Cadel, F.; BA (Bologna), MA (Trieste), MA (Sorbonne), PhD (Sorbonne); Assistant Professor (French Italian & Spanish)
Caetano da Silveira, G.J.; BBA (UFRGS), MEng (UFRGS), PhD (Warwick); Associate Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Cai, W.C.; BA, MA (BFSU), PhD (NUS); Assistant Professor (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)
Caird, J.K.; BSc (UW), MSc (CU), PhD (UM); Professor (Psychology), Adjunct Professor (Anaesthesia)
Cairncross, J.G.; MD (UWO), FRCPC, MABPN; Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences), Department Head (Clinical Neurosciences), Chair Brain Tumour Research (Clinical Neurosciences), Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
Cairncross, S.W.; BSc(Hons) (Edinburgh), MD (UWO), CCFP; Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Cairns, S.L.; BA (Hons) (UofW), MA (UofM), PhD (UofM), RPsych; Associate Professor (Faculty of Education)
Caldwell, L.H.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
Calhoun, A.J.; BSW (UVIC), MSW (UH), PhD (UH); Associate Professor (Faculty of Social Work), Assoc Dean & Head, CNAR (Faculty of Social Work)
Calhoun, L.E.; BAMus (UA), MMus (MSU), MISt (UA), MLS (Indiana); Associate Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Callaghan, R.T.; MA (UofM), BA (Hons) (UofW), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor (Archaeology)
Cameron, A.; BSc, MD, CCFP; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Cameron, E.; BA (Hons) (Durham), DipArtHist (UofLondon); Professor (Department of Art), University Professor (Department of Art)
Cameron, G.I.; BA (Hons) (UON), MLitt (StAndrew’s), PhD (StAndrew’s); Associate Professor (Political Science)
Campbell, A.L.; BN (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Campbell, E.A.D.; MD (UofC), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Campbell, L.M.; BL, BA (UBC), MA (U of T), LLB (UBC), LLM (UBC), PhD (Berkeley); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Campbell, N.R.C.; BMSc (MUN), MD (MUN), DABIM, FACP, FRCPC, LMCC; Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Professor - Medicine (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Campbell, T.; BSc (Concordia), PhD (McGill); Associate Professor (Psychology), Adjunct Associate Professor (Oncology)
Campbell, V.C.; BA (U of T); Associate Professor (Department of Drama)
Campbell, W.G.; BSc (UofC), MSc (UofC), MD (UofA), CCFP; Clinical Associate Professor Family Medicine)
Candido, C.L.; BSc (UofA), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Psychology)
Cannon, C.K.; BA (Hons) (Queen’s), MA (Queen’s), PhD (Queen’s); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Psychology)
Cantell, M.H.; MA (JYU), PhD (LU), Grad Dip (Surrey); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics), Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Capusten, B.M.; MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Caputy, V.J.; BSW, MSW, PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
Carbone, J.C.; BA (Wesleyan), PhD (CU); Associate Professor (Economics), Associate Professor (VP (Research & International))
Card, C.C.H.; BSc(Hons) (Swansea), PhD (Swansea), PEng (APEGGA); Adjunct Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Card, C.M.; BSc (Acadia), BMSc (MUN), MD (MUN), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Card, R.T.; MSc (Queen’s), MD (Queen’s), FRCPC (RCPSC); Clinical Professor (Department of Medicine)
Cardwell, S.E.M.; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Carey, C.M.; BA (UBC), MD (UBC); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Carlson, K.V.; MD (UBC), FRCSC; Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Carlson, L.E.; BSc (UofC), PhD (McGill), CPSYCHOL; Associate Professor - Medicine (Oncology), Enbridge Res. Chr, Psych Oncol (Oncology)
Carlsson, A.M.; BA, BMSc, BSc, MD, FRCSC; Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Carlyle, D.M.; BES (UofM), MLA (UofM); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Environmental Design)
Carnini, A.; BSc(Hons) (Kent), PhD (UofC); Research Assistant Professor (Cell Biology & Anatomy)
Carpendale, S.M.; BSc (SFU), PhD (SFU); Professor (Computer Science), Tier ll CRC-Info Visualisation (Computer Science), NSERC/iCORE/Smart Tech In Res (Computer Science)
Carpenter, S.P.C.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
Carreiro, L.E.; BFA(Hons) (UofM), MFA (UofA); Associate Professor (Department of Art)
Carroll, S.E.; BA (Hons) (York), MA (UdeM), PhD (UdeM); Professor (Linguistics), Tier l CRC-Second Lang Studies (Linguistics)
Carruthers, L.; BA (Hons) (U of T), MA (Carleton), PhD (UC); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Carson, J.A.; BSc (UofM), MD (UofM); Clinical Assistant Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Cartar, R.V.; BSc (U of T), MSc (Queen’s), PhD (SFU); Associate Professor (Biological Sciences)
Carter, K.J.; ChB, MD (Otago); Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Carter, R.A.; BA (RMCC), MA (Queen’s), PhD (Queen’s); Adjunct Associate Professor (Economics)
Casebeer, A.L.; BA (UMICH), Cert (UMICH), MPA (Carleton), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences)
Casey, R.E.; BSc(Hons) (UofS), MSc (UofS), MD (UofS), LMCC; Associate Professor - Medicine (Medical Genetics), Associate Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Cassidy, M.R.; BSc, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Cassity, S.L.; BSc (UofA), MD (UofA), FRCPC, LMCC; Clinical Lecturer (Psychiatry)
Caswell, D.J.; BSc (UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC), PEng; Senior Instructor (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)
Caulkett, N.A.; MSc (UofS), DACVA, DVM (UofS); Professor (Vet Clinical & Diagnostic Scie), Department Head (Vet Clinical & Diagnostic Scie)
Causton, A.S.; BSc(Hons) (Greenwich), MSc (UBC), PhD (UBC), CCHEM, MRSC; Instructor (Chemistry)
Caveno, J.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Cavey, M.J.; BA (UVA), MSc (UW), PhD (UW); Professor (Biological Sciences)
Cawthorpe, D.R.L.; BSc (UWO), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Community Health Sciences), Adjunct Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Cebuliak, D.N.; BSc (UofA), MD (UofA), CCFP, MBBS; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Cenaiko, D.F.; Clinical Associate Professor (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
Ceri, H.; BSc (UofM), MSc (UofM), PhD (UofM); Professor (Biological Sciences), Adjunct Professor (Microbiology & Infect Disease)
Ceri, P.M.; RN, BN (UofM), MN (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Cey, E.; BSc (UofS), MSc (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo), PEng; Assistant Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Chaconas, G.; BA (CUNY), PhD (UofC); Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Tier l CRC-Mole Bio/Lyme Dis (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor - Medicine (Microbiology & Infect Disease)
Chad, A.F.; (UofC), MD (UofS), CCFP; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Chadee, K.; BSc(Hons) (UofW), MSc (UofM), PhD (McGill); Professor - Medicine (Microbiology & Infect Disease), Tier l CRC-Gastro Inflammation (Microbiology & Infect Disease)
Chalmers-Nixon, T.S.; BSc (UofA), MD (UofA), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Chambers, C.R.; BSP (UofM), MBA (UofC), Adjunct Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Chan, J.A.; BSc (Dartmouth), MD (McGill), FRCPC; Assistant Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Oncology), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Chan, J.S.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Chan, K.K.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Chan, N.I.; MD (UBC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Chan, S.C.; BSc(Hons) (HKU), MSc (U of T), PhD (UW); Adjunct Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Chan, T.W.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Chang, E.J.H.; BSc (UofM), MMath (Waterloo), MD (UBC), PhD (U of T), LMCC; Adjunct Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology), Adjunct Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Chang, P.C.E.; BA (NTU), MA (NTU), PhD (UI); Associate Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Chang, S.Y.; MD (UofC), FRCPC, LMCC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Chapman, A.G.; MD; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Chapman, D.S.; BA (Hons) (SMU), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Associate Professor (Psychology)
Chapman, O.; BComm (Windsor), BSc(Hons) (York), MEd (U of T), MSc (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor (Faculty of Education), Interim Associate Dean (Faculty of Education)
Charbonneau, F.C.; MD (UdeM), MSc (UdeM), FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Cardiac Science)
Chastko, P.A.; BA (UofC), MA (UofC), PhD (Ohio); Instructor (History)
Chau, J.K.; BSc (UofS), MD (UofS), FRCSC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Chaulk, D.C.; BSc(Hons) (MUN), MD, FRCPC, LMCC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Chawla, R.; BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA), CCFP, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Checkley, S.L.; DVM (UofS), PhD (UofS); Assistant Professor (Ecosystem & Public Health)
Chelikani, P.; BVScAH (APAU), MVSc (Acharya NG), PhD (UofA); Assistant Professor (Production Animal Health)
Chen, G.; BSc (SWJTU), MSc (SFU), PhD (SFU); Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Chen, G.; MD, MPH, PhD; Research Assistant Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Chen, J.; BEng (THU), MEng (THU), MScE (Texas), PhD (Texas); Assistant Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Chen, S.W.; BSc(Hons) (SJTU), PhD (UWO); Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor - Medicine (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Chen, Z.; BSc (Jiangxi), MSc (XJTU), PhD (Purdue); Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng), CMG Foundation Chair (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Cheng, T.; MSc (UofC), MD (PKU), FRCPC; Assistant Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
Cheng, Y.F.; BSc (Hunan), MSc (CAS), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng), Tier ll CRC-Pipeline Engg (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)
Chernos, J.E.; BSc (U of T), PhD (UofC), FCCMG; Associate Professor - Medicine (Medical Genetics)
Cheung, K.S.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Chew, J.H.; BA (Queen’s), MSW (WLU), PhD (UofA); Adjunct (Faculty of Social Work), Sr Counsellor (Professorial) (Student and Enrolment Services)
Chibry, N.R.; BSc (UNB), MSc (UofC); Instructor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Chick, A.E.; BA (Hons), MA; Adjunct Assistant Professor (Environmental Design)
Chik, J.K.; BSc (U of T), MSc (Princeton), PhD (Princeton); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Biochem & Molecular Biology)
Childs, S.J.; BSc (U of T), MSc (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Tier ll CRC-Angiogenesis/Genet (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Associate Professor - Medicine (Medical Genetics)
Chimirri-Russell, G.E.; BA (Hons) (Sheffield), BA (Hons) (UofC), MA (UofC); Curator (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Chinnappa, C.; BSc(Hons) (Andhra), MSc (Andhra), PhD (Waterloo); Professor (Biological Sciences)
Chivers, T.; BSc (Durham), DSc (Durham), PhD (Durham), FCIC, FRSC; Faculty Professor (Chemistry)
Cho, R.K.N.; BSc, MD, FRCSC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Clinical Neurosciences), Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Chojnacki, A.K.; BSc (UofA), PhD (UofC); Research Assistant Professor (Cell Biology & Anatomy)
Cholette, M.C.; DMD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Chomik, W.M.; BA (UofA), BArch (UBC), Adjunct Assistant Professor (Environmental Design)
Chong, M.P.; BASc (SFU), MD (SFU), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Choo, E.S.Y.; BComm(Hon) (Melbourne), ME (Melbourne), PhD (Yale); Associate Professor (Economics)
Chou, S.H.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Chow, B.P.; BSc(Hons) (UofC), MSc (UofC), MD (UofC), FRCPC, LCPSA, LMCC; Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Chow, G.C.H.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Chow, H.P.; BA (Hons) (U of T), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Adjunct Associate Professor (Sociology)
Chow, J.D.; Diploma (Gr MacEwan), Diploma (MRC), BN (UofC), RN, BSc (UofC), MN (UofC), PhD (CU); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
Chow, P.C.; MD, CCFP; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Chrisohou, R.; MD (UofC), CCFP; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Christopher, V.L.; Cert (SFU), BFA (UBC), Cert (UBC), MA (UBC); Instructor (U of C Qatar Campus)
Chrusch, C.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics), Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Chrusch, C.; BSc (UofM), MSc (Harvard), MD (UofM), FRCPC, LMCC, RCPSC; Clinical Associate Professor (Critical Care Medicine)
Chu, A.; BSc (UBC), MSc (UBC), PhD (UBC); Associate Professor (Civil Engineering)
Chu, P.; BSc (Brandon), MD (UofM), FRCPC; Assistant Professor - Medicine (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
Chua, G.; BSc (UBC), MSc (UBC), PhD (Queen’s); Assistant Professor (Biological Sciences)
Chua, J.H.; BSc (USC), MSc (SU), PhD (UMICH); Professor (Haskayne School of Business), Professorship of Family Bus. (Haskayne School of Business)
Chuang, H.T.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
Chun, R.; BSc(Hons), MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Chung, K.; BSc (Queen’s), MSc (Queen’s), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Church, D.L.; MD (UofC), PhD (UofC), ABMM, FRCPC; Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Church, J.R.; BA (Hons) (UofC), PhD (UC), Professor (Economics)
Church, K.L.; BA (Hons) (UofR), MA (UofR), PhD (U of T); Adjunct Associate Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Church, N.G.; BSc (UofC), MD (UofC), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Churchill, R.C.; BA (GW), MA (UW-Mlwke), MSc (UW-Mlwke), PhD (UW-Mlwke); Adjunct Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Chychota, N.; BSc(Hons) (UofM), BMSc (UofM), MD (UofM); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Ciccocioppo, A.L.; BA (Hons) (UofM), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA), CPSYCHOL; Counsellor (Professorial) (Student and Enrolment Services)
Ciubotaru, S.; MD (Bucharest); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Clancy, T.L.; BN (UofC), MN (UofC), DNEd (FoothillsH); Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Clark, A.J.M.; BSc, MD; Clinical Professor (Anaesthesia)
Clark, A.L.; BSc (LboroughU), PhD (UofC); Assistant Professor (Surgery), Assistant Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Clark, A.W.; BSc (Davidson), MD (Duke); Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences), Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Clark, C.G.; BA (UofS), MA (FGI), MA (UofR), PhD (FGI); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Clark, D.J.; MBBS, MRCP; Clinical Associate Professor (Paediatrics)
Clark, E.T.G.; MVSc (UofS), DVM (UofG); Adjunct Professor (Vet Clinical & Diagnostic Scie)
Clark, P.D.; BSc(Hons) (Hull), PhD (Hull); Professor (Chemistry)
Clark, R.B.; MSc, PhD; Research Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Clark, S.L.; BSc(Nur) (Ryerson), MSc (Wales); Instructor (U of C Qatar Campus)
Clark, S.M.; BSc (UBC), MD (UBC); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Clark, T.; RN (MRC), BN (UofC), MN (UofC); Clinical Associate (Faculty of Nursing)
Clark, V.; BN (UofC), BSc (UofC), MD (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Clarke, B.G.; BN (UofC), BSc (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Nursing)
Clarke, H.E.M.; BA (Hons) (UofS), MA (SHU), MLS (UofA); Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Clarke, I.M.C.; ChB, MB; Clinical Associate Professor (Anaesthesia)
Clarke, K.A.; BA (UofM), LLB (UofM), MLS (UofA); Adjunct Librarian (Faculty of Law), Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Clarke, M.A.; BSc(Eng) (UofC), PhD (UofC), PEng (APEGGA); Assistant Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Clarke, M.E.; BASc (UofG), MD (McMaster), FRCPC; Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics), Fraser Mustard Chair Child Dev (Paediatrics), Professor - Medicine (Psychiatry)
Clarke, M.T.; BA (Wesleyan), MA (Iowa), PhD (Iowa); Associate Professor (Department of English)
Clarkson, C.; BASc (UBC), MASc (UBC), PhD (UBC), PEng (APEGGA); Professor (Department of Geoscience), EnCana Chair UnconventionalGas (Department of Geoscience)
Clearsky, L.; MD (UofM), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Community Health Sciences), Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Clegg, R.L.; BSc (UofM), BSc(Hons) (UofM), MD (UofM); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Clement-Chomienne, O.; BSc, MSc, PhD; Adjunct Assistant Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Cloutier, C.; BSc (UVIC), MLIS (UofA); Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Clyde, J.V.; MA (UofA), MLIS (UofA), BA (Hons) (UofC); Associate Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Coad, D.E.; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Coates, D.E.; BA (UofS), MA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor (Department of English)
Cobb, J.A.; BSc (Utah), PhD (UT); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
Cobb, J.A.; BA (UT), PhD (UT); Assistant Professor (Biological Sciences)
Cochrane, R.M.; BSc (MUN), BEd (UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (York); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Cockett, J.R.B.; BA (Warwick), PhD (Leeds); Professor (Computer Science)
Code, B.W.; BA (Hons) (Queen’s), MA (Rennes), LLB (McGill), Diploma; Adjunct Professor (Faculty of Law)
Coderre, S.P.; MSc, LMCC (OU), MD (Ottawa), FRCPC; Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Asst Dean (Undergrad Med Ed) (Department of Medicine)
Coffin, C.; BSc(Hons) (MUN), MSc (MUN), MD (MUN), FRCPC; Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Cohen, A.F.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Cohen, H.B.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Department of Medicine)
Cohen, J.M.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Cardiac Science)
Cohen, J.S.; BSc(Hons) (UofC), MCrim (UofC), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Cohen, R.S.; Grad Dip, BArch (McGill); Adjunct Associate Professor (Environmental Design)
Colarusso, G.; BSc, MSc, PhD; Research Associate Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Cole, G.; BSc (McGill), MA (U of T), PhD (Ottawa); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Cole, G.K.; BSc(Eng) (UofC), PhD (UofC), PEng; Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Cole, J.H.; BSc(Hons) (Bristol), MSc (Sheffield), PhD (McGill); Adjunct Librarian (Faculty of Medicine), Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Cole, M.J.; MD; Clinical Lecturer (Department of Medicine)
Cole, W.C.; BSc(Hons) (U of T), MSc (U of T), PhD (McMaster); Andrew Fam Prof Cardiovas Res (Pharmacology & Therapeutics), Professor - Medicine (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Coleman, H.D.J.; BSW (Laurentian), MSW (Windsor), PhD (Utah); Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
Colicos, M.A.; BSc (McMaster), MSc (McMaster), PhD (McGill); Associate Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Coll, P.G.; DABPN, ECFMG, FRCPC, LMCC, MBBChBAO (NUI); Clinical Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
Collingridge, R.L.; BA (BYU), MD (UofA), CCFP; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Collins, D.G.; BSW (Laurentian), PhD (U of T), MSW (Windsor); Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
Collins, J.R.; BA (UCLA), MSc (USC), PhD (UC); Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Collins, M.J.; BSc(Eng) (UNB), MSc (UBC), PhD (York), PEng; Associate Professor (Geomatics Engineering)
Collins, N.D.; BSc (UofC), MD (UofC), CCFP; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Colohan, H.A.; BA, MB BS, FRCPC; Clinical Lecturer (Psychiatry)
Colpitts, G.W.; Diploma (SAIT), BA (UofC), MA (UofC), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor (History)
Colwell, D.D.; BSc (UofL), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofG); Adjunct Professor (Production Animal Health)
Comm, D.G.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Anaesthesia)
Conaty, G.T.; BA (Hons) (UofA), MA (MUN), PhD (SFU); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Archaeology)
Conlon, J.M.A.; BSc (UNCL), PhD (Sussex); Adjunct Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Conly, J.M.; MD (UofS), CCFP, FACP, FRCPC; Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Department Head (Department of Medicine), Professor - Medicine (Microbiology & Infect Disease), Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Connelly, M.S.; BSc, MB BS, MRCP; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Assistant Professor (Cardiac Science)
Conner-Spady, B.L.; BSc, MN, PhD, RN; Research Assistant Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Connors, M.R.; BMSc (MUN), MD (MUN), FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Anaesthesia)
Cook, A.J.; BSc (UWO), MD (UWO), FRCSC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Cook, D.R.; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Cook, F.A.; BSc (UW), MSc (UW), PhD (Cornell); Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Cook, J.A.; MSc (Laval), BPE (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Cook, L.S.; BSc (Iowa), MSc (UW), PhD (UW); Research Associate Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Cooke, D.L.; BSc (Birmingham), MBA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Cooke, L.J.; BSc(Hons) (UWO), MSc (UWO), MD (UofC), FRCPC; Assistant Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences), Asst Dean (Fac Dvlp, Med Ed) (Clinical Neurosciences)
Cooke, S.R.; BEd (UofR), MSc (UofA); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Cooney, N.P.; BTh, Diploma, MA; Adjunct Lecturer (Psychiatry)
Cooper, F.B.B.; BA (UBC), MA (Duke), PhD (Duke); Professor (Political Science)
Cooper, L.; BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), MSc (U of T), Cert (ABO), CPQuebec (CPSQC), MD (McGill), Cert (RCPSC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
Cooper, N.D.; MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Coorssen, J.R.; BSc(Hons) (Brock), MSc (Brock), PhD (McMaster); Adjunct Professor (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Adjunct Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Copen, J.V.W.; BSc (UofM), BSc(Hons) (UofM), MD (UofM), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Coppola, G.E.; BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA), CCFP; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Corbet, K.J.; BSc (UBC), MD, CCFP, FRCPC, LMCC; Clinical Associate Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Corenblum, B.; BSc (UofA), MD (UofA), FRCPC; Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Cork, S.C.; BPhil (Massey), BVSc (Massey), PhD (Massey), Post Gradu (VUW); Professor (Ecosystem & Public Health), Department Head (Ecosystem & Public Health)
Cormack, J.; Adjunct Assistant Professor (Anthropology)
Corriveau, A.E.; BSc (Concordia), MBA (Laval), MD/ChM (McGill), FRCPC; Clinical Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Coskuner, G.; BSc (METU), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Adjunct Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Costa Sousa, M.; BSc (UCP), MSc (PUC), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor (Computer Science)
Costello, F.; MD, FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Clinical Neurosciences), Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery)
Costello, K.A.; BSc(Hons) (UofC), MD (UofA); Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Cottrell, T.J.; BA (UW), PhD (UC); Associate Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Couch, E.W.; BSc (ACU), PhD (PITT); Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Coutts, S.B.; BSc(Hons) (Edinburgh), MB BS (Edinburgh), MD (Edinburgh), FRCPC, MRCP; Assistant Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Radiology)
Cowe Falls, L.; BA (Hons) (Carleton), MASc (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Associate Professor (Civil Engineering)
Cowell, J.W.F.; BSc, MD, MSc, FRCPC; Clinical Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Cowie, R.L.; MB BS (UCT), MSc (McGill), MD (UCT), FACCP; Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Cox, R.G.; MB BS (UofLondon), FRCA, FRCPC, LMCC, MRCP; Professor - Medicine (Anaesthesia)
Cox, S.P.; MBBS; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Cragg, G.W.; BA (Hons) (UVIC), MA (McMaster); Senior Instructor (Faculty of Arts)
Craighead, P.S.; MB BS; Clinical Professor (Oncology), Department Head (Oncology)
Cram, B.S.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Cramb, D.T.; BSc (UBC), PhD (UBC); Professor (Chemistry), Adjunct Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Cran, S.P.; BSW (UofC), MEd (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Medicine)
Crawford, A.M.; MBBS; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Crawford, M.; Adjunct Associate Professor (Faculty of Education)
Creasey, J.R.R.; BSc (UofC), MSc (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Environmental Design)
Creelman, T.J.; BA (UofC), MEDes (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Environmental Design)
Creighton, D.E.; BA (Hons) (BSC), MA (BSC), PhD (Queen’s), CPSYCHOL; Research Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Crepeau, B.A.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Crichton, A.S.C.; MD; Clinical Professor (Surgery)
Crichton, S.E.; Cert, BSc (CSU), MA (SFU), PhD (USYD); Associate Professor (Faculty of Education)
Crocker, C.; BSc (USD), MEd (UofA), PhD (UVIC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Crockford, D.N.; BS MD (UofA), MD (UofA), FRCPC; Associate Professor - Medicine (Psychiatry)
Crook, J.M.; BA (UVIC), MEd (UofC), BEd (UofS), RPsych; Counsellor (Instructor) (Student and Enrolment Services)
Cross, D.P.; MA, MD/ChM, PhD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Cross, J.C.; PhD (MU), DVM (UofS); Professor (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor (Medical Genetics), Professor (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), Professor (Compar Biol & Experim Medicine), Assoc Dean (Res & Grad Ed) (Compar Biol & Experim Medicine)
Crowder, R.; BSW (Carleton), MSW (Carleton); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
Crowshoe, L.J.; BSc (UofA), MD (UofA), CCFP; Assistant Professor - Medicine (Family Medicine)
Crozier, S.D.R.; BEd (UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC), CPSYCHOL; Sr Counsellor (Professorial) (Student and Enrolment Services)
Crutcher, R.A.; BSc (UofG), MD (UofC), CCFP, LMCC; Professor - Medicine (Family Medicine)
Csizmadi, I.; BA (Ryerson), MSc (UdeM), PhD (McGill); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Community Health Sciences), Adjunct Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Csorba, T.R.; MD, MSc, PhD; Clinical Associate Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Cuk, A.S.; BSc (UBC), MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Cullen, C.L.; BSc (MTA), MVSc (UofS), DVM (PEI), DACVO (UofS); Associate Professor (Vet Clinical & Diagnostic Scie)
Culleton, B.F.; Adjunct Associate Professor (Department of Medicine)
Culman, K.N.; BA, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Culos-Reed, N.S.; BA (UBC), MSc (UO), PhD (Waterloo); Associate Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Culver, R.L.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Culver, T.D.; BA (Hons) (Queen’s), MD (UofA), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Cummings, H.M.; Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Education)
Cundal, C.; MB BS (UofA), MD (UofA), FRCPC; Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Cunning, L.R.; MA, MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Family Medicine)
Cunningham, C.L.; MSc (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Cunningham, J.; PhD (McGill); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Archaeology)
Cunningham, S.M.; BA (UofL), MA (UofA); Director Native Centre (Student and Enrolment Services)
Currie, G.R.; BComm (UofS), MA (Yale), MPhil (Yale), PhD (Yale); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Currie, P.J.; BSc (U of T), MSc (McGill), PhD (McGill); Adjunct Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Currie, S.R.; BSc (Dalhousie), MA (Carleton), PhD (Ottawa); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Psychology), Adjunct Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
Curry, D.; BA (UofS), MD (UofC), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Curtin, S.L.; BA (Hons) (McGill), MA (USC), PhD (USC); Associate Professor (Linguistics), Associate Professor (Psychology)
Curtis, M.J.; MD, ABIM, FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Associate Professor (Cardiac Science)
Cushman, R.; BA (Princeton), PhD (Princeton); Adjunct Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Cutbill, J.W.; BEng, MSc, CCFP, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Czub, M.R.; DVM (Freie), PhD (JLUG), Dr Habil (Wuerzburg); Professor (Microbiology & Infect Disease), Professor (Production Animal Health)
Czub, S.; DVM (FreeUBerln), PhD (FreeUBerln); Adjunct Professor (Production Animal Health)