Babins, E.M.; CCFP, BSc (McGill), MSc (U of T), MD (UofC); Clinical Associate Professor (Family Medicine)
Bacchus, C.M.M.; FRCPC, Cert (Harvard), MD (U of T), MSc (U of T); Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Bach Paterson, K.M.; BSc(Nur) (UBC), MN (UofC); Clinical Associate (Faculty of Nursing)
Back, T.G.; DIC, BSc(Hons) (McGill), MSc (McGill), PhD (McGill); Professor (Chemistry)
Backlin, S.A.; CCFP, MD (U of T); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Badawy, W.; PEng, BSc (Alexandria), MSc (Alexandria), PhD (LSU), MSc (Lafayette); Associate Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
Badescu, A.; BSc(Hons) (AcaRomana), BSc(Hons) (Bucharest), MSc (UWO), PhD (UWO); Assistant Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Badry, D.E.; BSW (UofC), MSW (UofC), PhD (UofC); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
Bagheri, M.A.; BSc (PetroInd), MSc (Teheran), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Bahlis, N.J.; ABIM, FRCPC, MABMO, MD (SJU); Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Associate Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
Baig, L.A.; PhD, MB BS (Karachi), MPH (OU); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Bains, J.S.; BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), MSc (Queen’s), PhD (Queen’s); Associate Professor - Medicine (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Bakal, D.A.; BA (UofM), MA (UofM), PhD (UofM); Clinical Professor (Department of Medicine)
Bakardjieva, M.P.; MA (Sofia), PhD (BAS), PhD (SFU); Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Baker, J.A.; BA (Hons) (Oxford), BPhil (Oxford), MA (Oxford), PhD (Oxford); Associate Professor (Department of Philosophy)
Baker, L.; MD (McMaster), CCFP (UofC), BN (UofL); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Baker, R.O.; PEng, BSc (UofA), MSc (UofC); Adjunct Associate Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Bakshi, D.; FRCR, MB BS (MU); Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Balakrishnan, J.; APICS, PhD (Indiana), BEng (Nagpur), MBA (UGA); Professor (Haskayne School of Business), Assoc Dean (Acad,Prior & Plan) (Haskayne School of Business)
Balaton, J.L.; CCFP, FRCPC, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Ball, A.E.; MD; Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Balogh, A.G.; BSc, MD, MSc; Clinical Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Banage, C.L.N.; BSc, MB BS; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Bancroft, J.C.; Adjunct Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Bands, C.J.; ChB, FRCPC, MB; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Banfield, A.C.; BA (Hons) (McMaster), MA (McMaster); Instructor (Political Science)
Banijamali, H.S.; FRCPC, BSc (UofC), MD (UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Assistant Professor (Cardiac Science)
Bankes, N.D.; BA (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), LLM (UBC); Professor (Faculty of Law), Chair, Natural Resources Law (Faculty of Law)
Bannister, S.L.; FRCPC, BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), MEd (U of T), MD (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Banting, P.; PhD (UofA), BA (UofM), Cert Ed (UofM), MA (UofM); Associate Professor (Department of English)
Barabas, A.Z.; Diploma, FRCVS, MSc, PhD; Adjunct Associate Professor (Surgery)
Barber, A.W.; BA (UI), PhD (UW-Madison); Associate Professor (Dept of Religious Studies)
Barber, D.F.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Barber, K.A.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Community Health Sciences)
Barber, P.A.; FRCPC, MRCP, MB BS (Sheffield), MD (Sheffield); Associate Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences)
Barclay, R.M.R.; MSc (Carleton), PhD (Carleton), BSc(Hons) (Trent U); Professor (Biological Sciences)
Barkema, H.W.; DVM, PhD (Utrecht); Professor (Community Health Sciences), Professor (Production Animal Health), Department Head (Production Animal Health)
Barker, K.E.; PhD (UofA), BSc (UofC), MSc (UofC); Professor (Computer Science), Department Head (Computer Science)
Barlow, C.A.; BSW (UofC), MSW (UofC), PhD (UofC), BA (Hons) (UofS); Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
Barlow, K.M.; MRCP, MB BS (Edinburgh); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)
Barnard, C.B.; FRCPC, MD (UofS); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Barr, S.G.; FRCPC, BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), MD (Queen’s), MSc (Queen’s), MSc (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Barrette-Ng, I.B.; BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), MSc (UdeM), PhD (UofA); Instructor (Biological Sciences)
Barrie, D.P.; BA (UofC), MA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Political Science)
Barrow, J.L.; BA (UofC), BSc (Durham), MD (Durham); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Barry, D.J.; BA (SFX), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (JHU); Professor (Political Science)
Barry, M.B.; PhD (Natal), BScSu(Hon) (UCT), MBA (UCT); Professor (Geomatics Engineering), John Holmlund Chair LTCS (Geomatics Engineering)
Bartley, B.; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Bartley, N.R.; BSc (UofC), MSc (UofC), PEng (APEGGA); Senior Instructor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
Barton, M.; MD (CU), CCFP (UofC); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Barton, P.M.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Basic, D.; ABIM, BSc (McGill), MSc (U of T), MD (U of T); Clinical Assistant Professor (Cardiac Science)
Basinger, M.; BSc, MD; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Baskin, L.B.; BSc, MASc, MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Bass, S.; MSc, MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Department of Medicine)
Bassyouni, H.A.; FRCPC, MD, MD (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Bastien, B.J.; BA (UofL), BSW (UofC), MSW (UofC), PhD (UC); Associate Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
Bates, L.M.; BSc (SFU), MA (UC), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Bathe, O.F.; FRCPC, MSc (UBC), MD (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Oncology), Associate Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
Batycki, F.; BA (UofL), MA (UofC), PhD (UofC); Instructor (Department of English)
Bauer, K.E.; BA (Vassar), PhD (UI); Assistant Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Bauer, M.L.; BSc (Williamete), PhD (UI); Associate Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Bauman, J.; MB BS, FRCSC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Baumgartner, T.; MSc (Uni-Bonn), PhD (Uni-Bonn); Associate Professor (Chemistry)
Bauwens, L.; BEng (FreeUBruss), MBA (FunGetulio), MASc (UBC), PhD (Berkeley), PEng (APEGGA); Professor (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)
Bawa, H.H.H.; MB BS, MRCPsych; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Baxter, C.L.; BSc(Hons) (UofC), MD (UofA), FRCPC, LMCC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Baxter, H.A.; CCFP, MD (U of T); Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Baylis, B.W.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Baynton, M.E.; BA (UVIC), MSW (UofC), PhD (UofC); Instructor (Faculty of Social Work)
Bazant, F.J.; MB BS; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Beattie, T.L.; BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Associate Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
Beatty, S.D.; BA (UofC), Mced (UofC), BLISc (U of T); Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Beaty, B.H.; BA (Carleton), MA (McGill), PhD (McGill); Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Beauchamp, B.; BSc (UdeM), MSc (UdeM), PhD (UofC); Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Beaudry, P.P.; BSc (UVIC), MD (UofC), MSc (UofC), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Beaulieu, E.C.; BA (Hons) (UofM), MA(Econ) (Carleton), MPhil (Columbia), PhD (Columbia); Associate Professor (Economics)
Beaulieu, P.R.; BA (UofC), BComm (UofA), PhD (UW); Associate Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Bebb, D.G.G.; FRCPC, BSc (Cambridge), MB BS (Oxford), PhD (UBC); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
Bech-Hansen, N.T.; BSc(Hons) (UBC), MSc (UBC), PhD (UofS); Professor - Medicine (Medical Genetics), Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
Beck, C.A.; BA, BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), MSc, PhD, MD (UofC), MASc (Waterloo), FRCPC; Assistant Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Assistant Professor - Medicine (Psychiatry)
Beck, P.L.; BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), Cert (RCSI), MD (UofC), PhD (Queen’s); Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Beck, T.; LLD (Hons) (UofC); Adjunct Professor (Environmental Design)
Becker, W.J.; FRCPC, BS MD (UofM), BSc (UofM), MD (UofM); Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences), Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Beemer, B.R.; BSc(Hons) (Trent U), MN (UofC), Diploma (VCC); Adjunct Lecturer (Psychiatry)
Behie, L.A.; BESc (UWO), MESc (UWO), PhD (UWO), FCIC, FRSC, PEng (APEGGA); Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng), Tier l CRC-Biomed/Biochem Engg (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Behjat, L.; BSc (Teheran), MSc (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo), IEEE, PEng; Assistant Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
Behm, A.R.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Department of Medicine)
Belanger, F.P.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Belardetti, F.; MD (StUMilan), PhD (Pisa); Adjunct Associate Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Belenkie, I.; FRCPC, BSc (McGill), MD (McGill); Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Professor - Medicine (Cardiac Science)
Belenky, M.; MD (SPSMA); Clinical Assistant Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Belke, D.D.; BSc (UofA), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofA); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Bell, A.G.; BA (UofA), MMus (UofA); Professor (Department of Music)
Bell, D.M.; MMus (RCM London); Professor (Department of Music)
Bell, G.D.; BSc (UofA), MD (UofA), FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery), Adjunct Associate Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Bell, K.E.; BA, MB BS, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Bell, R.B.; BSc (UofA), MD (UofA), FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Belland, L.; MSc (McMaster), BSc (UofA), MD (McMaster); Clinical Assistant Professor (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
Bellehumeur, C.T.; BEng (UdeM), PhD (McMaster), PEng (APEGGA); Associate Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Bello-Espinosa, L.E.; MD (UNIMETRO); Clinical Associate Professor (Paediatrics)
Belostotski, L.; BSc (UofA), MSc (UofA), PhD (UofC), IEEE, PEng (APEGGA); Assistant Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
Bender, D.J.; BSc(Hons) (UofR), PhD (Carleton); Adjunct Associate Professor (Biological Sciences), Associate Professor (Geography)
Benediktsson, H.; MD (Iceland), FRCPC, CAND PHIL (Iceland); Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Benitez Rodriguez, E.B.; BA (ITESM), Post Grad (ITESM); Instructor (French Italian & Spanish)
Benjamin, J.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Lecturer (Psychiatry)
Bennett, B.; Adjunct Associate Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Bennett, S.; BA (Hons) (Kent), MA (McMaster), PhD (McMaster); Professor (Department of English), University Professor (Department of English)
Bennion, L.E.; BSc (NEU), MD (UBC), CCFP; Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Benoit, W.L.; BSc(Hons) (MUN), PhD (UofC); Instructor (Chemistry)
Benson, B.D.; CCFP, LMCC, MBBS (UCT); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Bentley, L.R.; BA (Hamilton), MSc (UH), PhD (Princeton); Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Benzies, K.M.; BSc(Nur) (UVIC), MN (UofA), PhD (UofA), DNEd (SIAST); Associate Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
Beran, T.N.; BA (UBC), MSc (UofM), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences)
Berchuk, M.; BSc, MD (Ottawa), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Bercuson, D.J.; BA (Hons) (SGWU), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor (History), University Professor (History)
Berdan, R.C.; BSc(Hons) (UWO), MSc (UWO), PhD (Baylor); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Cell Biology & Anatomy)
Bergen, R.W.; BA (Brock), MCS (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Berger, B.J.; BSc (UBC), PhD (UNC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Microbiology & Infect Disease)
Bergerson, J.A.; BSc(Hons) (UWO), MSc (CMU), MEng (U of T), PhD (CMU), ASCE, IAEE, ISIE; Assistant Professor (Chemical & Petroleum Eng)
Bergman, J.S.; MD (U of T), CCFP; Associate Professor - Medicine (Family Medicine)
Beriault, M.T.; MD, CCFP, FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Anaesthesia)
Bering, M.P.; BMSc, MD; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine), Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Berka, N.; BSc, MSc (HU), PhD (HU); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Berkelaar-Bailey, M.J.; BSc(Hons), MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Berlin, R.; BSc (UofA), MD (UofA), CCFP; Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Berlinguette, C.P.; BSc (UofA), PhD (TAMU), Assistant Professor (Chemistry), Chair in Energy Conversion (VP (Research & International))
Bermudez-Barrios, N.I.; BA (MLU), MA (UA), PhD (KU); Associate Professor (French Italian & Spanish)
Bernbaum, S.; CCFP, MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Bernier, F.P.J.; BS MD (UofM), BSc(Hons) (UofM), MD (UofM), FRCPC, LMCC; Associate Professor - Medicine (Medical Genetics)
Bershad, D.L.; A.B. (Stanford), PhD (UCLA); Professor (Department of Art)
Bertazzon, S.; PhD (UofC), LAUREA (Venice); Associate Professor (Geography)
Berthiaume, L.B.; BSc (Ottawa), MD (Ottawa); Clinical Assistant Professor (Critical Care Medicine)
Bertolin Cebrian, R.; MA (Valencia), PhD (Freiburg); Associate Professor (Dept of Greek & Roman Studies)
Bertram, J.E.A.; BSc (UBC), MSc (UBC), PhD (UC); Professor - Medicine (Cell Biology & Anatomy)
Besant, J.E.; BA, MD, CCFP, FRCPC; Clinical Lecturer (Psychiatry)
Besner, J.F.; RN (StJphsRN), BSc(Nur) (UofA), MHSA (UofA), PhD (UofA); Adjunct Associate Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
Bethune, D.J.; MD; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Betzner, M.J.; BMSc (UofA), MD (UofA), FRCPC; Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Beveridge, J.; MD (UofS), FRCPC; Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Beverley, L.M.; BN (UofC), MN (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Faculty of Nursing)
Bezdek, K.; CSc (HAS), DSc (HAS), PhD (ELTE), Dr Habil (ELTE); Professor (Mathematics & Statistics), Tier l CRC-Comp Discrete Geom (Mathematics & Statistics)
Bhanji, N.; BSc (UofA), Cert (UofA), MD (UofA), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Bhatla, S.; MD/ChM (McGill), CCFP (MUN); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Bhayana, D.; Clinical Associate Professor (Radiology)
Bhayana, S.; BSc (UofW), MD (UofM); Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Biddle, F.G.; BSc(Hons) (Windsor), MSc (Windsor), PhD (UBC); Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor - Medicine (Medical Genetics)
Bieda, M.; BA (Harvard), PhD (Stanford); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology)
Bierman, A.E.; BSc (UO), MA (UM), PhD (UM); Assistant Professor (Sociology)
Biernaskie, J.A.; BSc (UofL), PhD (MUN); Assistant Professor (Compar Biol & Experim Medicine)
Binder, S.K.; BPE (UofA), MD (UofC), FRCPC (UofC); Clinical Lecturer (Psychiatry)
Binding, P.A.; BA (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), PhD (Cambridge); Professor (Mathematics & Statistics), University Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Bird, D.A.; Adjunct Assistant Professor (Biological Sciences)
Birdsell, D.C.; MD, FRCSC; Clinical Professor (Surgery)
Birkett, L.D.; MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Birss, V.I.; BSc(Hons) (UofC), PhD (Auckland); Professor (Chemistry), Tier 1 CRC-Electrochemistry (Chemistry)
Bischak, D.P.; BMus (UMICH), MSc (UMICH), PhD (UMICH); Associate Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Bishop, P.W.; Diploma (MON), Grad Dip (Deakin), MEd (Tasmania), PhD (Tasmania); Associate Professor (Faculty of Education)
Bismar, T.A.; MD (Damascus); Associate Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Associate Professor - Medicine (Oncology), Associate Professor - Medicine (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Bisztriczky, T.; BSc(Hons) (McMaster), MSc (McMaster), PhD (U of T); Professor (Mathematics & Statistics), Department Head (Mathematics & Statistics)
Bjornson, C.L.; BSc, MSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Black, S.; BSc(Hons) (Acadia), DVM (UofG), Post Gradu (UofG); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Ecosystem & Public Health)
Blackwood, J.S.; BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), MD (UWO), FRCPC (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Blahey, W.B.; MD, FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Associate Professor (Oncology)
Blair, K.M.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Bland, B.H.; BSc (UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UWO); Professor (Psychology)
Blue, G.G.; BSc (UofS), MA (UofC), PhD (UNC); Assistant Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Blustein, P.K.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Department of Medicine)
Boag, G.S.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Radiology)
Bockmuehl, C.P.; MD, CCFP; Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Bodner, G.E.; BA (Hons) (UofW), MSc (UVIC), PhD (UVIC); Associate Professor (Psychology)
Bodor, R.C.; BSW (UofC), MSW (UofC), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor (Faculty of Social Work)
Bohac-Clarke, V.E.; BEd (UofL), BSc (UofS), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor (Faculty of Education)
Boiko, I.M.; MSc (Tula State), PhD (Tula State); Adjunct Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
Boiteau, P.J.E.; BSc (Laval), MD (Laval), FRCPC; Professor - Medicine (Critical Care Medicine), Department Head (Critical Care Medicine)
Boivin, M.A.; BComm (UofC), MBA (McGill); Instructor (Haskayne School of Business)
Bok, C.; BA (Carleton), MA (Carleton), PhD (York); Associate Professor (Department of English)
Bonni, S.; BSc (U of T), MSc (Queen’s), PhD (Queen’s); Associate Professor (Biochem & Molecular Biology)
Boon, S.D.; BA (Hons) (UofA), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo); Associate Professor (Psychology)
Boorman, R.S.; BSc (UofC), MD (UofC), MSc (UofC), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery), Clinical Assistant Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Boras, V.F.; BMSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Boridy, I.C.; MD (McGill), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Bos, L.P.; BSc (U of T), MSc (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Bosch, J.D.; BMSc (UofA), MD (Dist) (UofA), FRCSC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Bosetti, B.L.; BEd (UofA), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Professor (Faculty of Education)
Bosse, E.; BSc (Laval), MSc (Laval), PhD (Laval); Adjunct Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
Botting, J.D.; BSc (UWO), MAPL (USQ); Instructor (U of C Qatar Campus)
Bouchard, J.A.; MD (Ottawa), FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Clinical Neurosciences), Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery)
Boucher, P.; BSc (Ottawa), MD (Ottawa), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Assistant Professor (Critical Care Medicine)
Boucher, S.A.; MB BS; Clinical Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Boulter, C.H.; Cert, BEd (U of T), BA (UofA), MEd (UofA); Senior Instructor (Faculty of Education)
Boulton, J.; MD (UofM), FRCPC; Clinical Professor (Paediatrics)
Boumaiza, S.; Dip NatEng (PolyMtl), MSc (PolyMtl), PhD (PolyMtl); Adjunct Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
Bourne, G.B.; BA (Drew), MSc (ISU), PhD (ISU); Assoc Dean (Undergrad Pol) (Faculty of Science), Associate Professor (Biological Sciences)
Boutin, M.J.; BArch (UBC), BES (UofM), MA (UofC); Associate Professor (Environmental Design)
Bowal, P.; BComm (UofA), LLB (York), LLM (Cambridge); Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Bowen, F.E.; BA (Hons) (Oxford), MA(Econ) (NEU), PhD (Bath); Associate Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Bowen, T.J.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Professor (Paediatrics)
Bowen, V.C.; BSc (Edinburgh), MB BS (Edinburgh), MD (Edinburgh), FRCPC; Clinical Professor (Surgery)
Boyar, M.A.; BSc (McGill), MD (UofC), CCFP; Clinical Lecturer (Oncology)
Boyce, J.R.; BSc (MSU), PhD (UC); Professor (Economics)
Boyce, M.A.; BA (Hons) (Queen’s), MA (Queen’s), PhD (UVIC); Instructor (Psychology)
Boyd, J.E.; BSc (UofC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UBC); Associate Professor (Computer Science)
Boyd, M.A.; BA (UofC), MLS (UWO); Associate Librarian (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Boyd, S.K.; BEng (UVIC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC), PEng (APEGGA); Associate Professor (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng), Associate Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Boyes, M.C.; BA (UBC), MA (UBC), PhD (UBC); Associate Professor (Psychology)
Boysen, S.R.; DACVECC (Tufts), DVM (UofS); Associate Professor (Vet Clinical & Diagnostic Scie)
Bradley, J.S.; MD (Queen’s), CCFP; Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine)
Brady, R.J.; BSc (UofC), MSc, PhD (CalTech); Adjunct Associate Professor (Department of Geoscience)
Brager, N.P.D.; MD (UofC), FRCPC, LMCC; Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Associate Professor - Medicine (Psychiatry)
Brain, M.C.; MA, MD; Honorary Professor (Biochem & Molecular Biology)
Brain, P.H.; BA, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
Brake, E.E.; BA (Oxford), MLitt (StAndrew’s), PhD (StAndrew’s); Associate Professor (Department of Philosophy)
Bramwell-Wesley, V.H.C.; BSc (UofLondon), MB BS (UofLondon), PhD (Manchester), FRCPC, LRCP, MRCP; Clinical Professor (Department of Medicine), Clinical Professor (Oncology)
Brandschwei, F.H.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Brannigan, A.; BA (U of T), MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Professor (Sociology)
Bratishenko, E.; Diploma, MEd, MA (U of T), PhD (U of T); Associate Professor (Germanic Slavic East Asian St)
Brauer, C.A.; BSc (UofA), MSc (York), MD (UofC), FRCPC; Assistant Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
Braun, A.; BSc (Frankfurt), MSc (Frankfurt), PhD (Frankfurt); Adjunct Associate Professor (Geomatics Engineering)
Braun, A.P.; BSc (UofS), PhD (UofS); Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Braun, J.E.A.; BSc(Hons) (UofS), MSc (UofS), PhD (UofC); Associate Professor - Medicine (Cell Biology & Anatomy), Associate Professor - Medicine (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Braun, T.C.; BSc (UofC), MD (UofC), LMCC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Family Medicine), Clinical Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Braverman, E.; MSc (PSU), PhD (USU); Associate Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Bray, R.C.; BSc(Hons) (UofC), MD (UofC), FRCPC, LMCC; Professor - Medicine (Surgery), Adjunct Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Breitman, K.E.; BSc(Hons) (UofM), FACCP; Adjunct Associate Professor (Oncology), Adjunct Associate Professor (Radiology)
Brenken, B.A.; BSc(Hons) (U of T), MA (PENN), PhD (PENN), Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Brennan, P.H.; BA (Hons) (UofR), BSc (UofS), MA (UofR), PhD (York); Associate Professor (History)
Brennan, R.W.; BSc (UofC), PhD (UofC), PEng (APEGGA); Associate Professor (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng), Assoc Dean (Acad Plan & Res) (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)
Brenner, J.L.; BASc MD (McMaster), FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Paediatrics)
Brent, D.A.; BA (Hons) (UBC), MA (Carleton), PhD (UBC); Professor (Faculty of Arts), Assoc Dean (Academic) (Faculty of Arts)
Brewis, C.; BA, MSc (Utah), PhD (Utah); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Psychology)
Bridge, P.J.; BSc (Manchester), PhD (UofR), FCCMG; Professor (Medical Genetics), Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Bridges, R.J.B.; BSc(Hons) (UofC), MD (UofC); Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Assoc Dean Clinical Affairs (Department of Medicine)
Briere, M.; RPsych, BSc (UdeM), MPS (UdeM), PhD (UdeM); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Oncology), Adjunct Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Briks, A.L.; BA (York), MA (Concordia), Grad Dip (Concordia); Clinical Associate (Faculty of Nursing)
Brilz, B.V.; BSc (UofC), MD (UofC); Clinical Lecturer (Family Medicine)
Brindle, M.E.; BA (Yale), MD (Dalhousie), FRCPC (RCPSC); Assistant Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
Bristowe, B.J.; MD; Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Brockton, N.T.; BSc(Hons), PhD; Adjunct Assistant Professor (Oncology)
Brook, W.J.; BSc(Hons) (Queen’s), PhD (UofA); Associate Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Associate Professor - Medicine (Medical Genetics)
Brooke, K.; BA (UofS), MA (Reading); Instructor (U of C Qatar Campus)
Brookes, J.T.; MD (UBC), FRCSC; Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Brooks, B.L.; BSc (UofL), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Clinical Neurosciences), Adjunct Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Browder, L.W.; BA (CU), MSc (LSU), PhD (UM); Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
Browman, G.P.; BSc, MB BS, MSc, FRCPC; Adjunct Professor (Oncology)
Brown, C.A.; BA (York), LLB (Windsor), LLM (Dalhousie); Professor (Faculty of Law)
Brown, C.B.; BSc (Ottawa), MD (Ottawa), FRCPC; Professor - Medicine (Biochem & Molecular Biology), Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine), Professor - Medicine (Oncology)
Brown, D.A.; BA (Queen’s), MPE (Ottawa), PhD (UWO); Associate Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Brown, D.F.; BA (McGill), MA (UofC), PhD (UC); Associate Professor (Faculty of Arts), Associate Professor (Faculty of Arts)
Brown, D.W.; Adjunct Assistant Professor (Physics & Astronomy)
Brown, H.A.; BSc (Waterloo), MD (UWO), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Brown, J.C.; BSc (UofA), MSEE (Queen’s), PhD (UofC); Assistant Professor (Physics & Astronomy)
Brown, J.L.S.; BSc (UofM), MSc (Columbia), MArch (Texas), Professor (Environmental Design), Assoc Dean (Research) (Environmental Design)
Brown, J.S.; BME (WSU), MM (U of R), DMA (OSU), Cert; Professor (Department of Music)
Brown, K.; BA (PSU), MA (PSU), PhD (PSU), Diploma (UB); Professor (French Italian & Spanish)
Brown, L.N.; BA (UVIC), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Adjunct Assistant Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Brown, T.G.; BSc(Hons) (Edinburgh), MEng (McGill), PhD (UofC), PEng (APEGGA); Professor (Civil Engineering)
Brownell, A.K.W.; MD (Queen’s), FRCPC; Professor - Medicine (Clinical Neurosciences), Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Bruce, C.J.; BA (Hons) (UVIC), MA (Carleton), PhD (Cambridge); Professor (Economics)
Brudnyi, A.; BSc, MSc(H), PhD (TIITech); Associate Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Bruecks, A.K.; MD, FRCPC; Clinical Associate Professor (Pathology & Laboratory Med)
Bruen, A.; BSc (TCD), MSc (TCD), PhD (U of T); Adjunct Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
Brunet, W.G.; MD (Queen’s); Clinical Assistant Professor (Radiology)
Bruton, L.T.; BSc(Hons) (UofLondon), MEng (Carleton), PhD (UNCL), PEng (APEGGA); Faculty Professor (Electrical & Computer Eng)
Bryant, T.J.; BA (Hons) (Laurentian), MBA (UBC), PhD (UBC); Associate Professor (Haskayne School of Business)
Bryce, T.L.; BSc, MD, FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Anaesthesia)
Brydges, B.J.; BA (UofC), MA (UofC), MLS (UofA); Associate Librarian (Faculty of Education)
Brzezinski, W.; MD, FRCSC; Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Buchan, A.M.; BA (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), BA (Oxford), BM BCh (Oxford), FRCPC, MRCP; Research Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Buchanan, R.; BA (UofC), MA (UofC), PhD (McMaster); Instructor (Department of Philosophy)
Buckley, K.L.; BA (U of T), MA (UofC), Diploma; Associate Archivist (Libraries & Cultural Resources)
Buckley, R.E.; BSc (UofC), MD (UofC), FRCPC; Clinical Professor (Surgery)
Budiman, R.A.A.; BASc (U of T), MASc (U of T), PhD (U of T), PEng (APEGGA); Associate Professor (Mechanical & Manufacturing Eng)
Bugar, J.M.; BSc (UBC), MD (UBC), FRCPC, LMCC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Buie, W.D.; BSc (UofC), BSc (UofA), MD (UofA), MSc (UofA), DABS, FACS, FRCPC; Associate Professor - Medicine (Oncology), Associate Professor - Medicine (Surgery)
Bulanda, C.S.; BSc, MD; Clinical Lecturer (Surgery)
Bullard, J.C.; BN (UofC), MN (UofC); Clinical Associate (Faculty of Nursing)
Bulloch, A.G.M.; BA (Hons) (Cambridge), MA (Cambridge), PhD (Wales); Professor - Medicine (Community Health Sciences), Professor - Medicine (Physiology & Pharmacology), Professor - Medicine (Psychiatry)
Bultz, B.D.; BA (SGWU), MA (UC), PhD (UC); Adjunct Professor (Psychology), Adjunct Professor (Oncology), Adjunct Professor (Psychiatry), Adjunct Professor (Surgery)
Buntain, B.J.; BSc (UH), MSc (UH), DABVP, DACVPM, DVM (CSU), Professor (Community Health Sciences), Asst Dean(Gov’t &Internal Rel) (Ecosystem & Public Health), Professor (Ecosystem & Public Health)
Burak, K.W.; BSc (UofS), MSc (UofC), MD (UofS), FRCPC; Associate Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Burback, D.C.; MD (UofS), FRCPC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
Buret, A.G.; BSc (UNINE), Diploma (UNINE), License (UNINE), MSc (UofC), PhD (UofC); Professor (Biological Sciences), Adjunct Professor (Physiology & Pharmacology)
Burger, J.M.; BA (OSU), MEd (UofA), PhD (UofA); Adjunct Associate Professor (Faculty of Education)
Burgess, E.D.; MD (UofM), DABIM, FRCPC, FSMB, LMCC; Professor - Medicine (Department of Medicine)
Burgess, G.; MD (UCT), FCCPM (UofC), MRCP (UofC); Clinical Assistant Professor (Paediatrics)
Burgess, I.R.; BA (UofM), MD (UofM); Clinical Associate Professor (Paediatrics)
Burgess, J.J.; Clinical Associate Professor (Cardiac Science), Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery)
Burkart, B.C.; MD, FRCSC; Clinical Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Burke, M.D.; BSc (Concordia), MA (York), PhD (Carleton); Professor (Mathematics & Statistics)
Burke, R.C.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Surgery)
Burness, R.J.; RN, BN (UofC), MN (UofC); Clinical Associate (Faculty of Nursing)
Burrowes, P.W.; MD; Clinical Associate Professor (Radiology)
Burton, J.M.; Clinical Assistant Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Busby, P.; BA (U of T), BArch (UBC), FRAI, MRAIC; Adjunct Associate Professor (Environmental Design)
Busche, K.D.; BSc (McGill), MD (UWO); Clinical Associate Professor (Clinical Neurosciences)
Butterwick, D.J.; BA (UofL), MSc (Indiana); Associate Professor (Faculty of Kinesiology)
Butzner, J.D.; BSc (HSC), MD (UVA), FRCPC; Professor - Medicine (Paediatrics)