of C Qatar Campus)
Morck, D.W.; BSc
(UofC), PhD (UofC), DVM (UofS); Professor (Biological Sciences), Professor
(Compar Biol & Experim Medicine)
Morgan, J.C.; FACP,
FCCPM, FRCPC, MD (Queen’s); Clinical Assistant Professor (Cardiac Science)
Morgan, M.; CCFP, BSc
(UA), MD (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Morgan, P.; Diploma
(FoothillsH), BSc (Texas), MSc (Texas); Senior Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Morrall, J.F.; PEng,
BEng (Carleton), MSc (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Adjunct Professor
(Environmental Design)
Morris, D.G.;
BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), MSc (Queen’s), PhD (Queen’s), FRCPC (UofC), MD (UofC);
Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Associate Professor -
Medicine (Oncology)
Morris, G.L.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD, MSc, PhD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Morris, R.D.; BSc,
CCFP, MD; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Morrish, H.F.; MD;
Clinical Professor (Radiology)
Morrish, W.F.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD, MOM; Clinical Associate Professor (Clinical Neurosciences), Clinical
Associate Professor (Radiology)
Morrison, C.L.;
BSc(Nur) (Dalhousie), DNEd (VicHospNur); Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Morrison, D.; CSPQ,
DPS, MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
Morrison, G.D.; BSc
(BYU), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Professor (Computer Science)
Morrison, S.L.; CCFP,
MD (UBC), BSc (UVIC), BSc(Hons) (UVIC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Family
Morrow, L.H.L.; MLS
(UofA), BA (UofC); Assistant Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Mortis, G.P.; FRCPC,
MD, BSc (UofC), Unknown (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of
Morton, F.L.; BA (CC),
MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor (Political Science)
Moscovitch, A.; BSc,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
Mosher, D.P.; MRCPS,
D.M. (Dalhousie), BSc (MTA); Clinical Professor (Department of Medicine)
Moslow, T.F.; MSc
(Duke), BSc (SOTON), PhD (USC); Adjunct Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Moss, M.; BEd (UofC),
M.ED (UofC); Assistant Professor (Program of Dance)
Mothersill, K.J.; MA
(UWO), PhD (UWO), BA (Hons) (Waterloo); Adjunct Associate Professor
Mouat, A.F.; BA (UBC),
MFA (Utah); Associate Professor (Program of Dance)
Moules, N.J.; Diploma
(FoothillsH), BN (UofC), MN (UofC), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor (Faculty of
Mourad, W.A.; MB BS
(EinShams), BSc (lasalle-eg); Clinical Professor (Pathology & Laboratory
Mourali, M.M.; BBA (Concordia),
MSc(Adm) (Concordia), PhD (Concordia); Assistant Professor (Haskayne School of
Moussavi, M.; PhD
(ULouvian), Post Grad (ULouvian), MSc(Eng) (UofC), BSc (shirazu); Senior
Instructor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
Mozol, V.J.; BSc
(UVIC), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofC); Instructor (Chemistry)
Mrkonjic, L.A.; FRCPC,
MSc (UWO), BSc(Hons) (UofA), MD (UofA); Clinical Assistant Professor (Community
Health Sciences), Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Muelling, C.K.;
Spcl,Vet A, MD (FreeUBerln), DVM (Freie); Professor (Compar Biol & Experim
Medicine), Assoc Dean, Curriculum (Compar Biol & Experim Medicine)
Muench, D.G.; PhD
(UofA), BSc (UofS), MSc (UofS); Professor (Biological Sciences)
Muir, D.; Clinical
Lecturer (Psychiatry)
Muldrew, K.B.; BSc
(UofA), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Assistant Professor (Cell Biology &
Anatomy), Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Muller, L.R.; PhD
(UC), BSc (UofC), MEDes (UofC); Assistant Professor (Environmental Design)
Mulloy, R.H.; FRCPC,
LMCC, BSc (UBC), MD (UofC); Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery)
Mulvey, M.R.; BSc
(UofM), PhD (UofM); Adjunct Associate Professor (Microbiology & Infect
Disease), Adjunct Associate Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Murdoch, D.D.; PhD
(McGill), BA (Hons) (UofG); Adjunct Professor (Psychology)
Murphy, L.; CCFP, MB
BS; Clinical Lecturer (Oncology)
Murphy, M.; FRCPC,
LMCC, MB BS (SUN), MOM (SUN); Clinical Assistant Professor (Obstetrics &
Murphy, W.F.; BA,
FRCPC, MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Murray, A.M.; PEng
(APEGGA), PhD (QUnBelf), BSc (Wolverhamp); Adjunct Professor (Mechanical &
Manufacturing Eng)
Murray, D.F.; BArch (U
of T); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Environmental Design)
Murray, R.W.; PhD
(Munich), BA (SFU), MA (SFU); Professor (Linguistics)
Muruve, D.A.; FRCPC,
BSc (UofM), MD (UofM); Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Tier II
Chair CRC, I & KD (Department of Medicine)
Muscara, M.N.; MSc,
PhD, BSc (UBA); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Musiani, M.; LEcoBioHnr
(Siena), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor (Environmental Design)
Mustata, S.; MD
(Bucharest), FRCPC (U of T), Diploma (UofLondon); Assistant Professor
(Department of Medicine), Assistant Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Musto, R.J.; MD;
Clinical Associate Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Mydlarski, R.P.; DABD
(U of T), FRCPC (U of T), LMCC (U of T), MD (UofC); Assistant Professor
(Medical Genetics), Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Myers, K.A.; FRCPC, MD
(UBC), BSc (UofG); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Myers, R.P.; BSc
(McMaster), FRCPC (RCSI), MD (UWO), MSc (UofC); Associate Professor (Department
of Medicine)
Myhre, D.L.; CCFP,
FCFP, MD (UofA); Associate Professor - Medicine (Family Medicine), Assoc Dean
(Dist Learn & RI) (Family Medicine)